25 That's all?

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Roman POV

"Why? What's wrong?" Larissa asked immediately, of course.

Before I answered her, I rushed her and Clem into my locker room. This wasn't a conversation that everyone behind the scenes needed to hear. I didn't have the slightest idea how she would react.

Larissa sat down on the small sofa and lifted the baby out of the stroller and sat her on her lap. She looked up at me and waited for me to tell her what was going on.

I sat down with them and put a hand on her back to comfort her before taking another deep breath.

"Barbara just told me that Brad passed away yesterday in hospital. She said she wanted to tell you that he had been there for a week... but you didn't answer the phone and she doesn't have your new address...

Um... she said that... well... that his asthma was getting worse and that the doctors diagnosed him with Asthma-COPD overlap a few months ago. They tried everything to treat it with medication, but unfortunately he got pneumonia and they couldn't do anything about it in time," I explained to her quietly.

"Oh my God..." she said quietly as tears welled up in her eyes.

Clementine obviously sensed that something was wrong and looked at her mommy inquiringly. Then she lifted her little hand to stroke her cheek. I watched as Larissa first swallowed and then gently placed her hand on our daughter's. Her eyes never left the little girl's face for a second.

"That's... I don't know..." she began.

"Hey... shh... You don't have to say anything... I'm here okay?" I replied quickly and pulled them both into my arms.

It was understandable that she was completely overwhelmed and caught off guard by this unexpected news. I wouldn't have expected something like this in 100 years. We just thought that Barbara wanted to keep nagging us about taking Clementine to Brad. Who could have guessed that he wouldn't be around much longer?


"That was so awful. I can still feel their eyes on me," said Larissa when we returned home from the funeral a week later.

Clem was with her parents so we had a little time to ourselves. She flopped down on the couch and then took off her shoes before sinking into the cushions. Brad's family had given us a lot of dirty looks. I could imagine the gossip that was circulating among the family members. Not that it was important to us, but it was still uncomfortable.

"I know what you mean. But you didn't do anything wrong. He didn't want anything to do with Clem. You tried." I replied as I sat down with her.

"I know, but I still feel guilty somehow." she said as she laid her head against my chest.

"I feel the same way... What did his mom give you at the end?" I wanted to know.

"It's a flash drive... She said they found it in Brad's stuff and that it was for me and Clem... I don't know what it could be." she replied as she pulled the little thing out of her pocket.

"Just one way to find out... Well, if you're ready." I said and gave her a kiss on the hair.

"Soon... I just need you for a while." she replied as she wrapped her arms around me to snuggle closer.

After half an hour in which we simply enjoyed the peace and quiet and our closeness, Larissa finally took me by the hand. We made our way to the office together.

"Do you want to be alone?" I asked as I watched her insert the flash drive.

"No. Whatever it is, you should see it too," she replied.

Larissa took a deep breath before opening a video that was saved there. I reached for her hand and held it tightly.

"Hi Larissa... I'm sorry. Because there's only one reason why you're seeing this. It means that I didn't make it. Listen... First of all, I wanted to apologize to you. It wasn't right the way I treated you. But I'm sure you have a much better man by your side now and... I'm glad he's taking such good care of our little girl. I've known about this disease longer than I've let anyone know. And I guess you could call it karma. I got what I deserved for being such a horrible person.

Take good care of yourself and Clementine... And don't let my mom drive you crazy. You know she can be annoying sometimes... But she means well. I feel that I don't have much time left... that's why... I changed my will. I sold everything and put the money in my account. I have instructed that it all goes to you and Clem. It's nothing to make up for my past wrongs... But I want you and her to have everything you need.

I'm sorry I wasn't the person you and the baby deserved. Please tell Roman to take good care of you." he said weakly as he was shaken by repeated coughing fits.

"That's all? No reason why he behaved like that? Nothing? Just an apology... And what exactly am I supposed to tell Clem when she's older and asking questions?" Larissa asked after the video ended.

"It doesn't matter, baby girl. When the time comes, we'll explain to her together what happened. You don't have to have an answer to every question," I replied.

"You're right... I was just hoping. But he's right about one thing. You are a much better man than he ever was... I'm sorry he died and I shouldn't think that way, but I'm kind of relieved that no one can take Clem away from us anymore..." Larissa said.

"I love you, baby girl. And our little one. And who knows... maybe one day she'll have someone else to play with. But for now, let's focus on making sure she has the best first birthday ever," I replied.

"We love you too. And we're so lucky that you're her daddy." she said and then wrapped her arms around me.

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