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𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝟏𝟕, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐

"Y'all this the living room" She showed her camera the living room set up with the lights blue with the fireplace on, their picture blown up on her flatscreen tv with her R&B playlist going on. She was vlogging the sit-up she did for Notti.

She had his birthday cake with his baby picture on the cake along side his favorite food she decided to make for him "So cute but back here is all his gifts" She walked into her bedroom, showcasing all the clothes, shoes she bought him "I tried to give him stuff he didn't have but his favorite gift is going to be me" She giggled walking to her full body mirror showing the black lingerie set she had making it easy to see her thigh tattoo of his face.

"Look at my man" She zoomed in on her camera showing her tattoo of him.

"Y'all he here" She heard the knocking on the door. She walked out the room walking towards the door opening the door for him.

He smirked looking at her attacking her face with kisses making her giggle from his affection.

"Happy birthday baby" She kiss his lips repeatedly "You look so fine."

"That's you" He stared back at her before noticing the tattoo on her thigh "Come here, I love the fuck out of you" He embrace her into a tight hug "God really bless me with a angel."

She got happy just hearing the joy in his voice, while hugging him back.

"I know this hurt" He analyze her tattoo cheesing.

"Yes, that's why I was faking sick so you wouldn't see it. That pain was out the roof, I was about to cry getting this tattoo."

"It look good, my face being on you compliments your body" He smile nodding.

"Shut up" she laugh, playfully rolling her eyes.

"You like your birthday cake?" She asked recording on her camera.

"Yeah. How you get this baby picture of me?"

"Me and your mom went to go get it made. When we have a son, I want him to look just like his daddy, you was a cute baby."

"When we have a daughter I know for sure she going to have her momma beauty" He kiss her cheek and all she could do was smile.

"Come on, let me show your gifts" She dragged him into her bedroom with him.

"What's in this envelope?" He picked up the mail.

"You gotta open and found out" She smiled waiting to see his reaction.

He opened seeing a two plane tickets "We going to aspen?"

"Yup, I got our room and itinerary full of stuff for us to do."

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍ⁿᵒᵗᵗⁱ ᵒˢᵃᵐᵃWhere stories live. Discover now