part 4-losing friends

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The meaning of losing friends

Losing friends is like losing a part of your heart. Sometimes it hits you harder than losing a boyfriend or girlfriend. I think it's because in a relationship you have the thought back in your mind that someday this is maybe going to end but when you lose a friend you don't expect and never expected that you're ever going to lose them. It shocks you, it hits you and at the end it breaks you so much that at some point you don't think you're ever going to have a friend like that again. you start to have trust issues and at that point something in you goes lost. That something is the feeling you have when you go on a late night drive with you friend, the feeling you have when you laugh at something and then don't even know what you're laughing about anymore, the feeling when you dance together. And then it happens, you can dance your dance better and better and then you lose them, it's like somebody holds you in the lifting pose from dirty dancing and then they let you fall. You fall and fall and fall and it takes so long to realize that you're falling and then you lie on the ground and you break. Mentally and physically; your heart breaks, your bones break and at the end the whole 'you' is broken and you don't know what to do. You learn that a hospital can't heal you from every pain and you learn that you cared more about them, then you ever thought. At the end you always feel what they meant to you.

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