Part Five: The Dread

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Part Five

The Dread

Alfina Guerrero

Am I dreaming?

I was in a beautiful cathedral. I was holding a bouquet, wearing a beautiful gown, and walking down the aisle to meet my groom.

I could see my friends, they were all happy for me. I recognize their faces but I don't know their names or faces.

Is this my wedding? It looks like it is.

I had people look at me in awe and they were all happy for me. I don't know their names too but they all look familiar.

But why does it feel wrong?

I was nearing the altar but I couldn't see the face of my groom.

What's happening? Who are you?

I woke up from my dream, I don't know why but even if it was a beautiful moment in my life it felt wrong.

Matt was sleeping by my foot.

I gently caressed his cheek, he looked so peaceful because of how soundly he slept.

I checked the clock near the bedside table, it was four in the morning.

Matthias never really had any expensive appliances in his house but he was already content with what he had in his life.

I decided to make breakfast for him.

As I made my way downstairs, the calendar caught my eye. Matt has encircled a specific date marking that it was 12 days before the whaling season officially starts.

I was wearing the pajamas that he recently bought me.

Thank goodness that he had a fridge at least.

There was one problem, I didn't know how to cook.

How hard could it be?


After what seemed like hours, I finally wasted a lot of eggs and burned some ham.

"Good morning," a familiar voice said.

"I'm sorry for making a mess, I tried making breakfast. I just wanted to thank you for the trouble I've caused you," I explained.

"Burning down my kitchen is a great way to thank me," he joked.

"How about I take it from here?" Matt offered.

"Alright, I'll promise to stay away from the kitchen from now on," I said.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I can teach you how to cook,"

Matt took a glimpse of the calendar and his smile faltered.

"At least after the whaling season," he continued.

"I hate this season," he muttered under his breath.

I didn't know what to say to him. Matt rubbed his temples and groaned.

"I'll be okay Evy," Matt assured.

I was surprised to see Matt walking towards me.

I was looking directly at his beautiful blue eyes, I was a blushing mess.

Matt leaned in and kissed me square on the lips.

My eyes widened in surprise with what he did and I didn't know what to do but kiss him back.

When Matt pulled away from the kiss, he was also surprised.

"Evy, I–" I cut him off by placing a finger between his lips.

"It's alright, I do not mind," I smiled at him.

"How about you sit down and I'll make us breakfast?" he offered.

"Alright, but you're still trying out what I cooked," I said.

Matt let out a hearty laugh.

"Just get Theodoro on the phone for me," he jokingly said.


"Alfina has been missing for days, how dumb can you be? How difficult is it to find the Marchioness of a prominent town in Spain?" Joan Artamonov, the Russian socialite, yelled on the phone.

"You know Joan, yelling at the police investigators won't help in finding Alfina. I can't even contact Olivia," Danielle Taylor, the blonde American bombshell actress, said.

"I know that, I just don't know why they are being so lax about her abduction! This woman was clearly broken-hearted and set up by her cousin!" Joan exclaimed.

"I know we're all concerned about Alfina but now is not the time to argue ladies. Let's narrow down what we all know first before jumping to any conclusions. Claude and Zahria are both missing, they might be hiding our friend," Bettina Cappitani, the Italian duchess stated.

"Francine, you studied in Tønsberg you probably know about the town," Joan pointed out.

Francine was taken aback by what Joan said.

"How did you know that?" Francine Stuart, a Scottish socialite and half-sister of Danielle asked her friend.

"Danielle told us. You know how much of a babble mouth your sister is," Bettina chimed in.

"I'm not that familiar with Tønsberg anymore. I can't remember that much," Francine admitted.

"You can't remember or you choose not to remember because of that devilishly handsome ex of yours?" the Italian duchess slyly teased.

"Watch it, Bettina, I will not hesitate to serve your head together with my fettuccine pasta for dinner!" Francine threatened.

"Ladies behave, let us not stray from our original goal, finding our friend. Francine, I do not care what past you have in Tønsberg, but we need your help in locating our friend. The Queen of Spain will surely not hesitate to wage war on Norway once word gets out that her favorite Marchioness is presumably dead," Joan scolded, making everyone hush.

"Pack your bags girlies, we're going to Norway," Danielle announced.

"We'll meet later at the airport, we'll take my private plane. Let's meet at eight in the evening. Does that sound good?" Joan asked.

Everybody nodded.

Everyone except Francine quickly left the penthouse suite near the Amalfi Coast that they were staying in.

Francine let out a sigh before picking up her phone and dialing an all-too-familiar number.


"It's me, Francine, I need your help,"

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