1 Do you need help?

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It was already late afternoon when I decided to go for a quick run. The weather was now mild and no longer boiling hot as in the summer. That made the whole thing much more appealing.

I quickly got dressed and then grabbed my headphones before heading out. The music was blasting in my ears just the way I liked it. But after just a few minutes, the battery ran out. That was strange. I could have sworn that I had charged it. Hmm... maybe I hadn't plugged it in properly.

That was annoying. Because running was much better with loud music. But there was nothing I could do about it. So now I was running through the streets without music until I finally saw a woman standing next to a car not far from me. Apparently she had a flat tire.

The closer I came, the more clearly I could hear her loud, desperate voice. It sounded like she was about to cry. When she turned to the side I saw that she was obviously heavily pregnant.

"No, you don't understand anything! I can't wait here for two hours until one of your employees has time. I'm in labor. I need to go to the hospital, you fucking genius. You think I want to have my baby here alone beside the road? Send someone now! Hello? Oh damn..." she yelled into the phone until apparently the connection was cut.

Slowly I approached but kept my distance so as not to scare her.

"Excuse me... Do you need help?" I asked calmly.

"Oh... um... A second...." she replied as she looked at me with wide eyes.

But then she obviously had a contraction. She leaned against the car with one hand and held her stomach with the other. Slowly she tried to breathe. But she was having trouble breathing deeply and calmly.

I couldn't help but wonder why the hell she was alone. Where was the baby's father? Or anyone else...

"I... I'm having a baby and I was going to the hospital. Then I had a flat tire. When I called AAA they told me I'd have to wait a while for help. But I don't think the baby will wait that long." she gasped.

"I can change the tire. That's not a problem. Maybe you should sit down." I offered.

"That's... probably a good idea. Thank you." the woman replied and then opened the door to the back seat to sit down.

I, on the other hand, opened the trunk. Before I could get to the spare tire and the tools, however, I had to take out her suitcases.

Then I heard a soft cry of pain. I quickly checked on the woman.

"Are you okay?" I asked even though I knew she was anything but okay.

"No.. I think the baby is coming. It feels like I have to push. Can you call 911? My battery's dead." she gasped.

"Hang in there, Miss. It's going to be okay." I said as I noticed panic now rising inside me.

I called 911 and explained to them what had happened. It pissed me off how many questions they were asking when every second mattered right now.

"Oh God..." she wailed, trying to breathe through the pain.

"Help is on the way. What can I do?" I asked without being sure I wanted to know.

"I can't wait. The baby's coming." she replied as she lay back in the back seat and then took off her underwear.

"Oh boy." I muttered, turning my gaze away.

I was so not expecting any of this from today.

"Sir, I need your help here. I know it sucks, but I can't do this alone. I need you to hold the baby when it comes out." she said.

"Okay..." I replied.

"You need to look... I don't like this any more than you do..." she then said.

"Tell me your name first..." I replied.

"Larissa." she said.

"Okay, Larissa... We'll get this done... Oh boy... I can see the head..." I then said after taking a deep breath and then having to look.

"No passing out." gasped Larissa now as another contraction came.

"I'm trying my best. Push, Larissa... Very good.... Keep going... You can do it..." I replied.

This went on a few times. How much time went by I didn't know, but it probably wasn't more than a few minutes. At some point, we heard the ambulance siren in the distance.

"One more big push, Larissa. The baby is almost here." I encouraged the woman as I held the baby's head.

She did as I said and pushed as hard as she could. And then it was already done. The little person slid into this world. The cries echoed through the car as the ambulance pulled up next to us.

"It's a girl." I said and placed the little one on her exhausted mother's chest.

I took off my hooded sweater and put it over the baby so she wouldn't get cold.

"Hi baby girl.... I can't thank you enough, Sir." said Larissa first to the baby and then to me.

Before I could say anything back, the paramedics came and basically pushed me aside to get to the newborn and Larissa.

"Good job. All dad has to do now is cut the umbilical cord." said the female paramedic.

"Oh he's not-" began Larissa.

"Yeah... I'm not-" I agreed.

"Well don't be shy.... We don't have time to waste. After all, we want to get her to the hospital. Just do it." she quickly interrupted us.

And since I wanted them to get to the hospital and into the warmth as soon as possible, I did what she said. Even though it was very weird to do such a thing.

"Okay, my dears. Let's get going then." the paramedic then said.

"Wait... What's happening to my car?" asked Larissa as they maneuvered her out of the car and onto the stretcher with the baby in her arms.

"I could change the tire and then drive it to the hospital.... Well if that's okay with you.... If not... I don't know... Do you want me to call someone?" I replied, stuttering.

"That would be really great. But... You know... You just delivered my baby.... I trust you." she said after a moment's hesitation.

I was told which hospital they would take them to before they headed out.

I watched the ambulance as it slowly began to sink in what had just happened.

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