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Amazi pov

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Amazi pov

I woke up around 6 am to beat Yoongi before he could wake up. The cake me and Jin made was perfect, I just finished decorating the cake and set inside a nice box for the boys bring when we meet them at dinner.

Today was a special day even if Yoongi didn't see it that way we all wanted him to enjoy his day. Army I know will give him lots of love which he deserves so much. I plan to spoil the shit out of him and I don't care how much he pouts.

I placed my Sony headphones on and put on my playlist while I started cooking breakfast for the boys. I was making yoongi his own special meal since he's the birthday boy and made something else for my other boys.

I had a handful of eggs boiling in a pot, bacon and sausage on the plated grill cooking. There was a loaf of bread on the table I will be cutting in triangles to make French toast with. For yoongi specifically I had Samgyeopsal that marinated overnight, perilla leafs and kimchi. I know he loves pork belly the most so he can enjoy that for himself this morning.

Rice was cooking in the rice cooker for all the boys to have if they wanted. I Also had ramen packets ready to be made cause they can eat that any time through the day especially kookie and Tae.


When it got around 7:30am I knew they'd be waking up soon considering they all had to be at the studio today. They've been putting together a new song for their comeback that'll be here in about two months or so at least that's what they are aiming for.

Turning the coffee pot on, I got that going and then set the kettle on for the water to heat up for anyone that wanted some tea instead.

Placing all the finished dishes in the stove so they stay warm I got the plated grill cleaned before placing the Pork belly on it to start cooking. while that cooked I seen the lights come on the hall that's upstairs indicating some of them were awake and probably going to wake the others.

I had several bowls of fresh fruit cut up and started placing all the dishes on the kitchen table and arrange them closest to those that they were for. If Yoongi wanted some of the other items and also wanted to share which I'm positive he will he can I had plenty made. I turned the pork over and got a pan ready to make the French toast.

Another twenty minutes I had everything done, everything was turned off and dishes were soaking so they can be washed later, I placed banana milk on the table for kookie oppa as well as apple and orange juice.

I took my headphones off and stood in front of the table waiting for them to come down stairs. One by one they came down faster than needed because they smelled the food that was cooked.

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