You're Acting Weird

172 11 29

Darryl's Pov:

As I stomp down the halls of the TDO agency, multiple thoughts are running through my head. As much as I don't want to show my frustration as much as possible, I can't help but let my feet fall harshly on the ground as I speed walk. It's just been one day, but I'm already sick of this. Throughout most of the day, I've just been feeling nothing but anger, frustration, and annoyance as long as anyone is around me. I've just kept hearing the same thing, been asked the same questions over and over again today, and I'm just tired of it already.

Thankfully, I can finally leave work now. So not only am I speed walking and stomping due to my anger, but also for the anticipation and excitement of getting out of here and seeing Zak as soon as possible. I can't wait to spend time with him. I just know that he's going to make my day a hundred times better. He always does. Whether it's intentional or not, he just seems to have that ability on me.

I can already feel a smile tugging on my face at the thought of how I'm getting closer to getting out of here and seeing Zak as I enter the locker room to open my locker. I quickly get my locker to open and gather my belongings. I then freeze once I hear an all too familiar but annoying voice say, "Um, Badboyhalo?"

I take a deep breath at an attempt to calm down since my emotions are going all over the place right now. Way too quickly and aggressively, I shut the door to my locker and look at George with an angry look on my face. I immediately snap and ask, "What?"

That sounded way too aggressive than I intended it to be. George blinks at me in surprise for a moment. Sure, I'm never really seen happy or in a particularly good at the agency. Call me grumpy if you will, but even I'm never this angry at the agency. This beats the normal for me as Badboyhalo. George quickly gets out of his shock and asks, "Um- You okay, dude?"

I raise an eyebrow at him as if asking, 'Isn't it obvious?' He huffs out a breath and puts his hands up defensively once he sees my expression. He exclaims, "Alright! I get it! You aren't in a good mood right now."

After a moment of just awkwardly standing there in silence, I take notice of George's expression. It looks like he wants to say more but is too scared to say something. I let out an exhausted sigh. Better get this over with now than later, or else this topic will be brought up once more the next time I come to work. Let's get this over with. In an annoyed tone, I say, "Alright, just spit it out already."

George looks stunned for a moment. He then says, "Wait- how did you-?"

I cut him off by saying, "Doesn't matter. I've been put in this situation like a million times today. So just ask the question already."

Of course I could tell that you wanted to ask something. I've seen that face multiple times today, and I know exactly what is going to be mentioned. It has been basically the only thing anyone has been talking about today. After a moment of consideration, George says, "Alright so... you know how you always try to have as minimal interactions as possible when you're undercover at some sort of party or event during a mission?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I wanna know what was so different about your latest mission? Since, you know- this time you actually bothered to dance with someone?"

And there it is. The thing that everyone has been bothering me with all day long. This is what I get for letting my feelings take control of me once I see my boyfriend undercover at a misison. I say in an irritated tone, "Is there something wrong with doing things a little bit different for once?"

"No! There's nothing with that! It's just- it's a little weird in this situation since you of all people did it."


"Well- yeah! You're best known for doing everything alone most of the time! Even though you may have other teammates or backup agents with you on a mission, you are always capable of carrying out your missions by yourself with barely any help. It seems like you always try your best to avoid interactions with anyone in the agency or during a mission. Heck- you always seem so grumpy or annoyed the moment I or anyone says a word to you! Sorry if the situation annoys you, dude- but you have to admit that it's really weird considering the type of character you are. You always seem to actually like being alone all the time."

Ah, yes. 'Like being alone.' It's not that I like it. It's just one of the only things I've ever known. Growing up, I just always found myself being alone. It was never easy for me to make friends since, for whatever reason, I was never accepted by other kids and always treated like an outcast. My parents never even put in the effort to spend time with me. Of course, they didn't mistreat me and gave me food along with anything else that I could want. But other than that, they basically neglected me. They were indifferent to me. It was almost like they didn't even have a child. I basically had to raise myself and learn to be independent at an early age.

So since I was always alone, I naturally found myself preferring to be alone the whole time, as that is how I have been normally functioning my whole life. I intentionally started driving people away from me. In reality, it seemed like I have been living with the sole purpose of just thriving and surviving. But once I learned self-defense and how to use various weapons, I found some sort of comfort in it. I found a purpose in living. Something that I genuinely enjoyed doing.

So when a TDO agent came up to me 4 years ago, claiming that I have been watched for a while and that my skill is greatly admired by the agency and that they would like to recruit me, I just couldn't deny. Not only would I be getting something out of the skill that I learned and enjoy doing with a proper job, but as a spy, it brought some sort of thrill and excitement to my life. But of course, everything had to be different once I met Zak.

He gave me a purpose I didn't know I needed in life. Without knowing, I found myself more calm and bearable in my daily life thanks to him. He just brings out the better in me. But I guess that even I must sometimes learn to keep my emotions in check. Because, thanks to my choices, I have been constantly bothered with something as small as dancing with someone during a mission. Now that I think about it. It was a bit of a dumb idea to do that since I could've run the risk of getting Zak and I's identities, and perhaps our relationship found out if we weren't careful.

I should've taken the sign once I saw the hint of annoyance flash through Zak's face when I started talking to him during the party. I'm so glad I stopped myself from kissing him, or who knows what would've happened... I say, "So what? You don't know if I was just in a good mood that day or was just aiming for a different strategy. But frankly, it isn't yours or anyone else's business. It's none of your concern how I do my job, just like how it doesn't matter to me how you do yours. I don't want you to bring this matter up to me again, you hear me?"

I then stide past George, making my way to the door. I then hear George behind me exclaim, "Wait a minute-!"

Without missing a beat as I continue walking, I say, "I don't want to hear another word about it, Georgenotfound."

I exit the locker room, leaving a flabbergasted George in it all by himself. Finally, it's time to head over to Zak's place.

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