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"Seasons changeSay you'll stay the sameCause I love you"

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"Seasons change
Say you'll stay the same
Cause I love you"

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As he watched the young girl named "Y/n" struggle to measure his height, Chigiri, with his distinctive pink hair, found himself caught between confusion and amusement. Despite his internal amusement, he maintained a composed demeanor, resisting the urge to burst into laughter at the child's evident frustration.

Suppressing her annoyance, Y/n addressed Chigiri with a mixture of irritation and determination. "Done laughing? Good. Now, hold still," she instructed, positioning a chair and standing on it to reach his height.

Chigiri complied, his expression schooled into one of seriousness as he watched Y/n go about her task with practiced efficiency. Once she had completed her measurements, she returned to her desk and began entering information into her computer.

"Hmm, an ACL tear," she mused aloud, her tone matter-of-fact as she assessed his condition. Chigiri's shock was palpable, his agitation simmering beneath the surface as he grappled with the reality of his injury.

Part of him longed to lash out at Y/n, to refute her assessment and assert his own capabilities. But deep down, he knew she was right. Despite his skill and determination, his injury had become a weight around his ankles, hindering his performance and stifling his potential.

"You don't know anything about me," Chigiri growled, his voice low and menacing as he locked eyes with Y/n, seeking to intimidate her with his intensity.

Y/n, however, met his glare with a steely resolve of her own. "I am Y/n, and I know everything," she declared, her confidence unwavering as she held his gaze.

The puppet's observation of Chigiri's reaction prompted a laugh to bubble up from within her, further infuriating the already agitated boy.

"I only work with the best," Y/n continued, her tone unyielding as she handed Chigiri a piece of paper. "If you're not up to par, then perhaps it's time for you to move on. Here, we have no use for losers."

With a sly smile, she added, "Retrieve your phone and give 'Y/n' a call; we'll make sure you don't disappoint again."

As Chigiri stormed out of the room, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, Y/n remained behind, her expression impassive as she awaited the next challenge that fate would inevitably bring her way.

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