"Getting used to it"

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Felicia's P.O.V:

Well yesterday happened. I am now trying to withdraw the thoughts from that day's events by munching on my favorite breakfast. Yum.

Here I am, once again going to school with my sister. Realizing I didn't drink this morning, we both go to a nearby store. I bought 2 bottles of water, mini marshmallows and gatorade with a flavor of 'Blue Bolt'. I pass her, her dearest blue bolt as I kept the rest. (I'm so cool, passing blue bolts and all) And advance on to the school of dreadful learning.

"Why did you buy those marshmallows?" Kaitlyn asks

"What? They're cute and fluffy" 

Kaitlyn simply gives me a blank look and skips ahead.

I walk slowly to class, since I'm trying to pass the time. I sit on my desk, carefully pulling out my doodling notebook, which I decorated the cover and spent so much time working on it. And you may not know this but.. I started, doodling. I know I know, unexpected.

I started drawing a girl's face with realistic features as I waited for my class teacher to come. I was doing good till some idiot decided to catch my attention by slamming his hands on my desk so loud and hard, knocking me out of my state of mind. It made my hand wobble so much, ruining my piece of work.

"Excuse me?" I say as I look up to see a smirking Jordan.

"Hi there." He says

I roll my eyes and I try to erase the marks done by Jordan's earthquake.

"Do not roll your eyes on me young lady." He says as he brings his face closer to mine

"Jordan, no."

He stands up properly and puts my bag which is on top of my table, to the back of my chair.

Aw. What a gentleman.

Our adviser came. ugh. Here comes wonderful torture.

~After 183728336271 years of boring lecture~

"JORDAN!!" I yell at him even though he was clearly right in front of me.

"FELICIA!!" He mimics my tone.

"Excuse me Felicia and Jordan. Some students are trying to take their exams. So if you don't mind, please keep good behavior" Our adviser says in a sombre tone.

Not even following what our teacher just said, I push Jordan out of his chair and I  start dragging him to my heaven of rainbows and sparkles, which you could patently guess, the cafeteria.

We line up in the non-existent line and get food from the lunch lady. Our food here is SO MUCH BETTER than what you think, that's why I love it here. And the lunch lady is really nice, she's not that nasty, rude, bald, hair net wearin' lady you usually picture.

"Good morning Ms Martha!" I greet

"Oh hello there, dear. Would you like a steak?" She cheerfully says

"Sure. That'd be nice." I say, followed by a chuckle and a fresh hot piece of meat dumped on my plate, same with Jordan.

We sat on the corner of the cafeteria, which was very quiet.. and very awkward. Thank goodness he spoke up.

"So.. what'd you do yesterday?" He says

"I inhaled and exhaled, I blinked and I also walke-" I emit but got cut off to him saying

"Felicia." He said in such a deep voice I could see corals and dolphins

"I walked with my sister, along the neighborhood. "


"Do you really wan't to know?"

"Isn't that why I'm asking in the first place?" He says. Hmph. Dude's got a point.

"I was looking for an old friend, Connor. I saw him in school but I just dropped by to say 'hi'."

"Oh. Wait, Connor? Old friend?"

"Mmm." I mumble while taking a bite of my food.

"Okay, so Connor's your childhood buddy?"

"Yep." I say popping the p.  "It's a small world after all."

"Yeah. He makes everyone nervous. Including me."


"I didn't mean it that way. Stop with that complicated mind of yours."

We paused for a moment taking in what we were just talking about.

"Something's suspicious..."

"Let's talk about something else." Even though I suspect something with this guy, I just let it go.

"So.. How's Life?"

This is the start of a great friendship.


Hey Guys! It's Q_Victoria. You may remember me as the book cover maker and the editor of this story...if that makes  sense ? I made this chapter and it's also my first time, soo you may have noticed the writing style is a bit different compared to my best friend's, BritzB.


PLEASE leave comments on what I can improve on :)


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