Chapter 3| A Horn Potato

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^Hunters Ducati^

Hunter's p.o.v

I'm following a hot blonde on her motorcycle. This is fun, I have admit it. Her trying to get rid of me. I follow her in to a cornfield maze. She follows the pathways of the maze. She turns to quick on the one and I almost lost her. Good thing I didn't this is too much fun.

We turn back on the main road. She almost lost me. Key word 'almost', Maybe she is good. Ha. She can't lose me if she tried. I'll catch her.

We turn down a dirt road and she took off flying. Until she slowed down to turn on the Bluzchip's trails. We past the small falls. Now we are on trail... I don't know the trail number. I'm too busy making sure I don't lose her, to look at what trail we are on.

She speeds up to slow down to turn. She almost lost me twice. Ok, maybe I was wrong some girls can drive a motorcycle. She very good at it. I've never seen a girl that can control a motorcycle like her.

I want to know who this chick is badly. She's a keeper that for damn sure. A girl that can drive a bike, that's rare

I follow her closely until we turn on a trail and she's gone. There are too many trees to see where she went. How the hell did she lose me?

Where am I? is the better question. I look for a sign. 'Trail 8". I start driving back to where we came from.

~ 2 hours later~

Finally I'm free! Back on the main road. I turn in to my driveway. I look down at my phone.


Holy shit! I left here at 7 and it's 10:30! Wow, who knew if you chase a girl that time would fly by.

But I won't stop until I know who that girl is, because I have a feeling we will see each other soon enough.

~next day~

I park my bike in my usual spot. I walk into school. I walk down the halls to my homeroom. When I see Aj at her locker. I don't get her. One minute she will be quite. Then the next she's like leave me the hell alone. Which I find amusing.

I walk up to her locker. She jumps back little bit. I scared her again.

"Hello." I said.

"H-hi." She stuttered as she looks away and puts a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Whatcha you doing." I say just to annoy her.

"Walking away from you." She says quietly while turning around and walking away.

"Whoa whoa, you can't get away from me that easy."

"Umm, yes I think I can." She shoots back

"Aren't we a bit feisty this morning?" I said smirking.

"When you have annoying dip-twat following you around. You would be too." She stated. So I'm on her nerves, good. Scratch that it's grand. That's what she gets for running into me twice.

"At least I watch where I'm going."

She stopped and turned towards me. She was pissed. Love it.

"I said I was sorry." She says a bit louder then her regular voice.

"That's not good enough." I say while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then what can I do to make you stop annoy me?" She ask with a eyes roll.

"Weellll...." She cuts me off

"It can't involve sexual activity ." she said walking again. I follow behind her.

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