19 Pink Pier

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Roman POV

"Okay... we're in New York... Can you finally tell me what we're doing today? Please?" Larissa asked me as we got into the cab that was to take us to our apartment.

It wasn't the first time she'd asked me that, of course. In fact, she had been grilling me the whole flight so that I gave her details. But so far I had remained unwavering. However, I was beginning to doubt whether she could actually enjoy the trip.

"All right then. We're going to an Airbnb in Brooklyn that has a magnificent panoramic view of the city. I think you'll love the view, especially at night. I thought it would be better than a hotel because Clem has her own room. Since she sleeps best when it's really dark and quiet," I replied.

"And we won't disturb her that way... I like the way you think." Larissa laughed.

"Yes, maybe that was also a reason." I admitted with a laugh.

A short time later we arrived at the apartment and I had to admit that it was even more beautiful than in the pictures. Normally I didn't care that much, but this was a pretty important occasion.

"Wow, look at that! Look, Clem! What a view." Larissa gushed as she stepped up to the window with the baby in her arms.

I smiled as I stepped behind my two and wrapped my arms around them. I gently pressed a kiss to Larissa's hair as we all gazed outside. Just then, it started to snow again. That made the moment even more beautiful.

"That's snow, my baby! Isn't it great? When you're a bit older, we definitely have to go somewhere where you can play in the snow," she said to Clem, who was snuggling up to her mommy.

"We have a reservation at 6 pm. That means we still have plenty of time. What do you say we order something delicious for lunch and go for a nice walk with Mini Miss this afternoon?" I asked.

"I think very highly of that." she said and turned her head so that she could give me a kiss.

"I love you." she said.

"Love you more." I replied.


"Mini Miss, you look so cute. I hope Mommy won't keep us waiting much longer," I said to Clementine after I had finished dressing her.

She smiled at me and cooed to herself as I picked her up.

Larissa was in the bathroom getting ready for our date. And I was starting to get impatient. Not because we were late or anything. I just wanted to see what she looked like.

"I'm ready." she announced a short time later.

And boy had it been worth the wait. Larissa was wearing a cream-colored knitted dress with a turtleneck and black tights. The boots she was wearing made her legs look extra long. She wore her hair in big waves. The red lipstick rounded out her appearance perfectly. At that moment, I regretted that I had plans that required us to leave the house. Because I would have loved to unpack her here and now.

"Baby girl, you look stunning," I said as we walked over to her.

"Thank you Ro! You look stunning too, by the way." she replied.

"Happy Valentine's Day my love." I whispered against her mouth as we kissed gently.

"Happy Valentine's Day." she breathed.


"Oh my god! Oh my God!" gasped Larissa as we arrived at the Pink Pier and were taken to our private Igloo.

They called it Igloos, but they were actually just heated glass houses right by the water. We had an incredible view of the Brooklyn Bridge. The air was crisp, but inside it was really warm and cozy. Everything was lit up with pink fairy lights and the floral decorations were the same color.

I placed Clem in her baby carrier on a chair. She was slumbering peacefully and hadn't even noticed the drive here.

"Do you like it?" I asked as we sat down and the waiter poured us some champagne.

"Is that even a question? I love it. What about you? This is definitely the least masculine place in the world. Everything is pink and fluffy. It's so over the top it's actually brilliant." she replied, her eyes lighting up like a child's on Christmas morning.

"I know, but it's Valentine's Day... Some tackiness is expected. Just you wait and see. Even the food is pink and heart-shaped." I laughed just as the waiter brought us an appetizer of pink, indeed heart-shaped macarons.

It was an evening we definitely wouldn't forget any time soon and I could tell Larissa enjoyed every second of it. From the heart shaped ravioli to the pink mac and cheese in a waffle cone to the pink tea. Even though she emphasized a few times that she felt a little guilty because I had spent so much money on her.

But I was the one who felt guilty, so I decided it was necessary to do my best to spoil my girls. Money couldn't make up for anything, but at least I could give her some nice memories and prove to her how much she meant to me.

It was so nice to see Larissa explaining everything she saw to Clem, who had woken up after our dinner. Even though Mini Miss didn't understand it all yet of course. She cradled her gently while we talked about this and that.

"There's one more thing before we head back, Miss Wilder..." I announced as I reached into the pocket of my coat to pull out her gift.

"Oh Ro... What have you done? I thought all this and the trip were my present..." she replied.

"That's right, but this is just a little something." I said and pushed the small box towards her.

"This is so beautiful." she said, touched, when she saw the bracelet I had chosen for her.

"And I have to admit that I have something for you too." she continued.

I watched as she took something out of her purse with her free hand.

"Here." she said gently and pushed it towards me.

I had to laugh. Obviously we both had the same thinking. Because she had also given me a bracelet.

"Thank you, baby girl. And I love you." I replied and leaned over the table to kiss her.

"I love you. And I thank you." she said before giving me another kiss.

And now there was only one other thing that could make this perfect evening even better. For that, we had to leave. The sparkle in Larissa's eyes showed me that she had the exact same thought as I had...

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