Probation: (9)

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Nasya silently observes his face. She liked seeing namjoon so sincere. With a smile she says, "I thought about it too. I had a talk with my father. He advised me to look into all the sides. I made it clear from the very beginning that I don't love you yet, so I can't guarantee you over love affections because I am not familiar with it. Only couple I saw in life is my parents so that all is my knowledge. So I would suggest a probation period and see whether we can work it out? What is your suggestion in this?"

"Thank you for being so considerate towards me queen. Thank you so much" namjoon stand up and does 90 degree bow in indebtedness.

"That's settled then namjoon" hearing the soft voice of the queen and his name from her lips without any honorific feels so new and warm. he likes the feelings of closeness with the queen.

"Yes queen. I will take my leave then your majesty." Namjoon was about bow once again but, "no! Don't bow. You are my supposed partner. Don't bow before me and call me by my name."

"No queen that will rude of me. I can't call you by your name."

"Ok if you insist, then I will let it go for now, but in future you have to call me by my name of course when you would want to, for now you can call me yours." Hearing corny and cheesy flirty line namjoon blushed furiously. Seeing namjoon's red checks and neck nasya realises she put her words wrongly but she isn't regretting the result not even a bit. She bits her lips to prevent herself from smiling fully.

After fake coughing she adds more, "what I meant was you can call me as 'my queen' or 'my majesty' if that's ok for you only."

"It's ok my queen." He mumbles shyly, "I like the sound of it."

"Ok then. See you soon namjoon." She asks tilting her head. Namjoon nodding his head leaves the office room still furiously blushing with lots of butterflies in his stomach.


It's evening namjoon has been thinking hard : now what? How should he behave? Queen from the very beginning said she doesn't love him so it's his job to take charge in this relationship because he wanted it. But how should he approach it. Should he plan a date? But how and where? He knows no one. He doesn't even know about places much. He is frustratated. Uggggghh. It's almost dinner time too.

"i am hopeless. I am sooooo hopeless. God forbid making another me. Namjoon let's do one thing. Let's look presentable so that i look attractive. Yes. Yes i should do it." With new found determination he started going through his wardrobe.

"what should i wear? I don't have cloths." Poor namjoon really doesn't have many cloths; they are basically of taehyung and jungkook's. He is petrified to go outside for shopping and he doesn't know how to call for royal tailor because he isn't royal to begin with. Even taehyung and jungkook are not royals anymore, so he never thought of cloths much before now. Now that he wants to impress the queen he doesn't know what to do anymore. Finally he settled with the one of the taehyung's dress. He showers and then styles his hair good. After checking himself for few times he goes out of his room to down stairs.

Nasya is going downstairs for dinner after her royal guard hwasa informs her so. While going down on the stairs she notices her reflection on the wall mirror designs. She stops, looks at herself, suddenly conscious how she is looking. She sets her hair a bit, then moves towards the dining table. Once arrived what she first notice is namjoon has dressed himself up visibly; also the fact that he is nervous. She felt lips twitched up a little. She takes her seat on the head chair then asks namjoon to sit right side of her. Joon takes the seat shyly. Poor taehyung and jungkook, they have been confused for past 15 mins seeing namjoon all worked up and nervous and dressed up and now they are getting more confused each passing sec. Failing to hold back his curiosity jungkook asks, "what's going on? Why namjoon hyung is dressed up? You are looking good but why? Why queen asks you to seat beside her suddenly? What's going on if you don't mind asking me?"

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