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I know I'm not supposed to
Give it so much power
Or whatever
But I can't get out of bed as often

I sat on the ground yesterday
But I wanted to lie down
With my head near the candle
And my eyes to the stars

Let the bugs crawl in my hair
And eat the blood under my nails and in my veins
And whenever they'd finished
I could go free

All I can do anymore is drift
But I'm tethered down to earth
What's the point?
Open my flesh and let me out

All I can think about is rot
I drew a picture of our bones today
All fractured and bloody
And watched it dry overnight

I think you'd have lain with me
If I'd asked
But you wouldn't let a worm do its work
You're full of living

Just as well
Just hold my hand while they drink
And if suddenly I'm dirt
Look for me in the sky

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