Chapter 2| the Motorcycle

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^Aj's Ninja ^

"YOU DID WHAT NOW!" My mom yelled

"Umm ya, I wasn't watching where I was going and I hit the other car. Sorry mom I'll pay for the damage." I said sweetly. (But the truth is Brandon pay for it).

"Well your grounded Give me the keys to your shelby, and that rusty old pick up truck." She said with her hand out. See my mom doesn't know about my other vehicles.

"I hate tell you old blue isn't rusty and it not that old it '96. Plus how am I suppose get to school?" I said. I don't drive my other vehicles in public, I drive them at night so no one can see who driving.

"I still don't get why you keep driving that buck it of rust. Now hand over the keys. You'll get them back in 2 months."

"It's. Not. Rusty. Plus grandpa gave it to me and two months! school is 3 miles away!" I yelled.


"With who? My imageanary friends?"

"Make some friends."

"No, I'm not dealing with other people's drama, no thanks."

"Well I guess your walking." She said. I handed over the keys. Before I lost my temper. I'm short tempered what can I say. But I'm good at walking away before I go off.

"Oh by the way Aj, we are leaving tomorrow for 4 months." My mom said looking at her nails. My anger was boiling inside me.

"So how am I'm going to get my keys back?" I ask with my hands curled into fists

"I'll mail them." She said giving me a devilish smirk.

"Great." I said turning around and walking out of the room. I ran upstairs to my room. My room was huge. It even had a window ledge seat. I had picture's of cars and trucks around my room. Since no one comes in my room I can keep the poster's up.

I sit on the ledge and look out the window. I see my mom pull out of the garage and leaving. That my cue, I run to the back of my room. I open the window and slip out, I climb down the ladder. I run into the woods behind the house, before anyone can see me and I get on one of the trails. My grandpa made 23 trails in the woods. (For hunting). But there one trail that no body knows about.

Number 24 the unlisted trail. This trail has my shop. Where I work on my trucks and cars. The only person that knows my secret is are house keeper. Cleo, she is the best. She treats me like a daughter unlike my mom.

I finally get to my shop and open the door. The shop is way in the woods so no one can find it. Except me, I grew up in these trail's basically. Grandpa and I use to hunt and camp on these trails. I miss him so much. He was my best friend. But he was diagnosed with cancer and past away two years ago.

I pull off the cover for my motorcycle. A Ninja ZX10R 2015. All black with some blue in it. This was my baby. People call me 'goodie-two- shoe' or 'daddy's girl'. Daddy's girl my ass. They think I have him buy me things. Ummm no, thats my brothers who do that.

I open the garage door. I put on my bike boots and my leather jacket. Then my helmet and sun glasses. You would never know it was me. I always where skinny jeans or a skirts. Holsters tees and flats.

I throw my leg over Leo. I rev up the motor, slowly making my way out of the shop. I close the garage door with my remote and slide it back in my pocket.

I turn on trail 18 then on 6. I get on the main road. I love to drive around the country with Leo. My hair flying about in the wind.

I hear another motorcycle revs up beside me. I turn and look. Hunter with no helmet on of course. He's on a motorcycle too. But his has a Ducati. Personally the one he's riding is not a motorcycle. It's just scrap metal.

I sped up. He did the same. I slowed down. He did the same. I turned down another road. He did too. Why is following me? What has he never seen a girl driving a motorcycle before?

I stop at a stop light. Hunter pulls up beside me.

"Why's a beautiful girl, driving a motorcycle? Don't you know only men can drive theses." Hunter yelled over the motor.

I flip him off and took off. Hunter still right behind me. I smirk to myself. If he thinks he going to follow me after he said women can't drive motorcycle . He's dead wrong.

This is going to be fun, I think deviously in my mind. I turn down a dirt road at full speed. I slow down and turn right. He's still behind me. The sun is starting to set. Perfect he's going to get so lost.

I turn left then right. Then I turned into a cornfield. (That my cousin owns). My cousin turns it into the maze for halloween, and looks like he just cut it.

I turn all around the maze and then back on the main road. Hunter took a while. But then he caught back up with me. Took him long enough. That wasn't even that confusing.

I turn on my trails. Trail 3 sign came to view. Perfect we are going over the bridge. Over the small falls, it has small waterfalls which are beautiful.

We go over the bridge. Now here come the confusing trails. We get 4 then on 7. 8 to 2. 3 to 6. And I lost him back on 8. Girls can't drive motorcycle think again dumb ass.

I turn on 18 to 24 and head back to the shop. I put my baby away and start heading back to the house.

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