Chap 8| Kill mode: ON

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"I found it on the ground after you left, I figured it was yours." Hunter said handing me my ring back. My grandpa gave me the ring a week before he died.

"Thank you, Hunter, for giving it back to me." I said putting the ring back on my right ring finger. It was slightly thicker ring and it had a design of tire marking.

"What'd you think I was going to do with it? Pawn it?" He said smirking.

"Actually yes, yes I did." I said smiling.

"Thanks for the faith." He says, putting his hand over his heart to mock hurt.

"You're very welcome!"

"Aj, honey your brother on the phone." Cleo says handed me the phone.

"Be right back." I say to Hunter putting up my pointer finger. I grab the phone and walk into the living room.


"Hey sis."

"Which brother are you?" I ask. Trust me 6 brothers you lose track.

"Umm Charlie."

"Hey Charlie, what's up?"

"Umm, I have to tell you something."

"Which is?" Oh no, Now what.

"You're ugly."

"Oh thanks, Charlie that helps myself esteem so much." I say flatly.

"You're welcome!"

"Is that all?"

"No, actually there something else."

"If you tell me I'm blonde, I'm hanging up on you." I say .

"No, but you are blonde.." I cut him off.

"Goodbye!" I yell into the phone.

"WAIT! I have too tell this before Arthur does!"

"Then spit it out already!" I say

"Umm, well you know the party we had last summer? You know when Arthur jump in to the pool from the second floor?" He asks carefully.

"Yes, what about it?" I ask slowly.

"Well, you see mom found out about that.. And I kinda sorta said you threw the party. So now you got your keys took in away for 2 more month. Sorry sis." He says sweetly as possible.

I hung up on him and threw the phone on the couch. I pace back and fourth. My anger kept boiling up. So I did what any normal person would do, I laid on the floor.

"I HATE THEM ALL!" I screamed.

"Annie what's wrong?" Cleo yelled back running into the living room with Hunter following. He is still here?

"Family." I state simply.

"What happen now?" Cleo asks.

"Charlie pin me on that one party. You know the one with Arthur jumping off the second floor into the pool." I say still with anger boiling inside me.

"That party was tight." Hunter says smiling behind Cleo. We both look at him flatly.

"And I'm not helping." He said turning around to look at the couch.

"So looks like I'm stuck walking to school for the next 4 months, great." I say sighing.

"What don't you take old blue with the spare key you made year ago. We both know I won't say anything." Cleo say.

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