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A few days had passed since I had a meeting with Sejin and Bang pd. He said that the Calvin Klein launch with me and Jungkook was dropping soon. I needed to decide if I wanted to come along as their new Production designer or if I wanted to continue modeling for the time being since this launch was going to put me back on the map.

I told him I'd have my answer by tonight and that I'd be needing an assistant, one that he trusts if there was one available at the company or if one needed to be hired.

He said he knew the perfect person and was excitedly making a call as he and Pd-nim left the office wishing me a great day.

I bowed and did the same before heading for the car the boys had sent me in to come here.

I told them I'd be fine taking the bus but they weren't having it.

I think they forgot I use to live here too.

"Sweet pea ." Hobi came over to me pushing my hair behind my ear. He looked me over as if I had just told him I was in a fight.

Once he seen I was still the same way I left in handed in any way he traced my hearing aid smiling softly.

I had just walked in later than they were expecting me to lugging groceries in.

"You should have called you didn't have to go shooing alone." He lightly scolded me taking the bags from my hands.

He called the others down they all came in helping telling me the same as him.

Yoongi spotted the driver trying to sneak out after helping me bring the bags in. "yah you should have called too."

The sweet man ducked his head apologetically before I stepped in thanking him and seeing him out the door. I looked back at him, he had his arms crossed raising an eyebrow at me.

I did the same mirroring him perfectly "Now what if I asked him and he said no, y'all would have been furious at him. Don't scold him for doing as I asked."

He went to say something back but stopped realizing how right I was.

He furrowed his eyebrows and walked away muttering under his breath.

I giggled jumping on his back so he could carry me to the living room.

"Did I do good?" I asked sitting on tae's lap.

"You did perfect princess." Jin screamed from the freezer door. He was currently stuffing the packs of different meat in there.

"Yayyy." I clapped making tae chuckle as he squeezed me waist pulling me close to him.

"Who's up for a movie." Jin smiled making everyone run to change into pajamas and grabbing their blankets and pillows. Jin was ordering pizza and pasta as well as many snacks for the day to be ordered as the rest set up the fort for the day.

I was snuggled between Hoseok's legs resting my back against his chest while Jungkook was between mine softly rubbing my thighs as Jin situated himself between his legs. Jimin was on my side playing with my fingers while Yoongi was next to him, Tae was on my other side our fingers laced together with Namjoon was beside him.

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