14 Surprise

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Larissa POV

Humming, I packed everything I would need into my suitcase. I hoped I had packed enough warm clothes for myself and Clementine. Neither of us had a lot of clothes suitable for a New York winter, but I could always wrap my little one in a blanket if necessary. Not that we would be spending much time outside.

I was just looking forward to spending time with Roman. And I could hardly wait to get to know this part of his world. Even if the whole thing made me a little nervous.

"Okay, Clementine. I think Mommy has everything. Now all I have to do is check the mail and pump. Then we can make our way to Uncle Roman's. I miss him already. It's not even been two hours. But this way we've made good use of the time he's working out. Even if I wouldn't mind watching him do it." I babbled to the baby.

Clem was lying on her play mat in the living room and kicking away happily. She kept squeaking and cooing to the children's music I was playing in the background. I picked her up to check the mail with her.

A letter immediately caught my attention. Because to be honest, I hadn't expected it. I went back inside and sat down with Clem before opening it.

It was an altered birth certificate for my daughter. That was strange. I didn't think he would change his mind.

Name of the Child: Clementine Faith Wilder.

Name of the Mother: Larissa Sue Wilder.

Name of  the Father: ...

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" I said out loud as I jumped to my feet.

I placed Clem in her baby carrier before we quickly left the apartment. Smoke was about to come out of my ears as I made my way to confront him. I was so angry.

A short time later, I parked the car and got out. But I left the door open because I had no intention of staying here any longer than I had to. Besides, Clem was asleep anyway.

With a barely controlled temper, I rang the doorbell. It wasn't long before the door opened and I was greeted with a broad smile. My mood couldn't have been more opposite.

"Hey baby girl...why didn't you just come in? When did you start ringing the doorbell?" he asked me.

"Could you please explain to me how your name got on my daughter's birth certificate?" I replied with a question.

"Because I signed it. I thought that was the best way to give you what you want," he replied.

"And what exactly is that?" I wanted to know.

"A father for Clem. You said you didn't want her to grow up with a 'father unknown' on the certificate. And now she doesn't have to." he said as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"That's not what I wanted and you know it, Roman! I wanted Brad to acknowledge her. I wanted him to own up to his responsibility. Do you have any idea what you've done?" I replied out loud.

"Yes, I do. Of course I do. I have legally established myself as her father." he said calmly.

"No... you committed paternity fraud! You can't just sign the birth certificate. You're not her father! You're not the one who owes me child support," I replied.

"Yes, I am! I've been there from the beginning. I was the first to hold her. I'm always there for you guys. You know that. And I want you both to have someone you can count on." he said and tried to give me a hug.

But I was far too angry, so I took a step back.

"Signing the birth certificate means that you acknowledge that you are legally, and most importantly, biologically her father. And you're not! Do you have any idea how much trouble not only you but also I could get into? What if Brad decides he does have a role in her life? You've opened the door for him to sue us. You committed fraud and I could lose my daughter because of it!" I replied loudly.

"Would you calm down, Larissa! He's not going to sue any of us. And you know he's not interested in Clementine. Why do you expect that to change? Unless, of course, you still love him!" Roman said, his eyes flashing.

"Oh don't try to make this all about me. It's about what you did wrong. And of course I don't love him. You know that! After everything he's put me and Clem through? How can you even think that?" I asked.

"You see. Then what's the problem? I want to be her dad, he doesn't. And now I am. Besides, he can't sue us because I made him sign a waiver. Everything is settled with the lawyers." Roman replied.

"What's the problem? You really don't understand, do you?" I wanted to know as I looked at him, stunned.

"I don't understand what?" he asked, confused.

"You went behind my back. And it looks like you started it long before we became involved. You planned it for a long time without talking to me about it. And now tell me how I'm supposed to trust you anymore..." I replied as tears ran down my cheeks.

"I love you, Larissa, and I love Clementine. Please don't make this into something it's not. I just wanted to surprise you." he said.

"Yes... I am very surprised. But now you don't be surprised that you've gone too far." I replied and got into the car.

"And just in case it wasn't clear.... I quit..." I added before closing the car door and making my way back home.

I felt so betrayed that I found it difficult to think of anything else. Sure, there were moments when I wished he was her father. But not like this. Why hadn't he just spoken to me? Why had he made a decision about my daughter's life on his own?

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