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Ice is not a rare thing. Whether in the south or the north, you can always see it in this cold season. It's just that this is a very common thing for ordinary people, but this is the first time Miss He has seen it.

No, perhaps it cannot be said that this is the first time Miss He has seen ice, but it should be the first time she has seen such a spectacular ice scene.

Yes, it is spectacular. It was the first time for He Zhi to see the ice crystals all over the mountains, not to mention that the trees on the mountains were not completely withered in winter in Qizhou Prefecture. At this time, the deep green has been wrapped by the sudden ice crystals, which always shows a different kind of vitality compared to the depression of the capital in winter.

In the severe cold of winter, which boudoir woman in the capital is not pampered? They rarely go out on weekdays, and in this cold season, most of them stopped doing various activities and just stayed in the warm house. Even though He Zhi likes to run outside, Mrs. He doesn't allow her to go out in such weather. So the ice ice that He Zhi had seen was only a small area in his yard, and he didn't think anything of it. When had he ever seen such a scene?

Looking around, the sky and earth that I saw had long been surrounded by ice and snow. Unlike Changning Town where no snow can accumulate at all, although a lot of the thin snow in the mountains has melted away, there is still some accumulation, and the melted snow water has condensed into ice crystals and turned into ice crystals. It became another kind of scenery.

The tall trees were wrapped in a transparent coat, and their green branches and leaves were also covered in ice and snow, as if they were carved by ice and snow, yet full of vitality. Wei Lai chose a good weather to go out. There was warm sunlight shining down from the distant sky, reflecting in the ice and snow, which actually gave people a dream-like illusion.

For a long time, He Zhi didn't look away from the "ice sculpture"-like world in the distance. Until Wei Lai's deliberately soft voice came to his ears: "Does it look good?"

The corners of He Zhi's mouth were raised unconsciously. Hearing the words, he did not look back. He just nodded affirmatively and said, "Very good." Beautiful!" But after saying this, she suddenly turned around and frowned slightly: "Although they are beautiful, won't those trees be frozen to death?" Wei Lai didn't expect her to ask this, slightly

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, but shook his head and said with a smile: "Of course not. This place is no better than Beijing, let alone Beizhou. Even if it is cold, it won't last long. The ice will melt in a few days, so naturally it won't be cold. Bad." After explaining, he added: "It's like this every year, aren't these trees still living here well?"

When I thought about it, I asked a stupid question. He Zhi would not be entangled with this, but she suddenly thought of something else: "You said that the ice will melt in a few days, so how do you know about this beautiful scenery? It has been the coldest weather these days. Well, why did you come to this mountain?" If you had never been to the mountain at this time, you would not have known that you could see such a scene here.

Wei Lai smiled when he heard this, but there was not much smile in his eyes: "Although it is cold at this time, it is actually a good time for hunting. There are always some little things who can't stand their hunger and run out to find food. . In previous years, when I was at home, I would always make some traps on this mountain. I would check them out every three or two days, and I would always gain something." The hunting of poor people is naturally different from that of wealthy people. The former is to fill their stomachs

. The latter is just for fun after having nothing to do.

Although He Zhi grew up in fine clothes and fine food, he was not ignorant of world affairs. She knew that for a family that had lost its mainstay, the life of orphans and widowers was not easy, even if they had enough money to live on.

Because she knew, He Zhi didn't know how to answer the call for a while - although she actually wanted to ask Wei Lai how she got through those years at home, those years in the military camp, and those years on the battlefield - Finally, Wei Lai spoke again to break the silence: "Actually, the season when we came back this time was really not good. I can't think of any other place to take you to play. I came here to see you. I just don't want you to come to Qi with me." It's just a trip to the state for nothing."

How can it be said that it's a trip to the state in vain? Wei Lai's words made He Zhi frown, but before she could say anything, Wei Lai said again: "It's still early, do you want to go over and have a look?" Wei Lai pointed to the frozen world in the distance and looked

at He Zhi's eyebrows were smiling gently, just like the first time.

For some reason, He Zhi's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he was distracted for a moment. Immediately, she naturally moved her gaze away and landed on the side of the world that Wei Laizheng was pointing at: "General Wei's good intentions are naturally difficult to live up to." I don't know if Wei Lai noticed He Zhi's loss of concentration at that moment

. Hearing this, his smile became even brighter. She stretched out a hand and handed it to He Zhi: "If you want to go there, you have to walk down the mountain from here. It's not safe to ride a horse. In such weather, it's actually good to go for a walk. At least you won't be so cold. "

He Zhi saw Wei Lai's hand in front of her and knew that the other party was waiting for her to reach out and take it. It's just that she is still a little hesitant. Although there is no obstacle of "difference between men and women" between them now, the embarrassing things before have made her a little hesitant to have any physical contact with Wei Lai. Wei Lai, on the other hand, didn't seem to care.

Of course Wei Lai didn't care anymore. Seeing He Zhi's hesitation, she simply reached out and took He Zhi's hand. After just a few moments of effort, the other party's originally warmed body became cold again.

"Why is it still so cold?!" Wei Lai frowned. This time he didn't dare to put the hand in his arms so boldly. He only grabbed He Zhi's hand with two hands and rubbed it to help her warm. .

