Chapter 15: Trouble

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"Papa..." I said as I stepped up to Makarov. He turned his head to glare at me. I held Eevee in my arms without looking at him. Lucy put a hand on my back in comfort. "I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like I did. But..." I looked into his eyes with a smile. "I want to be an S-class Mage. Am I still able to be one?"

I felt Natsu look at me at his table with wide eyes with everyone else, and Makarov humphed. "Are you sure? You didn't seem happy about it before."

"I know," I nodded, Eevee twitching her ear. "But now I am. Because I know that I'll be happy in Fairy Tail!" I hoped my sweetness helped a little with it. I heard Natsu smile.

Makarov smiled too. "I accept your apology. Welcome, the sixth S-class Mage of Fairy Tail!" Makarov announced, sending the guild into an uproar. I let out a giggle in response, feeling that love and happiness overcome me again.

"All right! Now I can fight you for real!" Natsu charged forward, trying to pounce Eevee with a flaming fist. All that happened though was a Dragon Slayer being roasted by her Hyper Beam. She huffed, and I laughed at the sudden failure.

""I love your enthusiasm, Natsu!" I giggled, Eevee smiling with me.

"That's not all you love about him..." Lucy said softly and with criticism.

I blushed wildly. "Sh-shut up!" I said, and she giggled herself.

"Let's celebrate! Buffet of food and drinks on the house!" Papa yelled. Everyone cheered, and Natsu screamed in happiness.

I laughed again, seeing my family do their usual routine of partying.


The next morning was a fresh new day. I stretched from my bed in Lucy's room. I offered to move out from going on so many jobs, but she said that she would slit my throat if I did that. I agreed to stay then, not wanting to get into a battle that should never be fought.

"Can we at least buy myself a bed?" I asked. "I don't want you to keep sleeping with me and giving you bruises from moving all the time..."

"Uh, yes!" Lucy replied. "I was just going to tell you that! I've been waking up so many times at night because of your Ellie Kicks..."

"Lucy, you have to tell me things like that way ahead of time! Now I feel bad!"

"Then you buy the bed!" And that's how I spent 50,000 jewel on a brand new bed with brown wood and a brown comforter with tan flowers on it. It was perfect.

I got out of bed, and ran my fingers through my frizzy hair. Eevee was still curled up into a ball of silver and white fur, sleeping soundly on the comforter. I hopped in the shower, feeling the warm water massage my skin. Ever since I came to Magnolia a year ago, my life changed for the better. For me and my Pokémon. And I was so happy...

But sometimes I did feel a slight pain in my chest for leaving Kalos so suddenly. Like now... How did everyone cope with me leaving? Or, since it was in a different time and space, did time not pass at all there? Was a year here only a second there?

I didn't know, and frankly as I thought more about it, didn't care. Nobody respected me or my team there, and I've yet to meet a trainer who cared about their Pokémon as much as I did for mine. The bond we share is unlike any other, and that's why we were part of Fairy Tail.

When I was done, I stepped out of the bathroom in my bathrobe and a towel in my hair. Lucy was just getting up, yawning hugely. "Good morning," she said, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning," I answered back. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mm-hm," she said. "I had a great dream, too."

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