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For the first two and a half years of our relationship, he wasn't working. He was at home taking care of his grandma, which really meant he was sitting outside in his garage, smoking weed he bought with his mother's money, watching YouTube videos or playing video games, while listening to a baby monitor to see if his grandmother needed anything. 

But let's rewind a little. In September of 2019, I bought us Six Flags passes. He promised to pay me back for his. Another lie. Then, in October or early November, we decided to upgrade to memberships. Again, the lie of "I'll pay you back". Even when he got a job, he didn't pay me monthly for his pass.

As mentioned, he didn't have a job. Guess who paid for all our date nights? Even when we would eat out randomly?  And, because his clothes were all dingy; holes, permanent deodorant stains, etc., I used my discount at Hot Topic to buy him new clothes. Basically, his entire wardrobe was funded by me. Then, I got sick of him adjusting himself, so I invested in these "ball hammock" underwear that he loved so much I subscribed to them to make sure he had enough pairs. Let me tell you, those things were not cheap. So, here I was spending my hard-earned money not only on an amusement park pass for this man but clothing and feeding him for two and a half years. Was I really a girlfriend or a backup mother?

But let's balance out these negatives with a positive. At the end of September 2019, I was supposed to get my gallbladder removed. He wanted to come to the hospital with me but my mother told him no. The fact he wanted to be at the hospital so early in the morning made my heart melt. He showed up to my house after the surgery with a bouquet of my favorite flowers and cuddled me in bed for days. He drove me around until I was cleared to drive. It was so nice to have a boyfriend really be there for me.

Things were going well enough, we hit a year together in March of 2020, right as covid hit. My sister had moved back in with my mother because she had just had a baby. In case you're curious, my sister and I never got along. That is a story for another time. Anyways, in May, I pulled up to his house in tears after a family dinner. His mom stood with us as I vented about how I was so unhappy at home and how I don't want to be there anymore. She said I could live with them until my sister moved out. I was staying there pretty often anyway, so would it really make a difference? I moved my work station into their living room and began staying there. I helped plan a BBQ dinner for his birthday, where he got misty eyed because he had a bonding moment with his nephew that reminded him of when his uncle (who passed away years ago) used to have those moments with him. I was so proud of what I was doing.

Then, in June, I offered to go grab a pizza. When I came back, he confronted me. He said I was around too much and that he never agreed to this. I was so hurt. He had been talking about marrying me, now he couldn't stand being around me. My heart broke.

And that was the "great" break up of 2020.

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