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"Ah..." The silence of the night was finally interrupted by a shrill exclamation.

In an instant, the original warmth under the moon was broken, He Zhi withdrew his hand, and Wei Lai frowned slightly. Rarely, both of them unconsciously felt an emotion called chagrin.

"Little... miss, there are so many dead people..." Xi Qiu trembled in his voice and moved softly to He Zhi's side. Seeing He Zhi looking back with a little displeasure, she stretched out a trembling finger and pointed toward the yard. Her face was still pale, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

He Zhi's heart trembled when she heard this, and she no longer cared about blaming Xi Qiu for making a fuss - although she had been prepared in her heart, it was the first time for her, who had grown up in a boudoir, to face such real blood... Follow what Xi Qiu pointed out Looking in the direction, He Zhi's face turned pale, and then quickly looked away. But despite this, his breath was already filled with the smell of blood that filled the air.

Wei Lai was not a careless person. Seeing He Zhi's expression, he immediately took a step forward to block their sight, and then quickly explained: "Don't worry Jin Rui, no one is dead, but I just suffered some injuries and fainted temporarily."

The yard was still the same yard, the blood was still as bloody, and the people lying on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead were still lying on the ground covered in blood. But Wei Lai's words "still alive" were really effective. At least after hearing this, He Zhi and Xi Qiu, although they were still uncomfortable with the blood on the ground, were obviously relieved, not as frightened as before.

Within a few breaths, He Zhi had regained her composure. Of course, when she turned around, she still subconsciously avoided the blood in the yard, and only focused her eyes on Wei Lai's fair face. It was also at this time that her old shrewdness and calmness returned, and she finally remembered the danger before. She couldn't help but look the person up and down, and asked, "Wei Lai, are you okay?" Wei Lai smiled, shook his head and said:

"They're just a bunch of people. What can happen?" After saying that, seeing He Zhi's eyes falling on his blood-stained clothes, he added: "Don't worry Jin Rui, I'm fine. It's all their fault." Blood."

He Zhi just pursed her lips when she heard this, and glared at her when she looked away. Wei Laizheng was feeling confused when he saw He Zhi suddenly step forward and reached out to hold her hand: "It's all other people's blood, so what is this?" The soft catkin covered Wei Lai's blood-stained hand

. , making people's hearts skip a beat for no reason. However, Miss He was obviously very serious at this moment, and Wei Lai's somewhat wandering thoughts were instantly brought back by those words.

She lowered her head and looked at her left hand held by He Zhi. Because her left hand did not need to hold the knife and would not affect the fight, it was not until this moment that she realized that her hand had been scratched at some point. The wound was not deep, just a shallow cut, and the bleeding had almost stopped at this moment. From Wei's point of view, it was not worth mentioning at all, but He Zhi's eyesight was good. I actually saw a little bit of light.

"It's just a minor injury. I didn't pay attention to it. It's not a problem." Wei Lai smiled nonchalantly and then changed the subject: "Although the people in this yard are not dead yet, we can't just let them hang out and wait. Even the blood needs to be drained. This group of people should be here. Let the few in the house come out to clean up. We will set off again tomorrow morning and send all these people to the official." Wei Lai, the life and death of these

people In fact, she didn't take it to heart. Although she was not a person who killed indiscriminately, seven years on the battlefield in Northern Xinjiang was enough for her to take life and death lightly. It's just that He Zhi is different from her. Miss He is a serious lady raised in a boudoir. Where have you seen this? Therefore, just because of his consideration for He Zhi, Wei Lai would rather go to the trouble of bringing him down before sending him to an official position.

But unfortunately, General Xiao Wei's consideration was not appreciated by the other party. Seeing Wei Lai's nonchalant look about the injury, He Zhi felt a little suffocated for some reason, so she rarely lost her temper. The hand she was holding lightly suddenly used force and pressed it. On the wound on the back of Wei Lai's hand.

There was warm and sticky liquid soaking into the palm of my hand. He Zhi came to her senses almost as soon as her inexplicable temper was revealed. Unfortunately, it was still a little late. The wound on the back of Wei Lai's hand that had already stopped bleeding caused her to press the blood again. But despite this, Wei Lai didn't take her hand back, and her hand didn't even move.

He Zhi looked up, only to see that the other party still had the same gentle smile as before, without even blinking, as if the wound that had just been hurt a second time was not on her body at all. It was only at this time that He Zhi finally believed that Wei might not have noticed the injury on his hand before he came. But after I believed it, I felt a little distressed.

"Your hands are like this, and you're still laughing!" He Zhi let go of Wei Lai's hand, but pulled her sleeves and pulled her into the room. The usually quiet and calm person muttered a rare word, and she didn't know if it was Wei Lai's fault. If you don't take care of your body anymore, you will still be more annoyed with yourself for what you did before.

"It's really okay." Wei Lai was still smiling, and she really didn't care. Whether it was this small wound or He Zhi's inexplicable temper just now, it was just a trivial matter. Just watching He Zhi take out a handkerchief from her arms to bandage her wound, her eyes couldn't help but become a little softer.


On the night of the second day, Wei Lai and his party stayed at Fulai Inn in Liujia Town.

They set off early this morning. They didn't bring the bunch of burdens directly to the town to deliver them to the officials. They just tied everyone up in the house and then notified the officers and soldiers in the town to arrest them themselves. But even so, it was delayed for a long time, and then it was too late to set off. If they insisted on setting off, they would inevitably have to sleep in the wilderness again. But after what happened last night, they were a little more cautious about spending the night or sleeping in the wilderness. Worrying, the group simply stayed in this town for an extra half day.

Liujia Town is just an ordinary town, there is nothing special worth seeing. Coupled with the exhaustion from the journey and the repeated struggles last night, Wei Lai and the others did not have a good rest, so the half-day delay was simply spent on recuperating.

After a good sleep, it wasn't until the sky became dark and it was past dinner time that a few people gathered in the lobby of Fulai Inn hungry.

"In another three to five days, we should arrive in Qizhou, right?" He Zhi suddenly asked when he was halfway through the meal.

Wei Lai, who was about to pick up the food with his chopsticks, paused for a moment, then nodded and said: "We will set off tomorrow morning. At the previous speed, we will arrive in three days." After he paused for a moment, he couldn't help but sigh: "It's been a long journey. We have come a lot, and we are finally here."

He Zhi heard this but was not so emotional. She just glanced at Wei Lai with a half-smile: "Wei Lai's hometown is coming soon. You and I have come all the way here, but we are waiting. You are doing your best to be a landlord."

There is nothing wrong with this, but whether it is an illusion or not, Wei Lai always felt that He Zhi's tone seemed a little different when he said the four words "friendship of a landlord".

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