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"It was one timeOne time I lost controlOne kissAnd now I'm down a rabbit hole"

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"It was one time
One time I lost control
One kiss
And now I'm down a rabbit hole"

In the midst of gathering the requisite medical paraphernalia, a subtle yet palpable sense of unease suffuses the air, punctuated only by the sporadic glances I cast toward the prone figure of the unconscious boy. Mini-me, my faithful surrogate, diligently tends to his well-being, her clinical efficiency a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within me.

"You know, I'm fully capable of fixing the goalie hologram," mini-me interjects, her tone devoid of emotion as she remains focused on her task, a task that seems trivial in comparison to the emotional turmoil unfolding.

"I am aware, but there is someone I feel compelled to see," I respond, my voice tinged with a mixture of determination and apprehension.

The puppet, embodying a semblance of impatience, scoffs audibly, her eyes rolling in a gesture of disdain. "Let me guess, it's Rin, isn't it? Have you not moved on from him yet?" she retorts, her words a pointed reminder of the past that continues to haunt us.

How could I move on? Rin and Sae, my first friends, were the embodiment of innocence and camaraderie during our shared school days. The nostalgia that accompanies reminiscences of our carefree camaraderie is a potent reminder of the irreplaceable bond we once shared. Yet, in the wake of our unfulfilled promises and shattered dreams, I am left to ponder whether our reunion would evoke a similar sentiment in them.

Rin, in particular, elicits conflicting emotions within me. His gentle demeanor and unwavering loyalty were once sources of solace, but the passage of time has wrought changes that I struggle to reconcile with my memories.

"Focus on your duties, mini-me. Stop asking questions," I admonish, my words tinged with a hint of exasperation as I exit the confines of the infirmary, my destination a small, sterile chamber cloaked in an eerie white glow.

As the hologram flickers uncontrollably, Rin's silhouette materializes before me, his steely gaze penetrating the veil of indifference I attempt to maintain. A fleeting expression of surprise flits across his countenance, swiftly replaced by a simmering resentment that threatens to engulf us both.

"Y/n...?" His voice, a fragile whisper, hangs in the air, laden with unspoken questions and unresolved grievances.

Despite the tumult raging within me, I maintain a facade of composure, my response delivered with calculated nonchalance. "Hello, Rin," I offer, my tone a veneer masking the tumultuous sea of emotions churning beneath the surface.

As Rin advances, his proximity a palpable presence, the air crackles with tension. "You left. Why?" His accusatory tone reverberates through the silence, each syllable a dagger piercing the fragile semblance of normalcy.

A lump forms in my throat as I struggle to articulate a response, the weight of guilt and remorse threatening to engulf me. "It wasn't by choice. I apologize for my silence," I stammer, my voice betraying the uncertainty that plagues me.

With each step he takes, Rin draws closer, his gaze a relentless barrage that threatens to unravel the carefully constructed facade I present. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must attend to the hologram," I deflect, my retreat a feeble attempt to evade the maelstrom of emotions threatening to consume us both.

As I immerse myself in my task, the silence between us becomes deafening, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Yet, despite the weight of our shared history, neither of us dares to breach the fragile veneer of indifference that separates us.

In the stillness that follows, the echoes of our unresolved past reverberate through the chamber, a haunting reminder of the bonds we once shared and the rifts that now divide us. And as I steal a final glance at Rin, his gaze burning into the recesses of my soul, I am acutely aware of the chasm that separates us, a divide that no amount of words can bridge.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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