22 Fight

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Larissa POV

"Good job, baby girl!" I said, clapping my hands as I watched Clem stack the colored rings on top of each other.

She was doing very well by now. And she had plenty of other toys in her playpen to keep her occupied.

"All right... Mommy needs to keep packing. Who knew we had so much stuff?" I said to my daughter before getting back to work.

Or at least until I had no more boxes or crates. I was beginning to wonder where Roman was. He just wanted to go to his place to get more boxes that he still had from his move. That way I didn't have to buy any new ones.

After a few minutes, I heard something at the door. Maybe it was finally Ro. I opened the door only to find that it wasn't him. Instead, it was Brad's mother. Inwardly, I sighed heavily. I really wasn't in the mood for this woman today. She was sometimes, or rather always, very exhausting.

"Hi Barbara... What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh hello Larissa. I just wanted to see how things are going with you guys. What are you doing? Are you packing? Are you moving? And why didn't you tell me?" she immediately bombarded me with questions.

She simply walked past me and lifted Clementine out of her playpen.

"Hi baby. Hi my angel." she cooed.

"Yes we are moving. The building has been sold. I haven't had time to tell you yet. I wish you had called. I really don't have time for you today." I replied and took Clem, who had started to cry, from her arms to calm her down again.

"But where exactly are you moving to? You know... I could look after Clementine. We could go on a little trip." Barbara said.

"That's not necessary. The movers are coming tomorrow and then my dad will look after her. And you know very well that I won't leave my daughter alone with you. Because I know exactly what you're up to and I won't allow it," I replied.

"Come on Larissa. He can see his daughter. He has the right to. You don't have to be so stubborn and deprive your daughter of her father," she said.

"Brad has had plenty of time to get in touch with me and visit her, but he doesn't want to. And I'm not going to let you just force this on him. What if he yells again while the baby is in the room? Not a chance. I won't let that happen.

Face up to the fact that he's not interested in her. And if you don't accept that or if you go against my wishes, then I'll consider whether we should keep visiting you at all," I told her.

"I think I could get him to change his mind. Besides, he's not well at the moment. The asthma has been getting worse lately. Maybe Clem would cheer him up. And just for your information... We are her grandparents... You can't keep her from us." she replied.

The last part almost sounded like a threat. I narrowed my eyes and glared at her. I carefully put Clem back in the playpen before crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry he's not well, but that doesn't change the situation. He has no paternal instincts at all... Maybe he has completely different reasons. It doesn't matter. You won't do anything I don't allow," I said.

"Now listen young lady. This is my granddaughter. I have the legal right to spend time with her. And if you think I'm going to put up with the way you talk to me, don't be surprised if I sue you," she suddenly hissed.

"What's going on?" I suddenly heard Roman's voice from the door.

"Brad's mom showed up here unannounced and is telling me she's going to sue me if I don't leave her alone with Clem. I was just about to tell her that she can kiss my ass.

And you know why, Barbara? Because Brad never legally acknowledged Clementine. So officially, she's not his daughter. Which means she's not officially your grandchild. You can't sue me. Instead, you better hope I don't get a restraining order against you.

Clem doesn't need anyone from your family. She has someone who wants to be her father. She has my family and Roman's family who love her very much. Trust me... Blood doesn't make a family, love does. If and only if... if Brad wants to see her he can call me. But I will not, and neither will Roman, allow Clem to spend time with someone who doesn't want her in his life," I replied, reaching for his hand.

"There will be consequences, Larissa. I won't let you talk to me like that." she said in a laboriously controlled voice.

"Maybe you should talk to your son instead. And now you'd better go," I said to her.

We saw her fuming with anger, but she didn't say anything else. She just turned around and left my apartment.

"Everything all right?" Roman asked and immediately took me in his arms.

"Yes, it is. I hope she finally understood." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You were in mama bear mode. I think she understood that. Don't worry, nothing can happen to us." he replied and gave me a kiss on the nose.

"You said it's all safe from a legal perspective. And I trust you. Hopefully she'll get over this tantrum," I said.

"I mean, I can understand her, but there's no way it's going to work out her way," Roman replied.

His hands stroked my back reassuringly. At that moment, Clem pulled herself up on the playpen and started bouncing excitedly.

"Have you discovered your daddy? I know you love your daddy." I said to her as I hesitantly detached myself from my man and picked her up.

"And I love you both. Let's finish packing. Oh... I forgot, I got us takeout on the way." Ro replied as he took her in his arms.

"I love you too. You know how to take care of your girls." I said and then gave him a real kiss.

The whole Brad's mom thing quickly faded from my mind. I trusted that Roman had made sure we were well protected. And I trusted that Barbara knew it wasn't in Clem's best interest to start a fight. Because one thing was for sure, I wasn't going to lose a fight.

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