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Zak's Pov:

It was weird how that man, Darryl, just wanted to befriend me out of nowhere. It kinda creeped me out. But I can worry about that another time because currently, I am on a mission. I am attending a special event which, like always, is in the form of a party. I am disguised as a blonde girl in a glamorous bun, with silver-colored eyes, and my skin has been turned into a much lighter color with the use of products. I have been given the task to distract the target for as long as possible so that my team has enough time to secure the object that was planned to be robbed by an enemy team tonight.

If the information we got is correct, and I was dressed exactly as the targets type, then I should be able to seduce him. Of course, I'm not planning to actually do anything with him, I'm just meant to stall him long enough. I walk around for a bit, blending in with the crowd. I soon caught sight of my target, and he seems to be talking with another man. It must be some work partner or another agent on their team based on the serious looks on their faces. In a non-obvious way that I wanted to get closer to them, I started heading my way to them.

As I make my way there, they nod at each other, and the random guy leaves. This is now a perfect opportunity. I quickly get into action. As my target starts walking, quite conveniently my way, I make it so that we bump into each other. He quickly steps back and exclaims, "Oh, I'm sorry ma'a-!"

He cuts himself off once he gets a good look at me. I can see some slight blush on his face. Guess I am dressed as his type. I smile at him and say, "It's fine! No need to worry."

For a moment, he's just silently staring at me, stunned. He then quickly snaps out of his trance and says, "T-thank you for forgiving me...!"

I giggle and say, "Of course! It was just an accident, after all!"

He gazes at me for a quick moment. A rush of panic seems to come over him as he frantically looks around him and says, "Here, let me get you a-"

Before he finishes his sentence, he catches sight of a waiter handing out glasses of champagne. He takes quick steps there, takes two glasses, and comes back to me. He offers me one and says, "Here, this is for you."

I guess he's the type of guy to panic when it comes to a girl he finds attractive or likes. I smile at him and say, "How kind of you. Thank you!"

I take the glass from him and take a quick sip of the champagne. He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck and says, "W-what's your name miss? I'm Noah."

I don't know if that's this guys real name or not. It could very well be his cover name for this mission, but then again, he seems like the type of guy capable of throwing his whole cover away just for a girl. But I guess that isn't really important right now. My job is to just distract him to buy some time for my teammates. I say, "Pleasure to meet you, Noah. My name is Eleanor."

"The pleasure is all mine."

I can't help but cringe at those words. But I don't show any real emotion and just smile through it. He then asks, "Did you come here with anybody, Eleanor?"

"No, it's just me tonight."

"Then you wouldn't mind if I steal you alone for a bit, right?"

He gestures over to a small empty table. I glance over to it and then look back at him with a smile. I say, "Lead the way."

We head to the empty table and sit down on it. After a while, we just talk. I try to lengthen the conversation as long as possible to keep him distracted. At some point, I muster up the courage to place my hand on his bicep while saying something. I then flirtingly get a feel of it by squeezing it gently, making his face tint red from embarrassment. I then say, "I must say, you're quite strong."

I gesture to my hand on his arm, feeling his muscles. I can hear his breath hitch. He then nervously laughs and says, "O-oh, t-thank you!"

We smile at each other. I'm hating every second of this. How long until the others are done? 'Noah' then says, "I must say though, you are very stunning, Eleanor."

What a bunch of baloney. I know that I'm only ever decent looking when dressed up as a different person, but everyone is always exaggerating my looks. They are either too oblivious to notice that I'm not as good-looking as they say, or they're just being nice and are straight up lying through their teeth. I hate it when my looks are mentioned, whether it's a compliment or not. It just reminds me of how ugly I am. Either way, I muster up a smile- as always, and say, "Thank you! You're also quite handsome yourself!"

He blushes with a grin on his face. Then, 'Noah's' attention is caught when the music is suddenly changed so that the people dancing switch to slow dancing. Oh God. I know where this is going. He looks at me and smiles. He then stands up, putting his hand out for me to take, and asks, "Would you like to dance with me, Eleanor?"

I smile as I take his hand and say, "Why, of course."


After multiple songs of slow dancing with 'Noah', in the middle of dancing one with him, I finally hear someone say through my earpiece, "Agent Skeppy, the mission is successful. The item has been secured."

I don't say anything back as I am dancing with the target, but am I so glad that it's over now. As soon the song ended, we walked away from the dance floor, and 'Noah' asked if I wanted anything from the snack table. I just replied, saying that it was actually time for me to go. So I bid him farewell and quickly left the party.

Aren't we Supposed to be Enemies...? - SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now