Agent Meeting

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Darryl's Pov:

I was called to a meeting at the agency. It's quite rare for TDO to have an agent meeting since it's always quite useless and never really gives out much information. These meetings are normally made to discuss together as a team and to give out opinions or complaints. I always found them quite boring and useless. Just a waste of my time in general, but it's a requirement to attend them if you were invited to one. Since I'm one of the best agents here, it's only natural that I get invited to these meetings. How convenient.

As I walk to the meeting room in peaceful silence, it is soon interrupted by a quite loud agent called Georgenotfound. Though everyone just calls him George. I always found it quite bold of him to incorporate his real name into his agent name. He walks up beside me and exclaims, "Why, hello there, Badboyhalo!"

He says it in a taunting voice. He knows well how I don't like to be bothered, as I appreciate as much silence as much as possible. I dont respond to him. For a moment, he does a pouty face. But he soon fixes his composure, shrugs, and says, "Looks like you're as moody as always."

I roll my eyes at that but stay silent. After a few moments of awkward silence as we continue walking, George breaks the silence. He asks, "Are you going to the meeting as well?"

What do you think? Of course I am. I have been going to these meetings for a long time now. But I don't say anything. I just give him a simple nod. Wanting to get something out of me, George asks, "What do you think this meeting will be about?"

I sigh. I give in and simply state, "Don't know, don't care. But I bet it'll just be a waste of time as always."

George smirks, satisfied that he got me to talk. He then says, "Oh, don't say that! It's always good to catch up on what has been going on lately in the spy world."

I just give him a simple shrug. He lets out a dramatic sigh, telling me that he will finally stay quiet. Thankfully, he does stay quiet the rest of the way to the meeting room. Once we enter, we are immediately greeted by other agents. George cheerfully greets them while I maneuver myself past everyone so that I don't have to say anything to anyone. I quickly find my regular seat on the large table of the meeting room and sit down. Everyone slowly makes their way to their seats as they greet each other. After waiting for a while, the room immediately falls silent as the head agent, Technoblade, enters the room.

He makes his way to the front of the room and sits down on the biggest chair at the front of the table, all eyes following him. You see, something unique about The Demonic Organization. It is the only agency that exists that has a head agent. All other agencies just receive direct orders from their boss. The head agent is like the second in command of the boss. The former boss of TDO created the head agent position in case anything happened to them or the head agent, there would be someone else who is qualified enough to keep the agency in check in the meantime that the position is filled again.

But in reality, it seems as though that was an excuse to just have the head agent basically do everything for the boss. This is because all the boss ever does is give direct orders, plans, or ideas to the head agent, but then the head agent is left to act on those ideas. The head agent goes to these meetings to hear the other agents, they create and assign missions for the agents, and they have to gather most of the information for plans, missions, and meetings. The head agent basically organizes everything while the boss just tells them what to do and sits back to watch. Quite lazy if you ask me. Because of this, the boss never really shows up on agent meetings and isn't rarely seen around the agency. Technoblade is the only agent who gets to regularly see and talk to the boss, but it's only in their private meetings.

Something interesting is that The Demonic Organization is actually managed quite well considering that both the head agent and boss are quite young. I think that they're actually younger than me. The former boss actually died from a sickness, and since they were close to the former head agent, they ended up quitting. The boss position was inherited to former boss' son, which is now the current boss. I would imagine it was quite hard for them at the start since they didn't have any help from a head agent, but they were able to manage for about a year by themselves.

After that year, the boss found a qualified head agent, which was Technoblade, and hired him for the position. Though, from what I heard, Technoblade was already a regular agent before being promoted to a head agent. I'm only repeating what I have heard since I was recruited by TDO a year after Technoblade became head agent.

Anyways, once Technoblade is seated down, he takes one good look around the room, looking directly at everyone. He then clears his throat and, in his powerful voice, says, "Alright, if everyone is ready to begin, the first thing that needs to be discussed is..."


It feels like the meeting has been going on forever. Just as I expected, this meeting is as boring as the rest. There's really nothing new to tell, so it's just a waste of time. This has been going on for a few hours, but it seems like it will soon be finished. Technoblade then says, "Let's see, is that all I wanted to discuss today...?"

He quickly looks through his notes. A lightbulb seems to go over his head as realization strikes him. He then says, "Ah! Right. There's one final thing I wanted to discuss. Well... it's not really a thing but more of a person. This person being... Agent Skeppy."

Ah, Agent Skeppy from The Diamond Association... Though everyone has just simply considered him a nuisance, I have a mix of feelings for the guy. I quite admire how he keeps outsmarting every agent he encounters, but it also infuriates me how he's always hiding like a coward behind his disguises and never shows his real face. As far as I know, the guy has been able to dodge straight encounters from other agents, resulting in there not being a single report of him fighting someone. So nobody knows how strong he is, but everyone thinks that he's weak for avoiding fights.

In general, I find him quite annoying, but also interesting. It always comes to my mind how Skeppy always conveniently avoids fights. Once I think about it, the thought always occurs to me that maybe there's more to the story. The fact that he avoids fights makes everyone think he's weak... but what if it's the opposite? What if he's so strong that TDA is planning to use him as some last resort or secret weapon? I'd personally like to find out for myself... I find the thought of a challenge quite exciting, which is why I have refrained from discussing this thought with anyone else as it excites me to see how things fall into place.

As soon as Technoblade mentioned Skeppy, the room was immediately filled with whispers of curses and insults towards the agent. Technoblade clears his throat, making everyone fall silent. He then says, "I believe that we can all mutually agree that this Skeppy guy has become quite a nuisance."

Everyone in the room nods in agreement. Continuing, Technoblade says, "So we can come to the agreement that it is quite a big problem that we don't know anything about him other than that he's a man. This brings me to the question of whether anyone has any idea of what Skeppy's actual appearance is?"

Everyone exchanges glances and shrugs to each other, having no clue. Then, an agent speaks up to ask, "I wish to know why are we putting so much focus on this agent? Basically, all of us can agree that this Skeppy guy has none or barely any fighting skills. So all that really needs to be done is figure out when Skeppy is present in our mission, figure out who he is disguised as, and kill him. Quite simple if you ask me."

Technoblade calmy rests his chin on his hands, yet looks at the agent dead in the eye, making the agent that spoke nervous. Technoblade says in a cold tone, "Well, if there's something that I learned in my career, is that the person you would least expect to, can easily bring you to ruin. Plus, last time I checked, the last hundreds of times someone has attempted to do that has failed. So how can we say that it'll be any different in the future? We clearly need to start looking at a different angle."

Everyone exchanges nervous glances but stays silent. With a sigh, Technoblade leans back into his chair comfortably. He then says, "Well, clearly nobody here has a clue of what Skeppy could look like, much less of who he could be. But I have some news that... I have been watching the latest missions, and there is someone who has caught my eye. I may have an idea of one of Skeppy's disguises."

I raise my eyebrow at the statement. Now this is new. This seems to have also caught everyone's attention. Technoblade chuckles at our reactions. He then says, "I don't want to raise anyone's hopes, which is why I won't be saying who I think is one of Skeppy's disguises. But I just wanted to put that out there that I have my suspicion on someone."

I hear some groans of protest while others whisper to each other. Technoblade then says, "Well, if nobody has anything else to say, this meeting comes to an end."

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