Chapter 3

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Meerab ( POV )

" Beta have you decided what you want to wear on your birthday. " asked Maa Begum to Mariam while we were having our breakfast.

It's early in the morning and the whole family is eating breakfast together. It's the only tradition that I don't mind following.

It's a nice way to spend some time with family and catch up with things  that we may have missed. Since it's a family dinner...we all are here.

Mariam sat next to maa begum and there was one sit empty with her and then murtasim was sitting on the chair next to it. I know haya really wanted to sit in the middle but the way she welcomed me ....she deserves some teasing.

So I took the middle chair , I am sitting between murtasim and Mariam... showing that I wanted to sit with Mariam. Murtasim just gave me a look and a slight good morning nod and it's done.

Haya can marry him , I don't mind it's just sometimes irritating her feels so good . Now if I need something that's on the other side of the table which I can't reach... murtasim helped to get it and haya's face was something to watch. Well back to the main topic.

" Ammi...I thought of going to shop but my exams were going on. But now I am  free and I can shop for my birthday. " She said with a happy smile on her face.

" Your uncles are going out to have a meeting and I am busy today...I don't think it's possible beta. " She Maa Begum and Mariam's face lost all its happiness. I don't understand maa begum. Will Mariam lose her way if she goes alone.

" I can take her , I am free. " Said Murtasim. " Really ...thank you Bhai. Ammi can I take meerab with me please. " She requested. And I was planning to chill alone away from haya today.

" Of course, take haya and Meerab and get all your things done today only. " She said and here goes my good days.

" Ammi, I will get will take them all day . " Said Murtasim making a face. If he doesn't follow us then haya wouldn't come with us ...I have to stop him from following us.

" Or we can take the driver and go ourselves. Murtasim is a busy man we shouldn't disturb him. " I said , I hope she agrees. Then I can have at least one fun day with Mariam.

" That will not have to take someone with you while shopping. We can't just randomly go out. " Said haya and I truly hate her

" Haya is right. Correct, girls from Begum Mahal shouldn't go out alone. Murtasim will go with you. " Said maa Begum, which sounded like an order.

" I always shop alone , I know how to shop and get back home. I can take care of Mariam. " I said trying to keep my anger down. I promised not to create any scenes here.

" Don't talk back to your elders Meerab that's very rude. " Said haya with a proud smile on her face . Maa begum nodded.

" She is younger than you yet so sensable. Murtasim will take you to the mall. As for his work I will have someone handle it for him. " Said maa Begum and I know it's waste to argue with her.

As for haya ...just wait and watch what I will do. " So are we leaving after breakfast? " Asked Mariam. She is really excited about it.

" Yes , now eat first. " Said Murtasim and breakfast went well. My ammi gave me some cash to buy a new dress for myself. Well , since it's a happy occasion...I will buy some this time.

We will go in Murtasim's car. Since he will be driving us he sat  on the drivers sit. And I know where haya wants to sit , but she pissed me off in the breakfast hall.

So I opened the door and sat next to Murtasim. He is surprised twice today. Mariam sat at the back. Haya was little late , so when she arrived her face was something to watch.

" Why are you sitting in the front seat ? " She asked with anger in her voice. " Why is there any problem? " I asked her . Of course she can't state the real reason.

" Murtasim gets uncomfortable with strangers. So go back. " She said trying to open the door so that she could get inside...but it's locked.

" But I am not a stranger...ask Mariam. " I told her. " She is like our  cousin haya..." Said Mariam and by her voice I understand even she is fed up with her.

" Murtasim is it okay if I sit here. " I asked Murtasim. " Fine by me. " he said , the man with few words , I see.

" Why are you standing? You're not coming? " Asked Mariam to haya. Since the situation wasn't in her favour she didn't creat much of a fuss and got inside the car without saying another word.

Murtasim started his car , Mariam spoke continuously about what design she wanted and which color she wanted.

" Bhai you will not buy anything for yourself. " asked Mariam. " I don't like to shop much I don't know about it. " he said Mariam just nodded.

" You should buy new dress too ...I will help you select. " Said Haya. She is always hyper active about murtasim. Well let it be.

" Meerab what are you going to buy? " asked Mariam. " I have lehanga, so I will buy a saree. " I told her , I like wearing sarees. So I decided to buy saree only.

" Alright, I will help you get the best one , we will look too cute together. " Said Mariam and I really love that girl.

"We reached near the big mall. Mariam looks all ready for shopping. We walked in the mall. And Mariam immediately started her dress hunting. She took haya with her.

Murtasim stood awkwardly than he started working on his phone. That workaholic guy. I should probably look for something that I want to wear.

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