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After the breakup of 2020, we got back together a week later. Do I remember how or why we got back together? Nope, but I know he's the one who came back to me yet again. After a while, he told me his mother had gone to my desk after we broke up and read my medication to his sister and that they discussed what they could be for. That has to be against HIPAA, right? A therapist and a nurse discussing someone's medications without their knowledge. 

 I was working that full time job and decided to finish getting my associates degrees. I was still staying with him pretty often. Oh, and in case I haven't made this clear yet, I lost my virginity to this man. I was under the impression that we were going to get married. I mean, this man claimed he loved me since 2006. If he still loved me, then it has to be real right? But, don't forget, we had only dated for months at a time. Even still, 4 months in we broke up. Then 11 months later we broke up again. The ironic part is that in high school, it was always me breaking up with him. Now it was the other way around. He said he was in love with me and had been for so long, why did he keep dumping me?

The world may never know.

Anyways, back to 2020. Apparently, at Thanksgiving, cleaning and washing my plate and his and playing with the kiddos wasn't enough. apparently, he got yelled at by his mother for us not helping more. I wrote a note in my phone about this situation that I am happy to share with you now.

He told me I should have offered to help his mother do the dishes, that she was upset I didn't offer to help her. She is the one keeping her son locked up. He is 27 with no job. She has brain washed him into thinking he has to be there for his grandma. They pay a woman $15 an hour to sit with her...she makes more money than I do! Then his mother complains she has no money. Maybe if she let him be free and work instead of being her slave then he would be able to pay for things like his own gas or phone or insurance. Maybe he would learn to be a fucking adult. He said she was mad I didn't help at their holiday. At least I took the time to entertain the children. At least I washed my own dishes. At least I helped buy the groceries. What does he do for my family? Nothing. I don't see him showing up and washing his own dishes. I don't see him helping set up or tear down at my family's holidays. All I see is him eating then leaving because "he has to be there for his grandma". All he does is tell her what is going on and to calm down. He spends a majority of his time sitting in his car smoking weed that his mother's money bought. She has to notice her grocery bill is $50 over what it should be, she can't be that naive. 

Maybe it was easier for her to be naive and let him do his thing. He had told me "it's a brownie point game". I shouldn't have to be earning brownie points with his mother. He did nothing to earn brownie points with my family but that's fine. 

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