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In the severe cold of winter, getting up becomes a particularly painful task.

When he woke up in the morning, he felt the chill in the air outside. He Zhi, who had always had excellent living habits, couldn't help but feel a little bit like staying in bed. However, today is New Year's Eve, not the time to stay in bed.

When the morning light first appeared, the sound of Wei Lai shoveling snow could be heard outside the door, and He Zhi woke up. But when everything was tidied up and Xi Qiu opened the door, it was already bright outside.

The old wooden door opened with a creak, and then Xi Qiu exclaimed: "Miss, come and see!"

He Zhi had not washed up yet, and was waiting in the room for Xi Qiu to bring hot water. After hearing this, he also stepped out of the door. Then when he looked up, he saw a white and round snowman piled up in the yard. He made a special smile on his round face. He was facing He Zhi's door. At first glance, he looked like a snowman. A bit naive.

Anyone who could build a snowman in the Wei family's yard, except Wei Lai, almost didn't think so.

A smile flashed across He Zhi's eyes, and then she thought of something and turned her gaze to Xi Qiu. Sure enough, she saw the little girl staring at the snowman with a look of surprise on her face.

There is nothing surprising about the snowman, but Xi Qiu couldn't help but be a little surprised when he thought about who was making the snowman - think about General Wei's appearance when he killed someone, and then imagine how she looked when she was making a snowman in the yard. I can't imagine!

He Zhi naturally knew the reason for Xi Qiu's expression, and she also knew that even though Wei Lai's hands were filled with blood, he still felt a little soft in his heart. However, these are not things that can be known to others, so she chuckled lightly, with a hint of ridicule in her tone: "I didn't expect General Wei to be so... childlike?!" These words were simply indescribable

. Calling Wei Lai childish.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but when Miss He said this, General Xiao Wei had just walked up to her, and his smiling face suddenly froze. After a long while, he rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said, "I saw a lot of snow in the yard in the morning. It's useless to sweep it into a pile. I just did it on a whim, so..." Xi Qiu's strange words were all overturned by his own lady's words.

I was taken astray. Although I didn't think Wei Lai was naive, I still found it a bit funny. However, seeing Wei Lai's embarrassed look, she still said something to help: "General Wei built this snowman specially out of kindness. Don't you think that having this snowman in the yard is an extra scene?" In Xi

Qiu It seemed that Wei Lai made this snowman just to please his lady, so he didn't think too much about it.

Just as he said a kind word, Xi Qiu suddenly remembered something, turned around quickly and pushed his lady into the room: "Miss, please go back to the room quickly, I will be back later." Xi Qiu's reaction was too unexpected

. It was so sudden that even He Zhi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was led out of the room by Xi Qiu's exclamation early in the morning, but she hadn't had time to wash up yet.

It is extremely rude to go out to meet people with "unkempt hair" early in the morning. Especially when you are dealing with your "fiancé", it is not just disrespectful.

Xi Qiu hurriedly pushed his young lady into the room, fearing that she would leave a bad impression on General Wei. Although He Zhi also felt rude after regaining consciousness, it seemed that it was more than rude to be made such a fuss by Xi Qiu.

A little embarrassed, and a little... ashamed? !

So before General Wei could react at all, Miss He had already hurried back to her room without even leaving her a look.

Turning around, the little girl blocked the door of the room and asked seriously: "What's the matter with General Wei?" Wei Lai shook his head blankly. She only came here when He Zhi went out and saw the snow

she made.

"General Wei, if you have something to do, go and do it. There's nothing to do here, Miss." The little girl continued to keep a straight face and issued the order to expel the guests in a serious manner. Finally, he turned around and closed the door, completely blocking Wei Lai's line of sight.

Wei Lai was confused by the fuss, but he was good-tempered and did not get entangled. He only glanced at the closed door behind Xi Qiu and turned around to leave.

After a while, when Xi Qiu hurried to the kitchen and returned with a basin of steaming hot water, Wei Lai, who was hiding and watching, suddenly realized.


