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Because of the secret of his identity, Wei Lai never dared to get close to others. In these twenty-three years of living, she had never held hands with anyone, male or female, except her mother.

An Qi's initiative surprised Wei Lai and at the same time, he subconsciously struggled. However, this girl somehow possesses brute strength. Even though Wei Lai subconsciously struggled to free himself, An Qi dragged her from the Marshal's Mansion to the street.

Wei Lai has an easy-going temperament and never embarrasses others. An Qi is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, so she will naturally be more accommodating. So after coming back to his senses, Wei Lai stopped trying to break away, and only coughed slightly to remind him: "Miss An, it seems a little inappropriate for you to pull me like this in front of such a large public.

" It's just a hand. In An Qi's opinion, it's not a big deal. She even snorted softly: "I can't tell, Brother Wei, you are pedantic. I don't care anymore, so what do you have to care about?" But after all, she finally let go of her hand and just held her head high, looking proud and disdainful.

In fact, An Qi is not a person who does not know the importance of etiquette, but she is now sixteen or seventeen years old, and she is not a young girl with no worries, and her marriage is imminent. Naturally, she knew why Marshal Wei arranged for her to get along with Wei Lai this time. In addition, she liked Wei Lai, so she unconsciously felt a certain closeness to him.

Wei Lai naturally wouldn't think so much. She looked at An Qi as if she were a careless child. Even if she might get closer in the future, she would still be just a younger sister. As for what Marshal Wei and An Qi think, she doesn't care at all, because she has never thought about what to do with An Qi.

She is destined to be alone in her life, so why bother others?

As for the thought, Wei Lai couldn't help but feel a little sad. It's just that many years have passed, and she has long since passed the time of complaining. She didn't show anything at the moment. She just said: "Miss An, don't you want to go to the south of the city? It's not too early now, let's go there right now." Well."

Although An Qi's previous behavior was a bit reckless, she was actually a rough and careful person. Although Wei Lai didn't say anything, and even his expression didn't change much, she just knew that Wei Lai was in a bad mood. The little girl pursed her lips, feeling a little aggrieved, but in the end she didn't say anything. She just nodded obediently and followed Wei Lai.


It is probably a woman's nature to like shopping. Regardless of whether you are rich or poor, whether you are old or young, regardless of region or even era, this is the same. However, there are always accidents in the world, and unfortunately, Wei Lai was this accident.

Wei Lai doesn't like shopping, and she doesn't like shopping either. When she was at home, her mother prepared everything for her. After the war, she had no time or opportunity to go shopping. Now that she has finally returned to the capital and went to the military camp several times, none of the rough guys with her like shopping. . She was used to this kind of life and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

As a result, Wei Lai's shopping with An Qi today became novel and helpless.

After all, An Qi is just a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. She grew up pampered by her family at the right time, and her temperament is simple. The unhappiness and worries she had when she first left the house had long been forgotten by her now. Her eyes were completely attracted by the excitement in the south of the city, and she wanted to take a look at anything new she saw.

Compared with An Qi's curiosity and enthusiasm, which was running around watching the excitement, Wei Lai's performance seemed much more deserted. Although she was born in a small town in the south and had just returned from northern Xinjiang, she was not as knowledgeable as An Qi, but she was already interested in those things. No matter how exquisite the gadgets were, she would just glance at them and not even think about going closer to take a closer look. nor.

"Brother Wei, there are a lot of people in front of me, and I don't know what they are selling. Come with me and have a look." An Qi just bought a delicate hairpin from the shop next to her. As soon as she went out, she saw people on the street in front of her. A circle of people. She was so happy shopping that she had long forgotten the unpleasantness she had felt before. Now she was even a little carried away, and she hugged Wei Lai's arm when she was excited.

Wei Lai was startled and quickly broke away: "Miss An, it's not good for someone to see you." Seeing that

Wei Lai was worried about others misunderstanding and wanted to distance himself from himself, even if An Qi No matter how straightforward his temper is, he still feels unhappy. She curled her lips and stopped watching the excitement. She just stared into Wei Lai's eyes and asked, "Wei Lai, do you hate me very much?" It was just that the enthusiasm was too close, so naturally it was not considered hateful

. , and with Wei Lai's temperament, she rarely hates someone. So she shook her head honestly and said: "Of course not. But... I'm just not used to it."

