91-95 END

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After sending the doctor away, Wei Lai looked at the injured leg that had been re-bandaged with medicine, and he couldn't tell whether he was regretful or lucky. Of course she wanted to resign with an excuse, but the leg was hers too, so it would be a good thing to heal, but it was a pity that she missed this great opportunity.

"It's good that your legs are fine. Are you tired from traveling these days? Alai, you can eat something and then go rest." Aunt Wei looked at Wei Lai's legs that were still splinted, and looked at Wei Lai's current situation with some distress. Deep blue and black.

Aunt Wei has been ill these days. Chen Hu used to take care of her, but later He Zhi took over everything. As a wealthy lady, she naturally would not take care of the patients herself. She only brought many servants from the family over and kept the Wei family in order. While she was talking, someone served breakfast that had been prepared long ago.

Wei Lai responded and ate something casually. Traveling for several days in a row really made her exhausted. Seeing that the two people in front of her who were rumored to be seriously ill seemed to be recovering well, the big stone that had been weighing on her heart was finally let go. After she relaxed, she felt even more tired. She didn't feel hungry at all at the moment, but she felt so sleepy that she could fall asleep.

He Zhi said softly: "Alai has been traveling for so many days and is covered in dust. It's better to wash up first and then have a good rest." She didn't say that she could smell her when she cried against Wei Lai. I smell like sweat.

It was spring now, so it wasn't too hot to go on the road. However, Wei Lai was still injured and was still running fast. He sweated a lot along the way and didn't have much time to take care of himself. Now that He Zhi said it, she remembered it and secretly raised her arm to smell it. There was really a smell of sweat on her clothes, which was not a good smell.

In fact, it's nothing to smell a little sweat. Wei Lai had no time to take care of it when he was in the army. He had been poisoned by sweat and stinky feet in the military camp for many years. Just thinking that Miss He had cried on her shoulder before, she felt really embarrassed now. She smiled dryly and said, "Yes, I should freshen up first." After the meal, Wei Lai went to the small house consciously

. I went to the bathroom in the courtyard to freshen up, and it took me more than half an hour to come out feeling refreshed.

He Zhi was standing in the yard, and she saw Wei Lai as soon as he came out of the bathroom.

Maybe he was a little relaxed and casual at home. After washing his hair, Wei Lai didn't rush to tie it up. He came out in his middle coat with his hair loose. He Zhi was startled at first glance - he was probably used to Wei Lai wearing men's clothes and looking heroic, and this appearance added a bit of gentleness that only belongs to a woman.

Wei Lai originally planned to go back to his room and tidy up carefully. After all, the bathroom was damp and he would feel stuffy after staying there for a long time. Unexpectedly, she bumped into Miss He as soon as she went out. Her direct gaze made her a little embarrassed, and even her ears couldn't help but turn red.

"Ahem, what's that? I'm going back to my room to rest first." Wei Lai coughed dryly and scratched his disheveled hair uncomfortably, as if regretting that he didn't pack it up before coming out.

"Well, you should go back to your room first." He Zhi nodded quickly after regaining consciousness, fearing that outsiders would see Wei Lai like this. It's hard to tell that she usually looks heroic, but with her hair disheveled now, she's really afraid that others will guess her identity.

Wei didn't think about this before she came. She was used to having no outsiders at home, so she naturally ignored the servants Miss He brought. When Miss He nodded and asked her to go back to the room quickly, she thought she was afraid of catching a cold because she was wearing thin clothes, so she didn't think much and went back to the room with a makeshift crutch.

Wei Lai had bought this house casually at the beginning and had not lived in it for much and had not tidied it up carefully. When he entered the house this time, he saw that it was well organized. It was not clear whether Aunt Wei had tidied it for her before or whether Miss He tidied it up later.

Wei Lai hobbled on crutches and just walked to the bed and sat down when there was a knock on the door. He walked back and opened the door helplessly on crutches. Standing outside the door was Miss He holding a cloth towel.

Seeing each other this time, He Zhi felt a lot less grudge against Wei Lai, and he had truly let go of the fact that she was a woman. After all, compared with the loss, everything else is nothing. She plans to take good care of Aunt Wei from now on, and then spend the rest of her life with the Ancient Buddha of Qingdeng. Who would have thought that this person could come back again?

He Zhi's attitude became much more natural after letting go of her worries. And because Wei Lai was a woman, even the so-called defense between men and women could be ignored. So at this time, she came to Wei Lai's door generously with a cloth towel. After knocking on the door, she said: "Your hair is still wet. Don't be in such a hurry to sleep, be careful of catching a cold." Wei Lai looked at He Zhi, then looked

at Looking at the dry cloth in her hand, she seemed to understand something. She felt warm in her heart and turned sideways to let He Zhi enter the room.

Wei Lai closed the door. Before he turned around, he felt the hair draped on his shoulders being lifted up by a hand, and then a cloth was placed on his slightly soaked shoulders: "Such carelessness." Your hair will come out without drying, and your clothes will get wet. It's just getting hot today, so don't catch a cold. It's better to change into another one." It feels good to have someone who cares about you, especially when the person who cares about you is someone you like

. That's even more gratifying. It's just about changing clothes and so on. Let's wait until people leave later.

Wei Lai opened his mouth and responded. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, someone pulled open his clothes, and his fair and round right shoulder was immediately exposed... At that moment, he faced thousands of troops on the battlefield without changing his expression

. General Xiao Wei froze - she said that she was so frightened that she could hardly help but suspect that Miss He who had just entered the room was not herself, but someone pretending to be!

However, when he looked up, Wei Lai knew that she was thinking too much.

He Zhi's eyes fell directly on her shoulder, her brows furrowed slightly, as if she was displeased: "Is this the minor injury you mentioned?! Can an arrow injury be considered a minor injury?!" She has always been careful, and

before She remembered it when Wei Lai mentioned that he was injured on his shoulder. It was not difficult to find out from previous observations that Wei Lai injured his right shoulder. But for the pampered eldest lady, a prick on her hand from embroidery would be considered an injury, and an arrow injury is simply unimaginable.

Wei Lai had been recovering from the arrow wound for more than a month. In fact, it had healed well. She did not take the injury seriously and explained with a smile: "It's really a small injury. It doesn't hurt the muscles or bones. It's just a flesh injury that can be healed." Okay, this is half better."

Seeing Wei Lai's appearance, He Zhi felt a little depressed, and an inexplicable anger suddenly welled up in his heart. Thinking about her guess, she almost raised her eyebrows: "This arrow injury is nothing, but what about your leg injury?" Miss He is usually

not angry, and always has such a gentle and gentle look. Seeing her like this at this moment So, Wei Lai slightly felt guilty: "It's a leg injury. It's nothing. Didn't the doctor say that it will be cured in a few months..." "But don't you think you don't want it? You've been tossing it all the way, just to be lame.

" Are you ready to resign?"

Miss He's voice was cold, making Wei Lai's heart feel a little cold.

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