♢The Truth of The Tower of Heaven♢

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"Natsu, are you sure this is the right way?" Lucy questioned, turning around to face the dragon slayer though she sweat dropped after seeing him barfing out of the boat.

The three other wizards all stared in disbelief, Faith face palming with a small sigh. Originally, they entrusted Natsu to lead them to where Happy and Erza were taken. Though when they all decided to take a boat, they forgot the small bit of information that Natsu gets motion sickness.

"You are so lame!" Gray exclaimed with an irk mark on his head. "Pull yourself together dumbass!"

"How dare you betray my dear Gray's expectations?!" Juvia chipped, her gaze murderous towards the pink haired mage.

Finding no point in lecturing him, Faith sighed uncomfortably as she looked down at her dress with a sigh. Lucy and her didn't have time to change so they had to go in their dresses.

The blonde noticed the girls discomfort in the dress, giving the girl a small nudge.

"If we have time and costs are clear, I'll ask Virgo to get us a change of clothes," she said with a wink making Faith grin.

"Lucy you're a lifesaver!" the dual haired girl exclaimed as the other girl smiled at her.

Juvia and Gray stared at them, slightly confused.

The mood then became heavy as they started talking about Erza and the people who took her and Happy.

"They said they were old friends of Erza," Lucy told the three, looking down at the boat. "We don't really know much about Erza ourselves..."

Silence eloped them, Faith biting the inside of her cheek before sighing, catching everyone's attention.

"Even though we don't know much about Erza as we thought, she's still apart of Fairy Tail," she said with a small smile. "She's still family."

Gray and Lucy smiled slightly at the girls statement as Juvia looked at all of them surprised. Is this what a guild is meant to be like? The blue haired woman thought.

Suddenly, Natsu stood up in alert at the same time Faith felt a shift in the air causing her to focus on her surroundings. Her eyes widened.

"What is this ominous feeling?!" Natsu questioned, catching the rest of the wizards on the boats' attention.

"Natsu, look at the birds," Faith said, making all the mages look in the sky.

Their eyes widened seeing birds that were once happily flying, dropping into the ocean lifelessly one by one.

"What in the world?" Gray questioned out loud before the boat bumped into something causing all of them look down.

Their eyes widened when they saw fish floating above the sea, dead.

"The fish too?!" Faith gasped, sweat dripping down her face slightly before she looked around, her eyes landing on a torn up Fiore flag. "Something's off here."

Natsu then looked in front, nudging Faith as he tilted his head up in a small motion. "Look, over there."

In front of the mages in the far distance, is a tall, mysterious looking building, so high that it looks like it's reaching the sky.

"T-The Tower of Heaven!" Lucy exclaimed in shock.

When the five of them arrived on shore near the tall construction, they noticed guards surrounding it all over.

"They sure have a lot of lookouts..." Gray said, annoyance evident in his voice.

"Wanna charge at 'em?" Natsu said with a small grin though Faith whacked him in the shoulder as Lucy started scolding him.

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