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Feng Yuqing was born in a scholarly family. Her grandfather was the prime minister of the dynasty. Although her father was not the eldest son, he was now an imperial censor. It could be said that he had a prominent family background. Even without mentioning her current status as Princess Qing, no one had dared to be so unscrupulous in front of her back then. At this time, when the person who knew nothing about the world said it, his face darkened, and he was about to have a full-blown attack.

He Zhi had already noticed it and hurriedly pulled Feng Yuqing's sleeve. Although Feng Yuqing's status as the current vassal princess is noble, she is still somewhat restrained in this capital city. However, she has heard even worse ones before, and she doesn't care.

Just when the atmosphere in the store became more and more subtle, a slightly cold voice broke the dead silence: "Wei has a tough life. He can escape nine deaths on the battlefield. How can he be afraid of this mere rumor." As soon as the voice finished

, Everyone looked over, and all eyes immediately focused on Wei Lai.

This was the first time He Lin saw Wei Lai's cold face outside the battlefield, and he was suddenly surprised. He didn't know He Zhi, and he just saw Wei Lai rarely staring at a girl, so he made a joke. Unexpectedly, he caused such an incident and heard Wei Lai's words...could it be that Xiao Wei was really tempted? !

If Wei Lai knew what He Lin was thinking at this time, he would probably laugh or cry. To be honest, she regretted it as soon as she said those words. It wasn't that she regretted standing up for He Zhi, but it was too easy for people to misunderstand her words.

Wei Lai lost her father when she was young, and the people in the countryside were often ignorant. There were many rumors and rumors that she had abused her father and her mother had neglected her husband. Wei Lai had secretly heard these rumors frequently during those years. As a victim, her attitude towards such things can be imagined. Helping He Zhi at this time, apart from the inexplicable favor, was more about the matter itself.

Of course, these other people didn't know, so in their eyes, Wei Lai's actions were very meaningful. Even He Zhi, the client, couldn't help but look at her twice.

Feng Yuqing was no longer annoyed at this time. She poked He Zhi's arm secretly and asked, "A'zhi, do you know this person?" He Zhi turned back to look at her, pursed her lips and said, "It's just a one-on-one meeting.

" It's just fate."

Wei Lai and He Lin are both martial arts practitioners, so naturally they have sharp ears and eyes. Wei Lai heard what Xi Qiu said earlier, and naturally the conversation between the two at this time could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of Wei Lai and He Lin.

Wei Lai had no reaction after hearing this, but He Lin's eyes lit up instantly, and he looked at Wei Lai and then at He Zhi. You don't need to guess to know that this guy must be brewing gossip in his heart again.

Everyone had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, but in fact it was just a moment.

When Wei Lai finished speaking, the face of the young lady opposite who had been refuted became even more ugly. She opened her mouth to say something. Seeing the large number of people on He Zhi's side, the companion beside him pulled her away by her sleeves. gone. But just before that, the young lady glared at Wei Lai and said, "If you don't know the heart of a good person, just wait and be the fourth unlucky guy." "..." Sure enough, it was a misunderstanding


It didn't matter how the passerby who had been dragged away misunderstood, but Wei Lai still wanted to explain to He Zhi. After all, if the person involved also misunderstood, it would always be troublesome and embarrassing.

But before Wei Lai could say anything, Feng Yuqing took a step forward, raised her head and asked, "Hey, kid, what's your name?" Feng Yuqing is two years younger than Wei Lai, so it's really inappropriate to call him this

. polite. Anyone else would have been displeased, but Wei Lai had a good temper. He just smiled and said, "I'm Wei Lai. You were so abrupt just now. Please don't take it off." "Wei Lai? What's your name?

" It's quite special." Feng Yuqing said, her beautiful eyes moving up and down as she looked Wei Lai up and down. Not to mention, the person in front of him was pretty good-looking and had a good temper. Coupled with the good impression brought about by taking the initiative to save He Zhi just now, he could barely win Feng Yuqing's eyes.