New Year's Eve is the busiest day, especially since the Wei family has not been reunited for many years. This year, Wei came back to celebrate the New Year together. Aunt Wei was extra attentive and started preparing for tonight's New Year's Eve dinner early in the morning.

On days like this, no one can be idle. The whole family is gathered around the kitchen. Even Miss He, who usually doesn't touch the Yangchun water, has washed her hands and made soup today - the ladies who have been raised with the standard of being a housewife always have their specialty dishes. One or two of the same.

Laughing and being busy, the day passed quickly. This kind of New Year's Eve is a rare experience for He Zhi and even Xi Qiu.

When dusk falls, the Wei family's New Year's Eve dinner is ready. The sound of "cracking" firecrackers has been heard in the town since Shen Shi. Before one family has finished setting off, another family has started to fire again, one after another, and it is so loud that it can even make people's ears numb. But on a day like today, no one would complain.

This remote town was bustling with activity for a while.

Wei Lai dug out the bamboo poles and firecrackers that he had prepared long ago, and while hanging the firecrackers on the bamboo poles, he smiled and said: "After setting off the firecrackers, we can eat, and we have to keep vigil together at night." He Zhi stood next to Wei Lai

. , looking at the smile on her face, hearing this, my heart felt inexplicably warm.

At that moment, it really felt like a family enjoying the holidays together, and it even added a bit more atmosphere than the Shang Shu Mansion in the capital, which had many rules.

However, when it comes to Shangshu Mansion, He Zhi, who is celebrating the New Year outside for the first time, still feels a little homesick. Although there are many rules in the Shangshu Mansion, and it is extremely troublesome to move around during the New Year, but after all, she has parents who love her, and several brothers who have always doted on her. She should have returned to Beijing during the New Year, right?

Miss He, who suddenly felt homesick, felt a little sad for a moment. When she regained consciousness, Wei Lai had already walked to the far door with a bamboo pole.

He casually inserted the bamboo pole with firecrackers on the courtyard door. Wei Lai turned around with the firecrackers he had prepared and said, "It's time to light up the fire. Cover your ears!" A greeting brought He Zhi back to her senses

. Subconsciously, he raised his hands to cover his ears.

When Wei Lai saw that several people had already obediently covered their ears, he turned around and blew the fire sticks to light the fire. Then he quickly put away the fire sticks, turned around and ran a few steps. Before she could run back to He Zhi and the others, the firecrackers behind her had already exploded.

He covered his ears and ran for a few steps. I wonder if Wei Lai was just unlucky. As soon as he turned his head, he was hit in the forehead by half of the firecracker that exploded. She just felt a little pain and wrinkled her face slightly. When He Zhi turned around to look, she found that there was a small bruise on her forehead where she was hit by the bullet.

The firecrackers were "cracking", and He Zhi couldn't ask a question - she couldn't roar at the top of her voice amidst the loud noise, not to mention that even if she roared, Wei Lai, who was covering his ears, couldn't. You can definitely hear it.

After a while, the long string of firecrackers in front of the Wei Family Courtyard was set off. He Zhi turned around and asked Wei Lai: "Are you okay?" Wei Lai, who didn't pay attention to the little thing on his forehead, didn't react for a while.

, with a confused expression. Then He Zhi raised his hand and gently touched the bruise on her forehead and said, "There is a bruise on your forehead."

He was just hit by a small piece of firecracker, and the bruise was no bigger than a peanut. He Zhi didn't mention it, but Wei Lai might not notice it even if he looked in the mirror. However, General Wei was very happy that the lady could care. She subconsciously raised her hand and touched the bruise, then waved her hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, it doesn't hurt. The firecrackers have just been set off, let's go in... ..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Lai suddenly stopped, then turned his head sharply to look outside, and even the smile on his face faded a bit.

"What's wrong?" He Zhi was confused and subconsciously followed Wei Lai's gaze, but saw nothing.

Wei Lai had suppressed his smile and frowned slightly: "It seems that there is the sound of horse hooves."

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