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The air in the capital after autumn is still obviously hot and dry. The afternoon sun shines down on the earth, shining brightly on people's bodies. It doesn't take a while for people under the sun to sweat through their clothes.

"Why haven't you come back yet? Didn't you say you would arrive today?" Wang Laoer, who lives on the street, stretched out his hand to wipe his forehead, bringing down a wet patch of sweat. He wiped it with his sleeve and fanned it with his wide sleeve. wind.

"I mean I'm coming back today, but it's only noon, what's the rush?" Butcher Liu next door passed by, looked up at the sky, and said coolly.

"Shit! You are alone and have nothing to say or manage. My brother is still in the Dingbei Army. If he is still alive, he should be back today." Wang Laoer glared, but after he finished speaking, his eyes remained the same. Looking eagerly in the direction of the city gate.

It has been seven years since the Dingbei Army went on an expedition and fought against the barbarians in Beizhou for so many years. Now that they have returned in triumph, it is natural to imagine how heavy the casualties were. Every year the Dingbei Army wins the battle, but so many people die every year that it makes people really unhappy.

Butcher Liu curled his lips when he saw this, and finally said: "I told you that you should go home and wait first. How can such a big event as Dingbei's army entering the city remain silent? Besides, with your small body, The sun is very bright today, don't go to the hospital before anyone is there."

Wang Laoer also knew that Butcher Liu meant well, but he really couldn't let it go. He and his brother had been close friends since childhood. Later, when Dingbei Army was recruiting soldiers, he was in bad health, so his brother left without a second thought. Since then, he has been waiting for his brother's triumphant return. Now that people are really coming back, he naturally wants his brother to see him as soon as he enters the city.

"Okay, I understand, go ahead and sell your meat." Wang Laoer waved his hands, with a bit of impatience on his face. Then he remembered something and hurriedly ordered: "By the way, leave me a piece of good meat." Ah, my brother is coming back, I have to let him eat something good."

Butcher Liu nodded: "Don't worry, your piece of meat is indispensable." After that, he turned and walked away.

The sun at noon is as hot as a steamer, and the cicadas on the branches are making people restless. Just when Wang Laoer was looking around, trying to find a shady place to continue waiting, there was finally movement in the direction of the city gate.

The faint sound of horse hooves came from the direction of the city gate, and the earth seemed to be shaking slightly at this time. After the city was quiet for a moment, countless people like Wang Laoer who were waiting at the city gate became excited. Words such as "Back" and "Dingbei Army" could be vaguely heard ringing around.

Wang Laoer didn't care much anymore and staggered towards the unobstructed city gate.

The main gate of the city was opened, and not far away, a group of cavalry in black clothes and armor suddenly broke into view. Further away, the long black dragon seemed to stretch endlessly, with no end visible at a glance. The big flag with the word "North" written on it fluttered in the wind, clearly indicating the identity of this army - Dingbei Army.

The Dingbei Army is indeed back! There are still so many people alive. I wonder if the one in my family will be lucky enough to return in triumph? !

This was the only thought in the minds of the people waiting at the city gate. Victory is gratifying and heroes are admirable, but the only ones who can really touch their hearts are their husbands, fathers, sons and brothers at home.


At the forefront of the triumphal team are naturally the black-armored cavalry. They are the most elite team in the Dingbei Army and belong to Marshal Wei Yan. These black-armored cavalry usually have strict military discipline and enter and exit the battlefield to kill without scruples, but now they finally returned in triumph and saw their relatives waiting at the city gate, and they were all excited.

"Hey, Xiao Wei, I saw my brother. He is waiting for me at the city gate!" From the moment he saw the city gate, Wang Hu began to look towards the city gate. At this time, he got excited and grabbed the arm of the person next to him. The phrase "Xiao Wei" also blurted out.

