Chap 9| New daily excercise for Hunter

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"Yes, Aj we want you to tutor Mr.Redmen." Mr.Toll says.

"But why me?! I have life you know!" I say. I heard Hunter mumble 'what life' under his breathe. He clearly has death wish.

"Well Aj, You are the top student at this school." Mr. Toll says.

"But I'm not in the tutoring thingy-ma-bob!" I say waving my arms around.

"Come on Aj, please you can help me get good grades in my classes." Hunter says. I could clearly see he was trying to hold back a smirk.

"Stay out this Hunter." I say giving him a glare.

"Aj, your doing it that's final." Mr.toll say. I let out a angry sigh.

"Whatever." I say. Walking out of class, Hunter following behind me. Can I push him off a cliff now?

"Wednesday and friday 5-6" I say.

"Wait! Friday!" He say behide me.

"Ya, take or leave it." I say. "I have a life too you know." Hunter was now right beside me.

"What life?" He asked. That's when I hit him on the back of the head.

"Oww, what was that for?" He asked rubbing the back of his head.

"For being a jerk." I say giving him a cheeky smile. Hunter doesn't need my help he's smart enough already. In 6th grade he was the second top student in our school. He's just flat out not doing his work.

"I thought I was stating the obvious." Hunter says rubbing the back of his head still.

"Whatever, I'm going to lacrosse now good riddance's!" I say walking towards the field.

"Bye to you too!" He yelled back.

~ 2 hours later~

I'm so tired and I have to walk back home. Life's just great! (Note the sarcasm).

I started towards the parking lot. I heard yelling behide me but ignored it and put my headphones in. That's when I felt a warm hand lightly grab my arm. My skin was tingling, like spark went through me. I turned to see the one and only Hunter Redmen. Why does the lord hate me?

"Hey." He say kinda out of breathe.

"What do you want?" I ask. "Better yet why are you still here?"

"I was wondering if you needed a ride." Hunter ask.

"Yes, but not from you." I say turning back around.

"Aj, please you just ran like 2 miles." Hunter say.

"Fine, but I just want to let you know something." I say.

"That is?" He asked with a lifted brow.

"Your a stalker and a perv."

Hunter laughed "Just get on the bike." Hunter shook his head and handed me the helmet.

"Where's your's ?" I asked.

"Your using it." He say in a 'duh' tone.

"Hunter you need start wearing one." I say with concern.

"I'll do it if you go on a date with me."

"On second thought, It's been nice knowing ya." I say putting the helmet on.

Hunter shook his head and started the engine. I grabbed his shoulders as we took off.

We are at my house in 5 minutes. I got off and took off my helmet and handed it back to him.

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