"What to do, what to do...?"

27 2 0

(I'm just gonna be narrating here)

"It sucks doesn't it?" Connor asks Jordan

"Like a bi-" before Jordan could finish his sentence, he saw his mother enter the room

"Bi-Binary code that I couldn't figure out. Hey, mom!", Connor chuckles silently from the immediate reaction

"Hello Jordan. Nice save." His mother grinned, which caused Jordan to blush in guilt

"Hello, Ma'am. I'm Connor, Joe's friend." He shook her hand

"Nice to meet you, I'll just be upstairs if you need me." The two boys nodded 

Currently, Connor and Jordan decided to hang out, and talk. Especially since they've already confessed about their girl problems.


Connor told that he somehow wasn't able to think straight whenever it came to the two beautiful girls, so he decided to take a break from them. Jordan on the other hand told that everything felt so wrong for him, he knew what it was that was so wrong for him, he just didn't really trust Connor too much; so he's decided to keep it a secret, pretending it to be unknown. It's just a mystery.

"I really didn't want to hurt Felicia that way, to be honest I didn't really know that she felt that way about me." Jordan shyly rubs his arm

"How did you know she has a crush on you, anyways?" Connor asks

That caused Jordan to accidentally choke on his own spit.

He cleared his throat, "Uhm, I just...know."

"Oh, okay." Connor shrugs

"Are you okay with it, though?" Jordan asks

"Yeah, I guess so," Connor faces the boy, "It's just  a little sad to know that my crush likes someone else, that's all."

Jordan smiles sadly, "Awfully sorry."

"Nah, that's alright."

Let's go check the girls, shall we?

Here they are; Felicia reading a book while chewing on some french fries, Kaitlyn here, pigging out on some pizza. Uh, Kaitlyn has, like, food crumbs around her mouth, and her hands and mouth are pretty much occupied. Don't worry. That's perfectly normal. She'll be fine.

(A/N: Are you a filipino? Stress lang yan, diba?

if not, Kaitlyn is just stressed ^_^)

Both just silent, enjoying the comfortable silence and delicious food.

Let's fast forward to where they aren't eating because I'm hungry now.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on.....what?" Kaitlyn asks confused

Felicia groans, "Ugh, fine the answer is 2x-x."

Kaitlyn shakes her head in confusion, shrugs and just writes the answer down into her notebook.

"This is total bull." she sighs

"Yeah, but it'll be over soon, don't worry. Anyways, is that all your homework? Are you done?" Felicia asks

"Uhm," Kaitlyn checks through all her notes and such

She slams all her books, hard, causing Felicia to jump on her chair, "FINALLY IT'S OVER! GUUH THAT WAS SOOooo stupid." Kaitlyn groaned

"Just like you." Felicia Mumbled under her breath

Kaitlyn scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"You're excused." The older sister grabbed her belongings and marched all the way upstairs

As Kaitlyn wasn't really in the mood, she shrugged it off and cleaned up the place. Just then Kaitlyn remembered to do something, she rushed upstairs and knocked on her older sister's door.

"Yeeessss?" Felicia asks as she opens the door

"Felic, I need to go and buy a few things at the store for art class."

"Oh, I'll come with-"

"No, it's okay. It'll be quick, just there." Kaitlyn pointed to the direction of the store

(A/N: Target?)

"Are you sure?" Felicia asks

Kaitlyn nods, "See ya." and rushes off, grabbing her jacket, the keys to the door and leaves

The reason why she was such in a rush? Okay,

Butt-load of homework + Butt-load of food = wastage of time (in a way)

Kaitlyn was on her way to the market...

Kaitlyn is IN the market, folks she is walking, look at the way her hips sway left and right as she scoots all the way to her destination. Look at how she amazingly yet swiftly turns to the aisle she wanted to go to, folks, this amazing. She can move. Look at that. Woah. Wait, she's jumping, goodness look at her functioning legs and- HOLY MOTHER OF- she's tripped, she's falling, and falling, and falling, and... her beautiful face never got the contact the floor wanted.

And the floor cries.

(A/N: Alright, I'll be serious. Y'all hope I didn't offend anyone on that. If you know what I mean. No? Okay.)

"You okay?" Jordan asks

"Yeah, yeah I am- Oh heyyy."

He smiles, "Hey."

Kaitlyn stands upright, "Now I know why Felicia had a crush on you. Had." She mumbled the last part to herself

Jordan's smile turned into a frown, but he hid it quickly.

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"Oh, I was just..." She looked around and grabbed the canvas, oil paints and palette, "looking for these."

"Oh alright," He looks at its price, "You have the money for that?"

Kaitlyn's eyes widened, "Oh shhhhh-" She face-palmed herself, "Why did I forget the freaking money?"

Jordan laughs, "That's why I'm here, actually." 

"What?" She asks confused

"I called Felic apologizing, she told she'd accept my apology if I just gave you the money you needed since you left it. So I did, since I was just there over at Connor's."

"Okay. Thank you so much."

"No problem." He smiled

~After the buying of things~

"Thanks again." 

"You're welcome."

"By the way what- oof." Kaitlyn was interrupted by a woman she's bumped into

"Hey, miss, please watch where you're-"

"I'm really sorry." Kaitlyn cuts him off and pulls Jordan and her away from the woman

"Wait." The stranger says

Kaitlyn turns her head to her, "Yes?"

"Do you... do you remember me?"

Author's Note:

What do I do with writer's block?

well, firstly, it's just cause i was lazy, so apologies apologies. And I didn't really get to write a lot cuz i don't really have time, but i hope you like this update. School is kinda getting in my way, also music. Anyways, so yeah, comment, vote if you'd like to, say 'hi' and yuhp.

okay, bye :)

~Britz B

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