Phone Number

198 8 15

(Pov switch to the man that Zak hooked up with)

It has been a few days now since I had that hookup, and if I'm being honest- I can't stop thinking about it. It's becoming quite a problem. What I hate more is that I don't know why the thought of that hookup hasn't slipped my mind yet. It has with every other hookup I've had. Why is this any different? But I'm not just thinking about what I did in the hookup. It's the person I was hooking up with.

I don't know why, but it all just seemed a little too perfect with the man that I hooked up with. Like everything was right. It felt as though we had some sort of chemistry between us. I've never experienced something quite like it before. Or maybe it's all just in my head, and I just really REALLY think the guy is so so handsome. I hate it because the thought of him keeps getting stuck in my head. It really didn't help that he left me a note after our hookup. I don't know why I'm so worked up about him. And I hate it when I don't know something I want to know about so badly.

I guess I thought that it was quite sweet that he left me a note instead of just ignoring and ghosting me the next day, as if nothing ever happened. It's what always happens when there's a hookup. Someone leaves the other to sleep alone in the room to wake up to nobody with them. They just get abandoned. I guess it just spiked my curiosity about the guy after he left the note... and the fact that I've taken some time to actually research about him even though I don't know his name speaks for itself. And from how little information I have about him, obviously I haven't found anything.

I have found myself taking more visits to the club that I found him in during the night, and I have also taken walks during the day whenever I have time in hopes of finding the guy. That's exactly what I'm doing today, just walking aimlessly around town. I'm actually walking in the main part of town where there are many shops and small restaurants to stop by at. It's actually quite busy today as I see many people walking around. I just hope I get to bump into the person I've been looking for.

Almost as if my prayer was answered, I stop in my tracks once I see in the distance a familiar looking raven haired boy. He is sitting alone outside of a small coffee shop. I see that there is conveniently a free seat at the table that he is sitting at. He seems to be spaced out while drinking his coffee. Goodness... is it just me, or does he look effortlessly flawless right now?

Confidently, I make my way to him. He doesn't take notice of me until I sit down on the empty seat at his table. He seems stunned for a moment, shock evident on his face as it seems like he can't believe his eyes right now. Amused by his reaction, I give him a grin and say, "Why, hello there. Fancy meeting you here."

I say it as though I haven't been searching like crazy just to find him. He blinks a few times, reality still setting in for him. His face then immediately shifts to a serious one as he says rather coldly, "What are you doing here?"

He has this cold glare that I haven't seen from him until now. He is being wary of me. But I don't blame him. I mean- why would a stranger just sit down at your table looking pleasantly happy of your presence? And out of all the strangers, it's your hookup. There always seems to be some sort of mutual agreement between hookups to not dare look, see, mention, or hear about the other again. But for some reason, I'm not agreeing to that for once. Why? I guess that's why I'm here in the first place. To figure that out. I shrug my shoulders and say, "Just thought you could use some company."

He raises his eyebrows questioningly at me. But for a moment, he doesn't say anything. He just continues sipping on his coffee for a bit while looking off to the side. As I'm about to say something, he says, "Surely you're here for something? Are you trying to get me to hook up with you again or something? Because sorry, dude, but they're one-night stands for a reason."

I lightly shake my head and say, "No... I was just hoping to chat with you for a bit."

"...And what were you hoping to get out of this 'chat'?"

I click my tongue in thought for a moment. There is one thing I wanted to know for sure. I say, "Well, for one thing, I want to know your name."

That took him aback for a moment. He just stares at me. I say, "What? I just want to know the name of the man I had such an awesome night with."

He furrows his eyebrows in thought. He seems hesitant at the thought. I guess I don't really blame him. The situation seems shady. He may think I'm some sort of creep or stalker. But I guess in some way I already am since I tried to find some sort of information about him... but that was only to find out his name! After that, I wasn't going to be searching for info about him anymore. If I'm going to find out anything about this guy, I want him to tell me himself. It seems more intimate that way. I soon say, "How about this? What if you tell your name after I tell you mine?"

He glances at me for a moment. He seems hesitant but slowly nods at me in agreement. I smile at him as genuinely as possible. I put up my hand for him to shake as I say, "My name's Darryl."

He seems hesitant for a moment as he just stares at my hand. Nevertheless, he shakes it and says, "I'm Zak."

Zak... so that's his name. I probably have such a goofy smile on my face, but I could care less. I clear my throat and say, "Look, Zak. Why don't we start over and get to know each other properly?"

He raises his eyebrow at me and asks, "You want to get to know me? Why?"

I stay silent for a moment. I'm contemplating how I can explain this into words. I then say, "I don't know exactly what, but... there's just something about you that attracts me. I find you quite interesting. I want to find out myself why. Why don't we become friends?"

I grin at him. He seems uncomfortable at the thought. He shakes his head and stands up. He says, "Sorry, dude. But... I don't really do any sort of relationships with hookups."

He's about to walk away. But I stop him by exclaiming, "Wait!"

I abruptly stand up and take out a small card from my jacket. I show it to him and say, "Here. Just take it in case you ever change your mind. It has my phone number on it."

I look at him with pleading eyes as he looks between me and the card that I'm holding. He then sighs and says, "Fine. If it'll get to stop pleading me."

He then grabs the card out of my hand and shoves it in his pocket while I grin in triumph. He then gazes at me for a moment before a cheeky grin starts spreading on his own face, confusing me. He says, "Did I really leave that much of an impression that night for you to basically come begging to me like this?"

I'm stunned by his confidence for a bit. I smirk at him before leaning into his ear and whispering into it, "Maybe you did. And maybe I want to experience something amazing like that again..."

He jumps back from surprise. But he quickly regains his composure, a serious face shown. He mutters out, "Whatever..."

He then turns and walks away from me. I stand there dumbfounded for a moment before grinning like a maniac. I have a good feeling about this. I feel like I'm going to find out so many things knowing this guy, about what about him interests me so much, I'll probably get to learn more about myself and him, and maybe even more. Who knows what new experiences I could gain from this. I haven't felt a rush of wonder ever since I got recruited into my job, and that turned out wonderfully. I know for a fact that I'll be seeing Zak again. One way or another.

Aren't we Supposed to be Enemies...? - SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now