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Warning: This part contains mentioning of sexual action


December 10, 2021

The strange man with wavy black hair unlocked the door to his apartment and made room for Mingi to go in. Mingi looked around uncertainly as they walked in. They were standing in a huge room. The apartment seemed pretty big but still somehow lonely. Mingi wondered what had possessed him to go with a stranger and even follow him into his apartment.

"Do you want a drink?" the man asked and smiled. Mingi stared at him and realized that he had the sweetest smile he had ever seen. Mingi nodded and sat down on his couch a little shyly. He texted Wooyoung and Jongho that he had gone home and that they would see each other again on Monday. Of course that was a lie, but Mingi didn't want them to worry and they certainly would.

The man put a glass down in front of Mingi and plopped down next to him on the couch. Mingi took the glass and drank a sip. It tasted disgusting, but he took another sip anyway before putting the glass back on the table. Mingi wanted to ask his name, but he didn't dare. Instead, he looked around the room with interest. The furnishings were very simple and apart from a few plants that had died, there were hardly any decorations.

"So..." the man began to speak and put his glass down. "What is someone like you doing in a bar and how did you get into a place like this in the first place?" He looked very interested and turned to Mingi. "Long story, but my friends and I just wanted to go for a drink." The black-haired man nodded and leaned against the couch. "How old are you?" he then asked. "Eighteen and you?" Mingi said. "I'm twenty two," the man said. Mingi looked at him and scanned his every feature. His face was round and yet there was something special about it that made him incredibly attractive.

"So you're studying?" Mingi asked. The man shook his head. "Enough with the personal questions, why did you come with me?" he wanted to know and Mingi began to knead his hands out of nervousness. He didn't know it himself. He only knew one thing. He was incredibly curious. He always had been and if something made him curious, he simply had to pursue it. And the unknown man with the most beautiful smile in the world in front of him made him more than just curious.

Mingi noticed his intense gaze.
"I don't know, you suggested it?" he said quietly. The man nodded. "Yes, but no normal high school student would follow a stranger they met in a bar." He was right. Mingi swallowed.

"There was this girl," he began, realizing that all of the man's attention was now on him. "I really liked her and I got my hopes up. But I was disappointed and since then I always think to myself that no one will ever like me." The man smiled. "You're only 18, do you seriously think you'll be single forever?" Mingi shook his head. "No, but my friends all have someone. My best friend has been with his boyfriend for five years and my other friend is always seeing girls. I'm the only one who doesn't have anyone."

Mingi had no idea why he was telling the man all this, but it was good to let it all out. Besides, the man didn't know him and couldn't judge him. "You'll find someone." Mingi nodded, although he wasn't convinced. He was still young, but he didn't want to be the only one who was always alone. "Can I ask you something?" Mingi now turned to him. "Sure," the older one said. "Why did you invite me here?" Mingi asked, looking at him in anticipation.

"Do you want me to be honest?" the man asked and Mingi nodded immediately. The man sat up straight again and turned to Mingi. "When I saw you sitting alone at the bar like that, I just had to go to you." Mingi raised his eyebrows." Why?" he asked. "You were so cute, sitting there and pretending to enjoy the alcohol."

Mingi had to smile. "But honestly, why do so many people drink if it tastes so disgusting?" Now the older man had to smile too. "You'll understand when you get older." Mingi nodded and looked at his hands, then back up and looked directly into the dark eyes of his counterpart. "You think I'm cute?" he asked nervously. The man nodded in agreement. "No one has ever said anything like that about me," Mingi laughed, playing down how happy this compliment actually made him. "They're all blind," the man said.

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