31 I can hardly wait

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Roman POV

"Dada! Mama!" was the first thing I heard when I opened my eyes.

And it looked like it was still pretty early in the morning. The sun was just beginning to rise. I scooted closer to Larissa and pressed a kiss on her shoulder before I got up and went to get Clem out of her bed. I didn't want her to wake her mommy up so early.

She was exhausted enough as it was. That's why I wanted to make sure she got enough sleep. Especially because we had a doctor's appointment later. I could hardly wait. As much as I loved our little Clementine, it was still something I hadn't experienced before. And it was certainly something I wouldn't forget for the rest of my life. The first look at our little bean.

"Good morning, Mini Miss. It's a little early. Do you want to cuddle with Mommy and Daddy in the big bed? Is that a good idea?" I asked her as I came into the room.

Clem seemed really wide awake. She jumped up and down enthusiastically in her crib.

"Dada up." she said and lifted her arms so that I could take her in my arms.

I quickly gave her a kiss on the forehead before we made our way back to the bedroom. My fiancée hadn't moved a bit. Apparently she hadn't noticed me getting up. That was good.

I gently put Clem down and she immediately crawled into the middle of the bed where she snuggled up to her mommy. I lay down again in the hope of getting another hour or two of sleep. And indeed, it didn't take long for the little one to fall asleep again. I yawned before closing my eyes too.


The next thing I heard was the quiet giggling next to me and then someone poking me on the nose and forehead with little fingers. I tried not to let on that I was awake so as not to spoil Clem's fun. But when she sat on my chest like that, she suddenly started bouncing again.

"Oof..." I said as the air escaped from my lungs.

"Dada, Clem hungry..." she then said.

"Let Daddy sleep, Mini Miss. Mommy will make you breakfast." Larissa then said quietly.

"No, Dada do." she replied.

"Good morning, baby girl... How are you feeling?" I asked as I looked over at Larissa.

"Ask me after I've thrown up... Not so good at the moment. But I'll be fine." she replied as she came a little closer to give me a kiss.

"Then you'd best stay in bed for a while. I'll make breakfast. What does Clem want?" I said.

"Clemy cakes." the girl replied quickly.

"Um.... How about scrambled eggs? Daddy's not so good at pancakes." I said.

"No... Cakes." she replied stubbornly and shook her head.

"I've prepared mini pancakes and frozen them. All you have to do is pop them in the toaster. Some berries and a glass of milk." Larissa said with a laugh, because we both knew that it was impossible to change Clementine's mind.

She was already pretty stubborn and if I didn't know it better I would have said she inherited it from me.


"God, you're really cute when you're nervous," Larissa giggled as she sat next to me in the car as I drove us to our appointment.

Clem was sitting in the back, chattering away as usual or singing along to the music playing on the radio. She was really adorable. And I couldn't wait to see her with her brother or sister.

"I'm not nervous," I said.

"You are. You can't keep your fingers still. But I know how you feel. I can't wait either." she replied.

She must have noticed that I was drumming my fingers on the steering wheel when I hadn't noticed myself.

Half an hour later, the time had come. The doctor had finished all the questions and other examinations so now it was time for the really exciting part.

Larissa lay down before exposing her stomach so he could start. I stood next to her with Clem in my arms and held my fiancée's with my free hand. I nervously drew little circles until there was finally something to see.

And it was so much more magnificent than I had imagined. There it was, our perfect little bean.

"Hi baby." Larissa said quietly as tears glistened in her eyes too.

"This is so fantastic. Look, Mini Miss... That's your baby brother or sister. Clem will soon be a big sister." I replied.

Then I leaned down and gave my love a kiss.

"I love you." I said softly.

"Love you too. And you." she replied before giving Clementine a kiss too.

"Baby?" Clem then asked, pointing at the monitor.

"Yes, Mini Miss... That's our baby." I confirmed and gave her a kiss on the hair.

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