Wei Lai's palm was still so warm, and it was hard to let go in such a climate. Although He Zhi felt it was inappropriate, he still had some nostalgia in his heart. He moved slightly, but after being held down by Wei Laiqiang, he gave up the struggle. He raised his eyes and glanced at Wei Lai, who was concentrating on keeping her warm, and said calmly: "It's probably because of my constitution. My hands are always cooler than others." "This is not good for the body." Wei Lai muttered

, Not much to say. Miss He's identity is different from hers. The jewel in Lord Shangshu's eye naturally has no shortage of doctors to take care of her, and she doesn't need to be carried when she is sick.

While Wei Lai was busy helping her keep warm, He Zhi didn't say that she never went out in the winter. Even if she walked around the yard, she would always have a maid to take care of her, and there would be no shortage of heaters and other items at hand. It was actually the first time in so many years that I felt so cold.

With Wei Lai's efforts, He Zhi's hands became warm again within a short time. This time Wei Lai didn't let go and simply took He Zhi's hand and led her down the mountain. Take the longest, slowest and best way.


Wei Lai and He Zhi finally reached their destination, because they encountered an accident on the way down the mountain.

Wei Lai's horse is a battle-tested war horse. It is not only very humane, but also extremely alert. After Wei Lai went up the mountain and dismounted from his horse, he didn't care about it. He just waited and followed him all the way. Until he was halfway down the mountain, he suddenly stopped.

As soon as the horse stopped, Wei Lai, who was walking in front, also stopped, and he didn't even continue what he was saying to He Zhi.

"What's wrong?" He Zhi was held by Wei Lai all the way. When Wei Lai stopped, she naturally stopped too.

"There seems to be something wrong." Wei Lai frowned and looked back. He saw his black horse snorting at her and then pawing the ground with its hoof. He looked a little anxious. .

Seeing the dark horse's appearance, Wei Lai's first reaction was to reach for his waist. This touch was in vain - the environment in Changning Town was too comfortable. As early as the second day after returning home, she put away the long knife that she never left behind in Beizhou. Naturally, she didn't bring it with her when she went out for fun today. superior.

When He Zhi saw Wei Lai's action, he guessed something. She was very courageous and did not panic. She only subconsciously leaned closer to Wei Lai and asked, "But what happened?"

At this time, Wei Lai had already taken out a dagger from her arms. After all, she had stayed in a place like Beizhou for a long time. Even if she was in a comfortable place, she had to have some self-defense around her. It's just that this dagger may not be applicable at this time: "There is probably a wild beast in the forest, and Xiao Hei noticed it."

The weather in the cold winter months is not only difficult for people, but also for the animals on the mountain. . In order to resist the severe cold, they have to eat more things to add calories, so they have to go out to find some food. When things like pheasants and hares meet people, they naturally become prey. But if jackals, tigers, and leopards meet people, their identities may have to be reversed.

Sure enough, as soon as Wei Lai finished speaking, he heard some faint sounds coming from the trees on the roadside.

Wei Lai held the dagger in one hand and blocked He Zhi in front of him with the other, leading him back a few steps. She glanced at the black horse following her, wondering if it was too late to leave now, but she was also afraid that if she made too big a move, the beast in the forest would chase her, and she would lose the opportunity.

Unfortunately, Wei Lai and the others were not very lucky today, because the noise in the forest was getting louder and closer.

Obviously, it was for them.

Before the beast in the forest showed up, Wei Lai whispered to He Zhi: "You will ride Xiao Hei and go directly back to town. Leave me alone." After saying that, he saw He Zhi's disapproval. Then he added before the other party objected: "Let Xiao Hei go when you get to town, and he will come back to me on his own." After saying this,

He Zhi couldn't object. Because she knew that this was the best arrangement. As for staying and sharing life and death, in fact, it was just to hold Wei Lai back. She was not that stupid.

Before He Zhi could get on his horse, someone suddenly emerged from the noisy bushes with a "clatter".

Looking at the embarrassed half-year-old child emerging from the bushes, Wei Lai and He Zhi were first shocked and then stunned. However, before they could react, when the half-year-old child looked up and saw Wei Lai, he shouted with surprise, "Brother Alai!" "Dashan?!" Wei Lai took a closer look and saw that he was an acquaintance

. It was Xiaowen's younger brother Dashan. He was injured in a fall a few days ago and she picked him up from the town entrance and took him home. For some reason, he ended up in the mountain again at this time.

Surprised, Wei Lai and He Zhi did not relax. Because Dashan's expression at that moment was a bit complicated. At first glance, it was a surprise like the aftermath of a disaster, but then it turned into worry and hesitation. His original pace of running forward with inertia almost turned around and left.

Wei Lai and He Zhi were not stupid people, and they understood it at just one glance. Seeing that Dashan was about to turn around, Wei Lai quickly shouted: "Come here Dashan!"

This shout made Dashan's feet subconsciously pause. However, at this moment, Wei Lai discovered that there was indeed other movement in the trees behind the mountain - the mountain was being chased by wild beasts.

We have already arrived here. In fact, it is meaningless for the mountain to change direction. It is impossible for the beast to completely ignore Wei Lai and the two of them and continue to chase him. So after Wei Lai called him again, he gritted his teeth and ran over.

Then the next moment, Wei Lai saw a huge wild boar jumping out of the bushes.

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