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It has been days since I officially became friends with Darryl. It hasn't been too bad hanging out with him. I'm not letting myself get attached to him just yet. Who knows, he could end up realizing I'm not so great and decide to unfriend me. I want to be prepared when that happens. Though what kind of weirds me out is that even though he claims that he just wants to be friends with me, his actions have been suggesting otherwise. He's been very flirty with me and drops hints as though he has a crush on me. Though that may just be his personality... I don't know, honestly.

Currently, I'm on another mission pretending to be Zoe. Though I'm just here as backup this time. Right now, Jocelyn is explaining to us what happened when the TDO agent took her away. In between chocked sobs, she explains how she was basically harassed and threatened for who knows what as she didn't exactly understand what was happening. She remembers that someone saved her, but the whole thing is a blur to her. I think that's because she was probably knocked out and given a drug so that she doesn't remember much of the whole event, so that she forgets any information she could have gotten about spies.

The girls show their sympathy with a few tears and words of encouragement. I've been silent the whole time, guilt starting to slowly devour me as I hear Jocelyn's pain. I want to express some of my feelings, but I need to stay in character as well. So, I start letting out small sniffles, and I mumble out, "I'm sorry, Jocelyn..."

The girls look at me. Jocelyn slightly tilts her head to the side as she asks, "For what?"

I start letting out small, chocked sobs as I say, "It's just... if I didn't give you all of that advice and encourage you... then- you wouldn't have gone through all of that. I'm- so sorry...!"

I wipe away some tears that are falling from my eyes. I see that the girls widen their eyes slightly. They exchange a quick glance at each other, and then Jocelyn says, "No- Zoe... don't blame yourself! It's not your fault... If anything, it's my fault choosing to speak with him."

"R-really? You don't blame me?"

"Of course I don't."

Jocelyn and I exchange sympathetic smiles to each other. I finish wiping my eyes and sit up straight, regaining my composure. I then say, "You know what... you're right! It's not my fault, but it's not yours either! If anything, it's that man's fault for even having the urge to mistreat you like that. He doesn't know what he's missing out on."

Jocelyn's eyes seem to light up a bit. The rest of the girls show encouraging, bright smiles. I can slowly see their confidence rising up again. Lucretia says, "Zoe's right! Remember, Jocelyn, he's the one who's lucky for even having a woman consider to go out with him. It's not the other way around! Us women only go out with men because we want to, not because we need to! They will never understand that."

Jocelyn wipes the tears that linger on her face, and she says, "Yes... you're right! If someone doesn't want me, then they're the one who's missing out because I'm amazing!"

The girls start letting out cheers and words of encouragement. Meanwhile, I keep a smile plastered on my face. It's good that at least someone can be cheered up so easily...


After a while, we all decided to scatter around the room, doing our own thing. Allison decided to accompany me. We're currently just hanging out near the snack area holding glasses filled with wine, and doing small talk. Suddenly, we hear someone let out a high-pitched yelp, followed by a bunch of gasps. I quickly turn around to find the source of the sound. My eyes land on Lily, who is drenched in fruit punch. Beside her on the floor is a gold bowl, which I presume contained the fruit punch. A few feet in front of her stands a lady who has an evil smirk plastered on her face. I know this woman... her name is Darcy.

Darcy has always been the jealous type. With that jealousy, she does and says cruel things to other people to knock them down so that she can make herself be above them. For some reason, she mostly decides to show her cruelty and hatred towards Lily. Darcy feels as though Lily doesn't deserve to be a part of such a popular group of beautiful girls. In general, Darcy wants to be in Lily's place. What I want to know is how in the hell does she think she will ever be a part of the group when she keeps attacking one of the group members?

Poor Lily... she doesn't deserve that. I quickly walk up to Lily and exclaim, "Lily...! Are you okay?!"

Lily weakly looks up at me. She opens her mouth slightly to speak, but before she can say anything, Darcy says, "Oh, that would be my fault. I accidentally poured that punch over Lilian. I'm so sorry, I hope you can forgive me, Lilian!"

What a two-faced b*tch. You can hear it in her voice how insincere that was. She's trying to display worry on her face, but I can tell from a mile away how fake that is. I look around to see the rest of the girls have huddled around us, watching. There are multiple people watching. I can only imagine how Lily must feel right now. She must feel so embarrassed and humiliated. The thought of it makes anger rise in my veins. Darcy's shenanigans have been going on for far too long. This has just crossed the line. If nobody is going to do something about it, then I will.

I walk up to Darcy and stand in front of her. I plaster a smile on my face and say, "Oh, don't worry...! I'm sure all can be forgiven. Right, Lilian?"

I glance behind me to look at Lily. There's visible confusion on her face. Before she can respond, I turn back to Darcy and say, "She'll come around. I'm sure we can clear up whatever misunderstanding there is between you and Lilian. I mean- this was all just an accident, right?"

Darcy looks a bit shocked, but she fixes her composure to respond. She starts to say, "Well-"

But I cut her off by slapping her face. I hear some surprised gasps erupt around us. I then exclaim, "Oh my! I'm sorry- my hand slipped!"

I then pour the wine that's in my glass over her. I small grin appears on my face before I erase it to show a look of over on my face. I take my empty glass away from her and exclaim, "Oh, I'm so clumsy today!"

Dripping in wine, Darcy looks up at me with anger and shock in her eyes. Before she can say anything, I say, "I'm sure you can forgive me, right Darcy? After all, it was just an accident."

All anger that was present in Darcy's eyes is replaced with fear as she realizes what I'm doing. Panicked, she says, "Oh! Of course I forgive- you...! It was just an accident..."

"Great! Then it looks like we're even now."

I then lean into Darcy and whisper in her ear, "The next time you do something to me or my friends, especially Lilian, I'll make sure that you regret it. You have no idea who you're messing with."

I back away with an innocent smile on my face while Darcy has visible dear in her eyes. I simply turn around to walk away from her and go up to Lily. I gently place my hand on her shoulder and say, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

Lily blinks a few times from surprise but then gives me a nod. I then see her give me a smile, and she whispers out, "Thank you..."

I just return her smile and guide her away from the scene. As soon as we got away, the rest of the girls bombarded us with comments of worry towards Lily and praise to me. I have a feeling the girls' respect for me- well, Zoe has risen, especially with Lily.

Aren't we Supposed to be Enemies...? - SkephaloWhere stories live. Discover now