32 Happy

428 26 16

Larissa POV

"I'm gonna get you, Mini Miss. Daddy will have you in a minute," Roman said to Clementine as he playfully chased her around the ring.

Our little one giggled and squealed the whole time as she ran away from him. One thing was for sure, she was going to sleep well tonight. She especially loved it when Roman got hold of her and then lifted her high above his head. I had the feeling that she deliberately let him catch her more often just so he could take her in his strong arms.

I laughed with my family as I stood on the side of the ring and took lots of photos and one or two videos of the two of them having fun together. I dreamily stroked my bump as I sighed deeply but calmly. I don't think I had ever been so happy in my life. And this whole pregnancy so far was so different from my first that I was enjoying the experience to the fullest. 

And I knew that Roman enjoyed it as much as I did. He just loved holding me silently in his arms and feeling our baby through my skin. He kept talking to the unborn child in my belly and waited impatiently for reactions.

"Hey! How are you Mrs. almost Reigns? Long time no see." I heard Jimmy say behind me as he and Jey came up close.

"Oh guys! We're fine. What about you?" I asked as I hugged them both.

"Fine I'd say. Hi Miss Clem! How's the little marshmallow?" he replied.

"Mimmy! Mey!" Clem squealed excitedly as she came running over.

"Still not a fan of the J, huh?" he asked her and then tickled her through the ropes.

"At this point, I think she's doing it on purpose," Roman said with a laugh.

"Quite possibly. Tell me, Larissa... Is it true that you won't tell us what the new baby is going to be?" Jey then asked.

"Yes, that's true... We thought it would be a nice surprise for the wedding. Well... assuming we manage to get married in the next few months. I wanted to wait until after the birth, but the big guy here wants us to tie the knot before then," I replied, pointing with my thumb at my fiancé.

Roman sat down on the ring apron and sat Clem on his lap before pulling me closer to him with his free arm.

"Can you blame me for wanting to call you my wife as soon as possible, baby girl?" he asked.

"Why, of course not! It's just a lot of work because you have such a huge family. I mean I'm an organizational talent, but wow!" I replied with a laugh.

"She has a point." Jimmy agreed with me.

"You know... Maybe the big family can be a help to you. After all, we've already celebrated a big wedding or two. I'm sure they'd all love to help and play a part in making your day perfect. All you have to do is ask and give them a task. And bang! You'll have a fully planned wedding in no time at all," said Jey, clapping his hands for emphasis.

"What do you think of the idea?" Roman wanted to know.

I thought about it for a moment. It was totally against my nature, as I always preferred to have to be in control of everything... But I had to admit that it sounded very tempting. I also had to think about our baby. After all, I was supposed to avoid stress. And planning a wedding was anything but stress-free.

"Well... when I think about it... it's actually not a bad idea. I should get our mothers involved. I'm sure the two forces of nature can coordinate everything. Or what I let them do," I replied.

"Great! And I'll call our mom. I'm sure she can help too." said Jey.

"I have a feeling they want to us married as soon as possible." Roman replied.

"Oh, they just want to know what the baby is going to be." I laughed.

"That could be part of it, yes. Come with Uncle Jimmy, Clem. We're going to get ice cream. Let's give Mommy and Daddy a few minutes alone." he then said, holding his arms out to her.

"Have fun and don't teach her any super kicks," I said as I gave my little one another kiss.

Jimmy placed Clem on his shoulders. The three of them left and Roman pulled me back into his arms. His big hands stroked my back before slowly moving to my baby bump.

"Want to bet they're trying to find out from Clem what the new baby is going to be?" I asked as I put my arms around his neck and then gave him a kiss.

"That's a pretty safe bet, baby girl... Too bad for them that we don't even know yet." he chuckled and then gave me another kiss.

"Let them have fun with it." I replied as I laid my head against his chest.

"Speaking of that... Are you sure you want to share your fun? I know how much you like to plan and to organize. You didn't even let me help." Ro asked.

"I know, but that's more because you have enough on your plate as it is. Besides, we both know that detail aren't that important to men. I love it, but I have to admit that I can't do everything right now. And that certainly won't get any better with 2 small children. I have to learn to divide and conquer," I explained to him.

"As long as it makes you happy..." he said.

"You make me happy. Our family makes me happy. All in all, I'd say I'm a damn happy woman, boss." I replied.

"I've always told you that I'll do anything to make you and our daughter happy. And I always like to hear that I succeed." he said before he took my chin, lifted my head and looked deep into my eyes.

Then he gave me a little kiss on the nose and then a passionate, deep kiss on the lips.

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