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The atmosphere of silence lasted for a long time, but this matter finally needed to end. Wei Lai looked up at He Zhi and saw that she was still looking at him calmly and generously, knowing that she could not avoid this problem.

"Jin Rui, I... can't marry you." Wei Lai looked away slightly, not daring to meet He Zhi's eyes. Although his words sounded hesitant, Wei Lai's attitude was unexpectedly firm.

He Zhipojue raised his eyebrows in surprise, as if he didn't expect Wei Lai to refuse so firmly. But in addition to being smart, He Zhi is actually an extremely confident and even slightly arrogant person. She does not overturn her earlier judgment just because of Wei Lai's firm attitude at this moment, but she may have to do something else in her next response. Planned.

As her beautiful eyes turned slightly, He Zhi's eyes and brows aroused a trace of sadness. She looked at Wei Lai and sighed quietly: "Wei Lai, I thought you were different, but I didn't expect you to be the same as those. People are the same! But I saw the wrong person."

Wei Lai didn't understand for a moment. She blinked and subconsciously asked: "What?"

He Zhi glanced at her and said lightly: " I know you are the same as those people, but you are just afraid that I will become a cheat."

When Wei Lai heard this, he glared and shook his head: "Of course not! I am a hard-core person, so why should I be afraid of being a cheat? Rumors? Besides, you and I know how much of the rumors in the capital are true and false. Just like this time, we are just friends between gentlemen, and we have never gone beyond each other, so we are actually causing trouble. It has to be like this..."

Wei Lai did not finish what she said, because when she said this, she had already realized that she had made a mistake. Sure enough, the next moment she heard He Zhi sigh again: "That's all, I have heard the most unpleasant words before, and this is not the case." He Zhi's words seemed to mean that he didn't want to pursue the case

? But when Wei Lai heard it, he didn't feel relaxed. Instead, he felt more and more depressed because of He Zhi's attitude. She thought she should say something, but she opened her mouth but found that she had nothing to say, so in the end, she could only say dryly: "Jin Rui, you are a good girl, it's me... I can't I'm sorry to marry you."

This time, He Zhi did not remain reserved and chose to remain silent. She quickly asked, "Why?"

Why? Of course it's because you and I are both women and we can't be together at all! At this moment, Wei Lai didn't notice at all. What made her hesitate was just the gender, not because she didn't like He Zhi, so she didn't want to marry her.

Of course, this reason cannot be said out loud - although she actually believes in He Zhi in her heart, and believes that even if she tells the other party the truth, the other party will help keep the secret - Wei Lai thought about it carefully, and suddenly it was He couldn't find any suitable excuse, so he could only say vaguely: "Because I don't want to harm you for the rest of your life."

This sentence seemed to contain a lot of information. He Zhi instinctively felt that Wei Lai's sentence was vague. Qing's words contained some extremely important information, but it was a pity that she could not think of that much at the moment.

So naturally, she asked again: "Why do you say that? Do you think there is anything else that could be worse than this?" Wei Lai didn't think of a reason at all, but Miss He seemed particularly aggressive today. , but she couldn't ignore it. So in the end, Wei Lai suppressed his blush and came up with a ridiculous reason: "Because...because I have a hidden disease! I...I can't give you happiness. If you follow me, you won't have children or grandchildren around you. You won't have children or grandchildren around you." Have family happiness!"

He Zhi was startled when she heard this. She subconsciously felt that what Wei Lai was telling was a lie, because the way Wei Lai was so guilty that he didn't dare to look at her when he first spoke was too conspicuous. . But at this moment, Wei Lai had turned his gaze back with a serious look on her face and looked straight into her eyes. Even though his handsome face was flushed, the seriousness in his eyes could not be ignored.

So at this moment, He Zhi finally became a little confused. From the day she met Wei Lai, he was a very simple person in her eyes, as if she could see through her heart at a glance, but at this moment, she felt that she couldn't understand Wei Lai. She didn't know how much of Wei Lai's words were true and how false?

Wei Lai bravely said "hidden disease". Although it was not true, the words that followed were not false either. She looked directly at He Zhi with a clear conscience, which indeed confused He Zhi for a moment.

After a moment, He Zhi composed her mind and looked into Wei Lai's eyes again, still serious and firm. Rationally, He Zhi was almost ready to believe Wei Lai's "nonsense", but there was always an intuition in her heart telling her: Don't believe it! She is lying to you, she doesn't hesitate to slander herself, she just wants to get rid of you!

As soon as this thought came to his mind, He Zhi's heart sank unconsciously. To say that she really likes Wei Lai now, it's not that much. It's just because Wei Lai seems suitable, and because he has a good temperament and gets along well with her, He Zhi has a good impression of her. But now that she saw Wei Lai not hesitate to talk about "hidden diseases", she felt a little stubborn in her heart.

Whether the "hidden disease" thing is true or not, it's just a guess...

He Zhi pursed her lips slightly, suddenly raised her head and said, "I don't mind."

"Huh?" Wei Lai was stunned by the long silence. After a moment, he couldn't understand what He Zhi meant.

He Zhi is not a person who hesitates. Once she has made a decision, she cannot change it. She solemnly repeated it at that moment: "I mean, I don't mind that you have a hidden illness." "

... "Miss He, do you mind? Let me beg you!"

Wei Lai stared at He Zhi stupidly for a long time, almost crying without tears. It was the emotion she unconsciously revealed at this moment that made He Zhi finally confirm that the previous "hidden illness" was indeed Wei Lai's lie. Just thinking about it, instead of feeling relieved, she felt a little annoyed and sad.

Apart from the burden of fame, He Zhi thinks that she is no worse than anyone else. Although her relationship with Wei Lai had always been unremarkable, the two of them had developed a friendship, and Wei Lai was not like that person who only believed in one thing or another. But now, the other party is not willing to desecrate himself in order not to marry her? Could it be that she really saw the wrong person? !

He Zhi's sadness at this moment was not fake, she was truly disappointed. She no longer raised her head to look at Wei Lai, nor did she say anything. She just silently looked at the fading lotus leaves outside Zuiyu Pavilion, but the atmosphere in Zuiyu Pavilion became more and more depressed.

Although Wei Lai was simpler, she was not stupid. She stood silently with He Zhi for a while, and then she understood that the other party had seen through her not-so-subtle lies. As a result, her already restless heart suddenly became even more panicked. She hurriedly opened her mouth to explain: "Jin Rui, listen to me..." Before Wei could finish what he said, He Zhi suddenly turned around

. Lai came and asked: "Wei Lai, don't say anything. I know you don't like me and you don't want to get married to me, but can you promise me one thing?" Wei Lai opened his mouth and instinctively

thought To refute. But what is the objection? Do you dislike He Zhi, or don't you want to get married to her? The rapid return of reason left her unable to refute, so the words that came to her lips became: "I promise."

Wei Lai was actually not rational enough at this moment, because she agreed to He Zhi without even asking what it was. .

A faint smile flashed through his eyes. He Zhi met Wei Lai's eyes with a serious look on his face: "Wei Lai, let's get engaged." The author has something to say: General Xiao Wei: Miss He, I have a hidden illness,

please Let it go! ! !

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