Chap 19| You dirty little grapefruit

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"The prettiest smiles hide the deepest of secrets. The prettiest of eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain." -Instagram


I wake up the next morning with ringing of my phone. I roll over with a moan and look at the caller ID.

"Hello." I say groggily as I was rubbing my eyes.

"Hello pumpkin! How are you doing?" My dad says happily in to the phone.

"Fine, why?" I ask, my father never calls me randomly on a Sunday.

"What? Is it a crime to call your favorite daughter and wonder how she is doing?"

"Yes." I say smiply.

He scoffs. "Well fine then." He says mocking hurt. "I really Miss you pumpkin. I wish you would have agreed to coming with us." My father say and I sit up instently.

"Dad, you all got up and left me. No one even told me that you guys were leaving." I say getting a little fustrated with my father.

"Honey, I told your mother to ask you to come. I never get to see you and I wanted this whole trip to spend time with my whole family." He says and I could hear the sarrow in his voice.

"Dad, I never knew you guys left until Cleo told me a day later."

"Well pumpkin if I would've known your mother never asked you I would have called off the whole trip and would have just had a small trip just me and you."

"Thank you, dad it means a lot to me." I say

"I will talk to your mother, I am getting fed up with how she treats you and you have done nothing wrong. Your brothers came to us and told us that you have taken the blame for everthing that they've done. I'm sending back your keys they will be there in couple of days." My father says sternly my mother is going to get yelled at which I'm grateful for.

"Alright thank you dad." I say wishing I could hug him.

"We'll be home soon and since gradution is next week, me and you can go have a little trip just us to make up it to you for not being there and being a terrible father." He says with sadness in his voice.

"Dad you're not a terrible father, you're just a busy man with 7 kids to mange." I say with a tear slipping down my cheek.

"I love you Annie and I wish I would have taken more time out of my life to spend with you."

"I love you too dad." I say and part of me wishes he did too.

"I will be home soon pumpkin and I promise I'll spend more time with you."

"Okay, bye dad." I hung up the phone. I feel like something worse will happen today since my dad just told me basically my mom didn't want me to come with them on the trip. I think this is my calling to run and run now, no body is stopping me.

I get up and rush to my closet and start looking for my leather jacket when note falls in the ground. I pick it up, it's the note that Hunter sent me yesterday. HUNTER! I can't leave him, I'm in love with him. I don't need another heartbreak. But yet again is Hunter going to break my heart in the long run? I rack my mind for little while until I come up with a solution. I'll stay for Hunter and Cleo's sake and try to stop thinking about running away. My head started to hurt with these toughts running through it. I walk back towards my bed and fall onto it, I lay there and look at the ceiling. Why does my life have to be so complicated?

"Aj! Are you up?" Cleo yells up the stairs.

"Ya, I'll be down in a minute." I yell back.

I get up from the bed lazily this time and walk down the stairs. I see a familer blond headed bad boy in the kitchen who is looking at me with a smirk.

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