Chap 13| Wicked Witch is Calling

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A week later Hunter and I are working in my room. We haven't talked about that night. But, there are a couple of times where I catch Hunter staring at my lips. See I knew I wasn't that bad of kisser! But, I'm guilty of that as well though, since that night we both keep staring at each other.

Hunter P.O.V.

Annie and I are just sitting here looking at a book that we both know, that I can do all these problems without help. It was just an excuse to talk to Annie without her walking away from me.

Because well, it's Annie and she walks away from everybody with her hips swinging and her head held high. She is one of a kind so, that why I really want a chance with her. To show her I'm not all about the smirks, the comments, and the women. I actually really like her, she always keeps me on my toes.

"Why don't you kiss and kiss this and I don't mean on my rosie red lips." Annie's phone goes off, which is right by me.

I look down at it. "Wicked Witch is calling by the way." Annie throws her head back and let's out a frustrated sigh.

"What does she want!" Annie yells. As she leans over me to grab her phone her shirts lifts up as she does so, her hip has something on it.

I turn my neck so I could look a little closer, it reads. L Annie. What does that mean? El Annie? Lol Annie? Or maybe I'm looking at this wrong. Maybe its Annie L Jay Bluzchip, I don't know but I will figure it out.

Annie leans back into her spot and starts talking into the phone.

"What do you mean I have to do it! Its not my turn for another 3 more years!"

"It's not my fault, you want to be a terrible mom and leave me behind."

"Me being the terrible child! You do realize I've been covering for my brothers right? I never threw that party! If you recall I wasn't in town when that happen! I was with grandma, in Tennessee!"

"FINE, I'll do it and it will be the best damn Bluzchip's ball this whole town will have ever seen!"

"Goodbye mother, I hope you don't get eaten by a shark while in Australia. Or fall off the Eiffel Tower in France by the wind!" Annie says angrily into the phone as she hangs up. Annie throws her body back so shes lying on the floor. She covers her face with her arms and she screams in to them.

"I see your mother is a pain in the ass." I say while looking at Annie's arms.

"You have no idea." She says through her arms. I find it cute the fact that every time she's overly mad she just lies on the ground. So, she doesn't let her emotion show or harms somebody.

"Love the caller ID by the way for her." I say to try lighten the mood.

"Thanks, its the only one I could come up without her snooping at my phone." She says with a laugh.

"So what up?" I ask because I don't want this to fall into awkward silence.

"My mom wants me to host the Bluzchip's ball. But its not my turn she still had another three years to do it." Annie says as she sits up to look at me.

"Wow that's harsh, if you need help just ask ." I say.

"Thanks Hunter you can help with putting out everything, while I sit and eat chocolate." Annie says with a laugh.

"Anything you say miss." I say with a awkward bow because, well I was sitting on the floor.

Annie laughs under her arms. "I can't believe this! I mean really how can she be this rude, I did every thing for that witch. She still doesn't care about me enough, to call me a daughter." Then Annie mutters something under her breath as she sits up. "I wish I was never born into this family."

I don't know if she wanted me to hear it but I did and I got mad at her family for doing this to her. Shes so sweet and quite when she puts down her walls and let's me in.

I open my arms wide. "You need a Hunter hug." I say she looks at me and laughs, I motion with my finger for her to hug me. She finally leans in and gives me a hug, Annie lays her head on my chest. I actually really like Annie jay in my arms, shes not like most girls at all.

She doesn't want to be caught.

But Intend to catch Aj one way or another.


After Hunter left, I walk into the kitchen and trying to find Cleo.

"Cleo." I say as I walk more into the kitchen.

"Yes, honey?" She says as she walks out of storage room.

"Want to take a guess what my mom just said I had to do?" I ask as I but my hands on my hips.

"What's she make you do this time?" Cleo ask as she walks closer to me.

"I have to host the Bluzchip's ball this year." I say and thats when Cleo got mad

"You shouldn't be doing that! You are not the age for it! I can't believe her! I'll help you with the ball." Cleo says as she begins pacing.

"No Cleo, I'm not letting you help with the ball. I'm going to do this alone. Plus Hunter says he'll help with chairs and stuff." I say.

Cleo stops pacing. "You and Hunter are going to end up together, you know that right."

"No, we won't. We are friends and nothing more."

"Friends with benefits." Cleo says under her breathe.

"How so?" I ask her.

"Don't think I didn't see your lips swollen and you soaking wet from your 'date'." Cleo quotes 'date' with her fingers.

"Ok maybe we made a bet but that doesn't mean anything." I say.

"That means everything." Cleo says while laughing.

"Ok, whatever." I say with a laugh. "I'm going to start planning this ball. If you need me I'll be in my room."

"Ok, holler if you need anything." Cleo says.

"Will do." I say as I walk out of the kitchen. I walk towards my mom's office to get the planning binder. When I walk in there I start looking through the shelves. When I'm by my mom's computer it dings, I look at it and click open the email.

The binder is in the bottom of the right hand shelf by the desk

- Mom

Hate when she does that anyway, I pick up the binder and walk out of the office. I walk back up stairs and plop down on the bed, I start looking through the binder. I grab a pad of paper and a pen and start writing down a couple of ideas.

When I make a list, I grab the binder and put it on my desk. I decide to take a shower and go to bed.

When I get out of the shower, I throw on sweat pants and a sweatshirt. I walk towards my bed and collapse on to it.

I have a month to make the perfect ball and I am determined to make the most of it.

I'm Annie jay Bluzchip and I love to prove people wrong, Especially my mother.


A/N: Ok, this was boring but it just a set up chapter for the next two!

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