Faint hint [20]:

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"I asked Chanyeol uncle to send someone worthy to teach my husbands. They need to be enough themselves to defend against 100 people alone. We can't be conscious enough. He said yes. But appa one thing I have in mind for a while and I wanted to discuss with you. (kai nods) Father he is your childhood friend... He helped me while I was in need and now he is lending hand for my husbands.. I owe him a lot.. We owe him a lot.. He helped us when you, mom, brother were beaten up and in coma, he looked after me and also nourished you three to health... He is my teacher, mentor and guide. I want to pay him back but me talking to him about how to offer him Remuneration can appear as rude... So talk to him.. we can make amends now..." the news of queen turning maniac traveled fast and reached to the Kim house, so Kai and jennie came to meet their daughter. They know for sure something that big has happened that made their composed daughter lose her footing. While discussing what should be their next step, Nasya brings up this thought that has been eating her up for a while.

Nasya's parents especially her mom has been all over Taehyung ensuring his health, how is he, is he thinking too much over it; consoling him saying they are here; They are one family and no one can touch one of them without losing their life before. After repeatedly saying and assuring them that both Nasya and Taehyung are fine, the elder Kims left for their house with a carriage that Nasya send them in with some loyal guards to ensure their safety.


"can I sleep with you"

To say Nasya wasn't shocked would be an understatement; she was scared out of her wit. Its past midnight suddenly someone opens your bedroom door and shakes you up asking whether they can sleep with you or not! But she composes herself fast not to freak the guy out. With a fake cough she asks gently, "how?" she sits up a bit hoisting herself on her right elbow.


"I mean how you want to sleep with me?" Namjoon stirs by her side but Taehyung is long dead hugging her waist.

"umm. Cuddles." He says very shyly.

Seeing him shy, a very sweet and gentle smile adores Nasya's face. "sure. Come here." Namjoon who was sleeping at the left side of Nasya shifts a bit and lifts one side of blanket for him to scoot inside beside her.

Kook has been reluctant to share a bed with Nasya. He took his time as his wife is very considerate of his feelings that he is very grateful of, neither his brothers questioned him why he has been staying only in his room. Now sleeping beside Nasya, all the thoughts that has been running in his head the whole day even when he was among crowd came rushing back.

When even Taehyung left behind Nasya, Jungkook wanted to accompany them, wanted to talk or maybe not. He was suffocating, wanted to let it out but didn't know how to because he didn't even know what he was feeling to begin with. When the throne room got empty as people leave for their respective home and places and some army came and clean the mess, Namjoon had to swallow up every vile or overwhelming emotion he was feeling because the ministers needed someone to guide them. Nasya and Taehyung already left and Jungkook was lost in his head staring at the empty hall with empty eyes so Namjoon took it on himself to be composed and perform the royal duty as a king.

Jungkook being left alone, strolled towards his room. He entered his bathroom sat on the dry tub, pressing his knees to his chest and rocked himself to pacify and calm himself down. When nothing worked he opened the tap and got drenched under the water flow. After hours of sitting there, he could finally word it down what he was feeling the whole day. He was shocked and scared, fearing his life, maybe next time he can be the target. What if that time the betrayers were not caught and he is already killed. What if he can never experience moments of love and care with Nasya and his brothers with whom he found the long lost home filled with cheers and compassion. Life is too unpredictable and time is too short to waste away. Drying himself up and eating a banana and apple he chugged down a glass of water. He didn't pay attention to the diet he just consumed, he just wanted to fill his crying tummy. He took his pillow and hugged it, and then he slowly got out of his room. It's already late at night. He was in water for too long. Hope he doesn't fall sick over night, but he shrugged off his thoughts because the only thought that is worthy of his time right now is taking a step towards his relationship with Nasya. He knows he only needs to step forward for Nasya is waiting other side with open arms.

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