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The crisp sound of dishes hitting the floor woke up the shocked Aunt Wei, but at this moment she could no longer care about cleaning up the mess on the floor. Grabbing Wei Lai's arm, Aunt Wei asked with disbelief: "Alai, what did you just... say?!" Aunt Wei's reaction was not beyond

Wei Lai's expectation, and was even better than she had imagined. It was much better, at least she could calmly ask her to continue talking. So Wei Lai pursed his lips and continued to explain: "He Zhi is the daughter of Shangshu Mansion. We got engaged by accident when we were in the capital. At that time, she didn't know my identity.

" In terms of knowledge and experience, Aunt Wei, who has been in this small town all her life, is far inferior to Wei Lailai, let alone He Zhi. But I am older and have experienced many things, and my experience cannot be compared with that of young people. Therefore, even though she was not calm in her heart, Aunt Wei still grasped the key point of Wei Lai's words: "I didn't know at that time, Does she know your identity now?"

Wei Lai's identity is a secret. Although it is not an earth-shattering matter, for them, mother and son, it is a matter of wealth and life. Aunt Wei had taught her to protect this secret since she was a child, and she had always done a good job. But in the end, it was she who told He Zhi the secret herself, and entrusted her and her mother's lives to He Zhi's hands.

It's always wrong to lie to people, but the truth is related to the lives of two people. Wei Lai could trust his life, but he was not qualified to ask his mother to take risks with him. So facing Aunt Wei at this moment, Wei Lai felt guilty and guilty: "Mom, she insisted on returning to her hometown with me, so I told her everything when I was in Qizhou Mansion the day before yesterday." Wei Lai thought Aunt

Wei He might be angry or panicked, but in fact, the old man with a vicissitudes of life just let out a long sigh, then waved his hand and said: "Well, you can't hide it after all, and it's okay to say it. Otherwise, you will harm the girl for the rest of her life."

After hearing this, Wei Lai first breathed a long sigh of relief, but then a trace of melancholy rose in his heart.

She knew that she liked He Zhi, and it was no longer the kind of love between friends, but whether this feeling could be reciprocated was not yet known. At least it would not be expected to be recognized. Just like her mother, she only felt that she had caused He Zhi such a problem, but never thought that the two of them had any emotional entanglements and that they might be together in the future.

In front of him was his close relative who was connected by blood and the person he was closest to and trusted in his life. Wei Lai suddenly felt a little fragile. It's a pity that there are some things that she can't say yet, so she can only ask: "Mom, do you think Miss He will forgive me?" They were engaged, but on the way home with her fiancé, she suddenly learned that her fiancé was a woman

. I'm afraid it's not so easy to accept it on anyone. According to the normal development of the situation, I am afraid that the two of them will turn against each other immediately, and it is normal for the fiancée to use any means to retaliate.

However, there seemed to be some exceptions between He Zhi and Wei Lai. Even Aunt Wei, who knew the whole story when they first met, also noticed it. Because although He Zhi's attitude was a little cold, there was no resentment in her eyes. Moreover, it had been two days, and she, the eldest lady of the Shangshu Mansion, had not left in anger or retaliated. She even continued to follow Wei Lai back!

Aunt Wei didn't think that He Zhi followed Wei Lai home at this time just to find the way and find a place, and then take revenge on their family. So when she thought about it, there was only one reason for He Zhi's current attitude - the girl was kind-hearted, and she had already had some friendship with Alai before, so she probably didn't intend to pursue it too much if she was soft-hearted.

Seeing that Wei Lai was a little panicked, Aunt Wei thought so and said the same thing, which was a little comforting. Wei Lai naturally thought of these things, but she was a little unsure after all, so she also wanted to hear a word of affirmation from other people.

Now that he heard the same answer from his mother's mouth, Wei Lai was truly relieved. It seems that she is not just being sentimental, this matter has indeed turned around.

Seeing that Wei Lai relaxed obviously after hearing her words, Aunt Wei didn't want to ask any more questions. It was almost past lunch time now, but it would be too rude to let the guests continue to wait hungry while the mother and son chatted. What's more, this guest is not an ordinary person. It is really the Wei family who owes each other.

Therefore, it is better to be kind to Miss He these days, even if it is to compensate and apologize for Ah Lai.


Aunt Wei thought she would be nice to He Zhi, and as expected she treated her very well. From food, clothing, housing and transportation to every little thing, He Zhi was taken care of as much as possible. Even if the conditions in this small town were limited, he tried not to wrong her. With such an attitude, those who don't know may think that why Zhi is her biological daughter who has been away from home for many years, and Wei Lai is an outsider.

At first, Aunt Wei did this out of compensation and apology, but later she really fell in love with He Zhi. As a lady of the Shangshu family, she does not have the arrogance of the ordinary daughter of a wealthy family. She is always generous in her words and deeds. Even if the Wei family feels sorry for her, she is still respectful and polite when facing her elder, without any trace of resentment or perfunctory.

How could a woman with such a good temper not please her elders?

On the other side, He Zhi felt melancholy when facing Aunt Wei. Before following Wei back to her hometown, she had actually been trying to "please her mother-in-law" in advance. It's a pity that things are unpredictable. Wei Lai's mother is really easy to get along with. Even if she doesn't deliberately try to please her, their "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" relationship is getting along very well these days. But who knows that something is wrong with her fiancé... They are in such a relationship now.

Like this, He Zhi could more or less guess what Aunt Wei was thinking. But even if this was the case, she couldn't help but feel a little moved. Because she could see that Aunt Wei was not afraid of her revenge. At first she just wanted to compensate her, but later she really loved and loved her. This feeling is so pure that one cannot refuse it, let alone express one's anger, one can only silently accept and repay it.

After getting along with Aunt Wei for a long time, He Zhi sometimes even thinks that if Wei Lai is really a man, then maybe she will be lucky to have such an easy-to-get-together mother-in-law, right?

But it's a pity, if it's just if.

Two days after Wei came home, he said goodbye to his mother and set up a few banquets at the only inn in the town to entertain the neighbors who had helped take care of Aunt Wei over the years. Life in the Wei family soon returned to normal. Calm was restored.

After returning home, Wei Lai no longer practiced martial arts in the morning. Instead, she helped her mother grind and make tofu in the yard early in the morning. Aunt Wei's tofu stall wasn't opened after Wei Lai left, so she has been used to it since she was a child. When she first arrived at the military camp, her strength and stamina, which was no less than that of men, were the result of hard work since childhood.

The mother and daughter naturally returned to the pattern they had seven years ago, especially since Aunt Wei was in poor health now, and Wei Lai wouldn't let her do anything more. Naturally, the heavy ones are not allowed to be touched, only the light ones are made.

"Ah Zhi is a good child, but it's a pity that you have dragged her down." Aunt Wei held a pot of soybeans and sprinkled a handful of them into the small holes on the stone mill from time to time. She muttered to Wei Lai when she had nothing to do: " By the way, what are you going to do in the future? What did Ah Zhi say?" Wei Lai's

hand paused for a moment, but the force of inertia led her hand to continue the movement just now, so her pause at this moment did not Spotted by Aunt Wei. Wei Lai didn't hear what her mother said again. She only pushed the heavy stone mill two more times, then lowered her head and replied dully: "Jin Rui said that after returning to Beijing, we will cancel our engagement." ."

"Disband the engagement? Yes, it's a good thing you haven't gotten married yet, otherwise Alai, you would have ruined this girl's life." Aunt Wei said she was lucky, but there was a hint of regret on her face. .

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