Wei Lai always showed some kindness to others when he spoke, and An Qi's face looked much better after hearing this. . She thought that Wei Lai had been fighting in Northern Xinjiang for seven years and was surrounded by men. He probably didn't know how to get along with girls, right? So he softened his expression again and did not mention this problem. He pointed at the crowd in front of him and said, "Then let's go and take a look." Seeing that An Qi's face returned to normal and she didn't move any more, Wei

Lai He also breathed a sigh of relief. She said "Okay" and followed An Qi to where the crowd gathered.

Not far away, a little girl was glaring fiercely at the retreating figures of the two people. While glaring back, she complained angrily: "Miss, look, that Wei Lai is really not a good person. In public, She's flirting with a girl, and she's like a prodigal! I really don't know what the master sees in her."

He Zhi pursed her lips, but ignored Xi Qiu's complaints. She stood there and thought for a while, then finally stepped forward, heading in the direction of Wei Lai and the others...


When Wei Lai and An Qi walked to the place where the crowd gathered, the crowd was getting bigger and bigger. There are too many. The posture of three floors outside and three floors there makes it impossible for those who come after you to see what is happening to you. However, people always like to join in the fun. The more people around, the more curious the people outside are. Therefore, although they can't see what is going on, no one leaves.

An Qi stood at the outermost edge and peered around for a long time, but apart from the black crowd of heads, she couldn't see the excitement inside. She pouted, a little unhappy.

Wei Lai was not interested in joining in the fun, but seeing that An Qi was unhappy, and thinking about the two previous rejections, she finally took action - the crowd looked at the crowd and didn't know how she acted. A path was forcibly separated, leading An Qi into the innermost part of the crowd.

An Qi followed Wei Lai in happily, but when she got inside, she was a little disappointed. With so many people surrounding her, she thought there was something going on, but in the middle of the crowd, there was just an old woman setting up a stall selling jade pendants. And at a glance, the only jade pendant on the stall was nothing special. The people outside probably gathered around it because they didn't know what was going on, right?

Like An Qi, Wei Lai was also surprised, but there was a reason why so many people came to watch. She took a look at the jade pendant that the old woman wanted to sell. She didn't know jade, and she didn't know if the jade was valuable. She just thought it looked pretty. Just looking at the small sign standing next to it, my eyes suddenly widened a bit - for that seemingly ordinary jade pendant, this old woman actually asked for a hundred taels, and she didn't even counter-offer? !

More than one hundred taels? For a wealthy family, it is naturally not much, not even a drop in the bucket. One hundred taels less? For ordinary people, it is definitely a lot, enough to last a family of five for ten years!

The old woman just set up a small stall on the street, and most children of wealthy families would not buy things in such a place, so for people who come and go, this thing is a sky-high price. Not many people knew about jade, and not many had the money to buy it. However, there were always a lot of people watching the fun, and gradually so many people gathered around it.

Wei Laigang had just recovered from the shock of the price of "one hundred taels" when he heard an idle man say: "Old woman, you stall owner has been setting up the stall all day and no one has come to see it. It shows that this thing is not very good." . I'll give you a tael of silver, sell it to me, and then pack it up and go home."

The old woman selling the jade pendant was dressed simply. It seems that her family is not rich, but she is calm, so many people are watching. I didn't see her panicking or shrinking. After listening to the idle man's words, she raised her eyelids and glanced at him lazily: "One hundred taels, no two prices." After saying that, she ignored him again, as if the old god was there.

Fortunately, the idle man said it casually, and was not very angry when the other party ignored him. He just hummed a few words: "A piece of broken jade, I don't see anything good about it, and I want to sell it for a hundred Two?! Let me see, there is no hope for this stall until next year."

The people around laughed, but no one had any intention of buying. This group of people were just watching the fun, but they had completely surrounded the place. Even if there were people outside who might know something and want to buy it, they couldn't get in. This old woman's stall was probably in vain, but she was not angry at all. She also answered people's questions, but she spoke less.

There's really nothing interesting about this excitement. Wei Lai didn't want to see this old woman wasting her time here and being ridiculed by everyone, nor did she want to waste a hundred taels of silver to buy that jade pendant - one hundred taels of silver could have bought a lot of fertile land back home - -So she frowned slightly and planned to ask An Qi beside her to leave together. However, as soon as Wei Lai turned his head, he heard a female voice behind him say softly: "Mother-in-law, can you let me take a look at this jade pendant of yours?" Wei Lai's

heart skipped a beat and he quickly turned around.

As expected, it was that very familiar face.

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