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This section covers a big time span; 2011-2019. Eight years of the occasional "Merry Christmas" and "Happy birthday" texts. 8 years of him becoming a person I didn't want. He began smoking weed, and when I told him I didn't want to date someone who smokes weed (thanks, Daddy issues), he called me a "child" and tried to argue that it was fine. Just so you know, from stories I heard, my father chose weed over me and my sister. I didn't (and still don't) want to date someone who is like my father.

Let me start a little before 2019. December of 2018, my dog died. I reached out to Stephen, told him what happened, and he was there for me. He brought me comfort. When I had reached out to another guy; one of my friend's stepbrother; a guy I thought was cute in high school that matched with me on a dating site. He had said "oh sorry, I met someone else". Sir, I was just looking for some sympathy over my dead dog, not sex. But whatever. So, compared to that response, Stephen seemed amazing. But, again, we got into a fight over weed. A few weeks later, he messaged me "happy new year" and we began talking again. He began drawing the conversation into innuendos, which at the time went completely over my head. Looking back at them now, I am a little embarrassed I didn't see it back then. Maybe all he wanted me for was sex. He kept trying to find ways to drag me in. He offered me flowers; told me I was "hot" and "sexy" and that "anyone would be lucky af to have me".

A few weeks later, we were talking on Snapchat, and he told me he didn't want to talk to me. So, I did what I felt had to be done and blocked him. He messaged me on Facebook calling me immature and that I needed to grow up. I told him that he made it seem like talking to me is a chore and he seemed done with me. He tried to say I was abandoning our friendship and that I need to be more talkative. We didn't talk for a week.

Then, I found him on all the dating sites. It seemed like fate was pulling us back together. When I showed him I had found his profile, he told me he swiped left on me. I was so confused, I thought he liked me. That's when he admitted it. " Didn't feel the need to remind you of how I feel". Then, fate again tried to work for us. I somehow popped back up on his feed on the dating app. And he decided to swipe right this time.

February came and we sent each other pictures; he sent me pictures of his newborn niece and I sent him pictures of my new puppy. March crept up and my birthday came up. I went to Las Vegas with a friend (who I will not name because I actually still like her). At the end of the night, she ditched me to meet up with a guy. I spent hours on the phone with Stephen that night. He told me he had a gift for me, so I went to his house once I was back in town. He lied, seemingly to get me in his bed. A few weeks later we started dating anyway.

You'd think starting as a couple, it being so fresh, things would be great. But they weren't. His birthday rolled around. My love language is gifts, but I decided I would give him a day of fun for his birthday. He wasn't working at this time, although he was 26. He liked to sleep in, so I waited until about 3 or 4pm before I called him so I could kidnap him. I had a while thing planned; I was going to take him to the batting cages, out to dinner, then back to his mom's house for cake since that was all she usually did for him (according to him, which turned out to be true). I called him once, twice... got his voicemail. I tried one more time and when he answered, he began yelling at me. He asked why the fuck I was calling him so many times, that it was his birthday and all he wanted to do was sleep in (again, he didn't work. He slept in every day. And it was 4pm). After blowing up on me, I hung up and cried. I didn't want to do anything; I was so depressed. So, I didn't show up to his house at all that day, not that I was ever given a time to show up for cake. And, of course, that made me the bad guy. How dare I not show up after this man told me to fuck off. But we moved past it. 

A little over a month later I took him and two of his friends to Disneyland with us. His friends were jealous he was spending so much time with me instead of with them, which was somewhat fair. But the way they handled it was not fair. They separated us and became the devil on our shoulders, forcing us apart. That night, when I dropped them off at his house, he demanded I get out of my car. I was scared and refused. He yelled at me and told me we should just break up. I cried and zoomed off. The next day, he was begging me to take him back. He brought me flowers and lemonade. I took him back.

That was the great break up of 2019.

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