Wei Lai was a little uncomfortable being looked at like this, but it was He Zhi who was more uncomfortable than her. Because Feng Yuqing's appraising gaze was so straightforward that everyone could understand the meaning. So he quickly grabbed Feng Yuqing and explained in a low voice to prevent her from being so rude.

At this time, He Lin also pulled Wei Lai and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Wei, have you really only met this girl once?" Wei Lai nodded naturally, so He Lin asked again: "We have only met you once, so you can help others." , Don't you really like her? By the way, do you know who this girl is?"

From He Lin's questions, Wei Lai didn't hear any concern, but smelled outright gossip. She glanced at He Lin helplessly and replied: "Stop talking nonsense, okay? It's not good to ruin a girl's reputation for no reason." After finishing speaking, she thought about it and said frankly: "You think about that girl's name?" I've heard that you were talking about her that day at Huafang."

He Lin was not stupid, not to mention Wei Lai made it so clear that he could remember it after just a moment's thought. At that moment, he said with a frightened face: "No way?! You said she is the evil Miss He family?!" After a pause, he added: "No wonder the woman who went out just now said you want to be a No. Four unlucky ghosts."

Probably because he was too surprised, He Lin couldn't help but raise his voice a lot when he spoke, so the original whispers turned into low exclamations, and several people in the store suddenly I heard them all clearly.

With a "crash", Feng Yuqing's face suddenly fell. He Zhi also looked over after hearing this, her expression unchanged, but her eyes looking at Wei Lai were a little more complicated. Even Xi Qiu, who was next to him, lost his favorable impression of the two of them and glared at them angrily.

Wei Lai's gentle and smiling expression finally couldn't be maintained anymore. He was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. He waved his hands and explained helplessly: "Well, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I didn't mean that..."

Today It's really not appropriate to go out. What kind of things are you encountering? ! Wei Lai hadn't had time to explain the misunderstanding just now, but now it was even more embarrassing. She wanted to explain a few words, but it was a pity that He Lin's guy was only adding to the chaos. At this time, Yan Zhi didn't even buy it, so he dragged her away.

"Let's go, let's go, Xiao Wei, what's that look in your eyes? There are so many beautiful girls in the capital waiting for you to choose, why did you choose this one? Your mother is still at home, waiting for you to return home in fine clothes, but she can't die. He was defeated by a woman on the battlefield." He Lin thought to himself as he dragged Wei Lai outside Chenxiang Pavilion.

Wei Lai was dragged by him and staggered. He took several steps back before he could stand still. When he looked up, his forehead was covered with black lines. What is this all about? Didn't you scream that you didn't believe it when you heard the gossip that day? Why did you bring it up again today? !

Undoubtedly, He Lin's words were heard by several people in the store, but Feng Yuqing was completely annoyed. Ignoring He Zhi's obstruction, she waved her hand and shouted: "Come here, stop these two people!" The guards from Prince Qing's Mansion were already guarding the door, and they immediately gathered around after hearing this.

. It wasn't even to the point of using swords and guns, but he blocked the two of them's way with an expressionless expression.

The development of the matter is really unexpected. Originally, I just came out to drink and relax, who would have thought that I would encounter such a thing. Wei glanced at the five tall and thick guards in front of him, and then at Feng Yuqing, who had a gloomy face, and felt a headache.

Unfortunately, before she could explain and apologize, He Lin's bastard started yelling again: "What are you doing? What are you doing?! It's bright and clear in broad daylight, but you still want to rob someone in the street..." Damn it, what the hell is this bastard doing

? What are you talking about? !

Not to mention that Feng Yuqing couldn't bear it now, even the good-tempered Wei Lai and He Zhi couldn't bear to look at him. He raised his hand and slapped He Lin hard on the back of the head. Wei Lai, who had always been good-tempered, couldn't help but yelled: "Shut up!" He Lin shrank his neck when he was roared, and the world suddenly became quiet


It's a pity that the first impression has already been ruined as much as it should be.

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