Chap 20| Dust

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"He took one look at her, and he knew she was the perfect kind of trouble: a good girl who knew exactly when to be bad."



As I get ready for the graduation party that some of the stupid ass boys are throwing. Hunter will be here in 5 minutes and I'm almost ready I'm just finishing up my make up.

I had on shorts and an American flag tank top on, my hair was in a braid and With red lips to complete it. My phone dings letting me know I have a text.

My idiot: Hey I'm here, let's go party;).

I laugh and roll my eyes, I grab my converse and through them on. I walk down stairs to see Hunter that is smiling at me, I smile right back.

"PICTURE TIME!" Cleo ran out with her camera. Hunter grabs me by the waist and pulls me into his side and kisses my head. Cleo takes a picture of us and about a thousand more. Before we are out the door, Hunter walks me to his bike hand and hand. I look up at him and smile and he smiles back down at me. Hunter hands me the helmet and he puts his on as we get on the bike.

"Ready to go?" Hunter asks me.

"Hell Yeah!" I say, he chuckle's and we get on the road heading towards the house where the party is being thrown. When Hunter stops at a stop light he lightly head buds me, I laugh and head bud him back. The light turns green and we took off down the street and he pops a wheelie, I laugh under my helmet. Hunter is such a show off but, he's my show off.

We get to the house where the party was at. I look around and see my trails are right by this house. Maybe Hunter and I can take a walk like we did last week. I smile at the memory, we get off the bike and take our helmets off. Hunter grabs my hand and leads me to the door.

"Are you ready to boogie." Hunter says looking at me.

"Boogie? Nobody says boogie anymore." I laugh at Hunter.

"Well I do and we are going to boogie are asses off." He says shaking his hips. I roll my eyes and laugh. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"Guess what!" I yell.

"What my sweet Annie Jay?" He says looking at me and I roll my eyes at what he said.

"My dad sent my keys last week and they came yesterday, I was driving the heck out of old blue." I say with a big smile.

"That's great Annie! But I'm still hauling you around with me, I like you with me." He says kissing my head.

"Hunter Joe Redmen are you turning all mushy on me?" I ask laughing.

"I guess I am." He says with a laugh, he had a twinkle in his eye that I didn't notice until now. We walk up to the house and Hunter pushes the door open for me. When we walk inside there was a couple kissing in the corners and people dancing in the middle of the living room.

"Want a drink?" Hunter asks.

"Sure." I say and following him into the kitchen. There was hardly anybody in here which surprise's me a little bit.

"Annie Jay."

"Hunter Joe." Hunter gives me a flat look, I have been saying this all week since, his mom calls him by his full name most the time.

"When are you going to stop calling me by my first and middle name?" He ask handing me a beer.

"When are you going to stop saying mine?" I ask opening my beer.

"Never." He smirked.

"Then I'm not going to stop"- I give him a cheesy smile- "how do you like HJ hmm Hunter Joe?"

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