20 Nervous

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Larissa POV

I slowly woke up from a deep sleep and contently rolled over. My hand immediately moved to Roman's side of the bed. Slowly, my fingers slid over the smooth, warm skin of his back. I slid a little closer to him so that I could press my lips to his shoulder blade comfortably.

Then I snuggled a little closer to him. The warmth he radiated was so pleasant and warmed me up perfectly. Even though I wasn't a bit cold at that moment.

"Morning, baby girl." he mumbled sleepily as he turned his head to the side to look at me.

"Morning, Ro... Did you sleep well?" I asked, almost sighing as I breathed in his delicious scent.

Something about it was so calming. But unfortunately not calming enough to forget what was going to happen today.

"I did... well, after you left me. Was the baby even awake tonight?" Roman wanted to know.

He turned around and pulled me into his arms. Slowly, his fingers drew little patterns on my skin. My head rested on his chest while my fingertips followed the lines of his muscles. I especially loved those of his upper arm.

"Yes, but only once. I feel like she's teething... She drools a lot. But thank God she doesn't have a fever. Or at least not yet." I explained to him.

"Aww do you think she's in pain? Can we do anything about that?" he wanted to know.

"We just need to keep an eye on her. It's not too bad at the moment. I should make breakfast now. The guest room isn't ready yet either. Someone distracted me yesterday when I was about to do that." I replied and gave him a quick kiss before rolling out of bed.

"Now wait a minute..." Ro said as he grabbed me by the arm and just pulled me back towards him.

Then he wrapped his long arms around me and almost smothered me as he cuddled up to me.

"I'm not done with you yet... Tell me why you're nervous?" he said softly.

"So obvious huh?" I asked as I smoothed his hair.

"Mom will love you and Clem as well. Because I love you. Don't worry." he replied and pressed his lips against my neck.

"Oh yeah...  I can't wait to talk to her. Hello Larissa, it's nice to finally meet you. Tell me... How did you and my son meet? - Oh it's nice to meet you too Ma'am! Well, that's actually a really cute story.... Within 5 minutes of meeting your son, I was practically shoving my vagina in his face.... Isn't that adorable?" I said, my voice high and squeaky.

"Not exactly how I would tell it, but definitely a possibility. Besides, you don't need to worry about that. She already knows that. Besides, I'm sure she'll be very distracted by Clementine anyway." Roman replied.

He had obviously realized that his distraction strategy wasn't working.

"That is another topic. By the way, your son has decided to claim my child as his, even though that might not be the traditional way to become a father. Did you tell her that too?" I wanted to know.

"No... She doesn't need to know that, does she? You guys are part of the family either way. That's why I didn't say anything." he explained.

"Where have I heard that sentence before?" I laughed.

"Um... I have no idea what you mean." he chuckled evasively.

"I'm really nervous, Ro.... Your momma is such an important part of your life... what if she doesn't like us?" I asked a little more seriously now.

"Listen, Larissa. I love you and I love my mom. And I know for a fact that she wants me to be happy. You make me happy, just like our little girl. Mom knows all that. That's why I just know that she will love you. She'll probably like you better than me at the end of her visit," he said.

"You seem very sure of that and I love you for it," I replied.

I gave him a little kiss. Afterwards, our eyes met and then we kissed again. It quickly became more intense. But of course Clem woke up at the worst possible moment.


"Good thing you don't know how nervous Mommy really is, Clem. I hope Daddy's right," I said to my baby as I paced tensely with her in my arms.

I kissed her tiny fingers as she reached out for my face. Almost as if she was telling me to shut up and just let it come to me. If only it were that easy.

The door would open at any moment. And with every second that passed, my heart beat faster.

"Girls? We are here. Come and say hello." I heard Roman call from the door.

"Hi. It's nice to finally meet you. Roman has told me so much about you." I said as we walked over to greet his mom.

Clem immediately reached out to Roman as usual. He took her in his arms. And suddenly I didn't know where to put my hands.

"Hello my dear. You're even prettier than in the photos! Now, before you get any silly ideas about calling me Pat or something... I'm Mom, okay? Just Mom!" she said and simply hugged me.

It was a bit of a surprise, but I couldn't say it was awkward. Quite the opposite. I immediately sensed that Roman was indeed right. And I had the feeling that he and his mom were very similar.

"I'm happy to do that Mom. May I introduce you? This is my daughter Clementine." I replied.

"Oh hello you little angel. God you're so cute. Pretty comfy in these arms huh? I hope Granny gets to hold you too," she said and took Clem's hand in hers.

Our little one gave her a big, still toothless smile. Almost as if she knew how important it was to make a good impression.

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