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T I L L  2 0 2 5 보라해💜

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T I L L 2 0 2 5 보라해💜

*English is in italics.*

This chapter is relatively the same just small stuff was changed

The weather was warm even though it was pretty late into the night. Their flight was long but the time they slept helped them well. Jimin sat in her car while she waited for her former coworker to meet her outside the workplace. Amazi had wanted to put an official letter of resignation in to Andrew even through she had sent one in and talked to HR before hand.

Jimin watched intently not liking that she was doing this at this time. They had just arrived a few hours ago. He wanted to wait till the morning since they'd be out but she insisted it had to be done now when Andrew wasn't around to cause a fuss.

Amazi only wanted to get this in, return her keys and then pack up and leave. She didn't want to waste any more time than needed especially since Jimin was with her. Him being out and about here with her is dangerous for the both of them.

All it takes is one sighting and an uproar would ensue.

Amazi sighed in relief when her former coworker came out the building to meet up with her. She did wonder why she was still inside considered the time, but figured it was so she can put this in Andrew's office before leaving.

Amazi thanked her as she handed over the sealed envelope and keys before hugging her and telling her how much she'll miss her.

"I'm sorry you had to leave like this maz, Andrew is pulling shit out his ass tryna cover up this mess." Kaelie huffed looking her friend over.

"Tell me about it. I knew something was up when he asked me to go the day before. I didn't think he'd try to pull this though. Forcing me to model just cause it brings in more revenue." She rolled her eyes looking back at the car making sure Jimin was okay.

The guard in the driving seat keeping a close eye out around the streets. 

They talked for a few more minutes before bidding their goodbyes and leaving.

Before she could make it to her car she was yanked back facing a pissed off Andrew.

"What the hell! Let me go." She yelled trying to rip her arm from his grasps.

"Why are you doing this huh? You're messing everything up!" He pulled her back by her hair yelling in her face. She held her right here as her hearing aid picked up the sound and began to ring from how loud he was yelling in her ear. She winced talking it off holding her ear waiting for it to stop hurting.

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