96-103 EXTRAs

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Since his successful resignation, Wei Lai's life has become completely peaceful. At first, she thought about returning to her hometown to buy some land after resigning and live a leisurely life as a farmer, but in the end she married Miss He and stayed in the capital, so she had no choice but to give up on that plan.

Although he did not become a farmer, Wei Lai still lived a leisurely life. To be honest, after seven years in the army, she only learned martial arts and the ability to march and fight. Now that she is no longer a general, she really doesn't know what to do with herself.

Fortunately, now that He Zhi is taking care of the house, everything is still in order. The Wei family lived a peaceful life, and there were no more unfavorable rumors about He Zhi in the capital.

The spring light is bright in March, the kites are flying and the grass is growing. It's a good time for spring outings.

People who have been bored at home all winter can no longer stay idle, so they all meet up to go out for fun. The same goes for Wei Lai. After being idle all winter, she felt that all the bones in her body were stiff. However, she did not make an appointment with her two or three friends. She just found a sunny day and took her daughter-in-law out for fun.

Wei Lai took He Zhi to Jingming Lake, where they first met. At that first glance, no one could have imagined that they would get to know each other later, and even hold hands for a hundred years.

On Jingming Lake in early spring, the thick ice had just melted, and it was still chilly even when you got close. Therefore, unlike the bustle of August, not many people rented boats to visit the lake during this season, and more people chose to go for an outing by the lake.

Wei Lai and He Zhi naturally rented a boat to cruise the lake. They did not go into the boat, but leaned on the railings and chatted in the breeze.

Wei Lai had a relaxed smile on her face. She pointed to the lake and said with a smile, "Jin Rui, do you remember? This is where we met."

He Zhi glanced into the lake in the direction Wei Lai pointed, and also smiled, a little teasingly: "How can I not remember? I still remember that the person Alai was standing at that time was the boat in Mingyue Tower."

Mingyue Tower is a famous brothel in the capital, and He Lin and his group also spent a lot of money on it.

Now recalling that day's trip to the lake, Wei Lai still felt embarrassed. She touched her nose and muttered: "Didn't I be dragged there by He Lin and the others?" After saying that, she smiled again: "But fortunately I was dragged there. They dragged me away, otherwise I wouldn't have met you."

He Zhi raised her hand, touched Wei Lai's fleshy earlobe, and smiled: "Be good and don't go to messy places with those messy people, you know?"

Wei Lai knew that He Zhi didn't like He Lin, so he nodded quickly when he heard this. He didn't know why the good topic turned here. She glanced left and right and saw that Xi Qiu, who had followed He Zhi, had already hid in the boat. There were no other boats passing by nearby, so she reached out and took down He Zhi's hand, put it to her lips and kissed her, and said with a smile: "Mrs. Don't worry, my husband has always been very good."

He Zhi didn't expect that General Wei, who was once upright, innocent and shy, could be so arrogant, and she turned red for a moment. She quickly pulled her hand back and took another look into the boat. Seeing that Xi Qiu was only looking at the scenery outside and not seeing anything, she breathed a sigh of relief and complained in a low voice: "It's terrible to be seen in public." what to do?"

Wei Lai looked at He Zhi with bright eyes. She reached over and held He Zhi's hand, then smiled and said: "I've seen it, there is no boat passing by, and no... people?!"

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