When the people next to him heard this, they didn't even look at the city gate. They just poked Wang Hu with their elbows. Wang Hu looked back and realized that he had caught someone he shouldn't have caught in his excitement. He quickly let go and shouted: "General Wei." Wei Lai didn't pay attention, and the smile on his face was as bright as before

: "Let's call him Xiao Wei. You are used to it, and I am used to hearing it. Brother Wang can see his younger brother so soon. Your brother's relationship is really good." After all, he returned in triumph, and he felt much more relaxed than usual

. Hearing Wei Lai say this, Wang Hu showed a relaxed smile again: "Yes, we brothers have a good relationship. When I came out this time, I thought I couldn't come back, but I didn't expect that we could still come back." Wait until the day of triumph. Speaking of which, it's all thanks to you..."

Before entering the city at this moment, Wei Lai was casual, waved his hand and said, "I don't want to hear what Brother Wang said. You didn't You helped me a lot, otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive in that military camp, and no one of us would say such kind words."

Wei Lai and Wang Hu were both the first to be drafted into the army, and both of their families were military households. At least one person needs to be at home. At that time, Wei Lai was only sixteen and Wang Hu was twenty-five. They were in the same battalion, so Wang Hu mostly took care of Wei Lai.

Later, after escaping from the battlefield and making great achievements, seven years have passed. Wang Hu was taken care of by Wei Lai. Not only did he not lose his life, but he joined the black-armored cavalry. Wei Lai also gained the title of a full fifth-grade Dingyuan general. It's just that the relationship between the two soldiers and generals has gradually become alienated unconsciously.

While talking, the team had already reached the city gate.

No matter how excited they were at the moment, they still had to show a strong look on their faces, so the whispers in the team gradually disappeared. The cavalrymen straightened their backs one by one, held up military flags, and controlled the horses under them to enter the city neatly.

As expected, the capital city was abuzz with people, and the people watching on both sides of the street could not see the end. Occasionally, a few people who found their relatives among the black-armored cavalry were so excited that they burst into tears, and the team gradually became commotion.

"Be calm!" Wei Lai shouted. The sound was not very loud, and could not even suppress the surrounding noise, but it strangely reached the ears of each cavalryman, and it was like cold water pouring on them, calming them down.

The team continued to move forward, and their destination was the Chengxi Campus in the capital. The entry of the Dingbei Army into the city was just a formality. The rewards for meritorious deeds were given in the palace, and most of the troops were stationed in military camps ten miles outside the city. Only two thousand people entered the city, just to let the people see the imperial court. The mighty master.

After going around most of the city, people lined the streets to welcome him. Some people burst into tears of joy when they saw their relatives, while others were filled with anxiety and even lost their minds when they didn't find them.

Wei Lai and the others were the first to enter the city, and they were also the first to arrive at the school grounds in the west of the city.

Common people are generally not allowed to enter the school grounds, so as soon as they entered the school grounds, these people relaxed and gathered together in twos and threes, talking about family members they saw on the road.

Wei Lai didn't stop him at this time, he just watched and listened with a smile.

Wang Hu happily told people about seeing his younger brother. After talking, he looked back and found Wei Lai standing there alone, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. He leaned over and patted Wei Lai on the shoulder: "It's a pity that your home is not in the capital, otherwise you would definitely be able to see me. But it doesn't matter. You are a general now. It's the same as bringing me over later." "No,

I I won't pick her up," Wei Lai said.

"Hey, why? When you were in the military camp, wasn't your mother the one you talked about the most?" Wang Hu was surprised.

Wei Lai shrugged and smiled easily: "It has been seven years and the war is over. I am ready to disarm and return to the fields and go home." "Ah?!

Then you don't want to be a general?" Wang Hu asked blankly after hearing this.

Wei Lai was still holding the saber, but he looked at the saber in his hand and threw it away casually: "That's not right. I'm going to go home with the military pay I've saved over the years and buy two more acres of land, and then live a good life. Take good care of my mother..."

Maybe we can adopt another child by then?

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